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  1. "The way I see it, generalized" [disclaimer] this is solely MY take on Ecig Bans. It's opinion. I'd like feedback, good or bad. The following began with me wanting to rant, but than I had to just verbalize what is probably a fairly common school of thought. Ok. Why? What. In. Gods. name...... IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE. I've been following these proceedings from the US. My opinion is that as goes the UK, so goes the rest if the civilized west. We are here in the US, watching on pins and needles with the EU decisions. We wait in horror, hanging on the every snippet if news regarding "Big Tobacco" ( and big they are) and the insanely corrupt FDA. So instead of spilling into a 2 hour rant about how huge companies that throw around serious $$ and even more serious lawyers are just too much. Although there are power in numbers, money talks...******** walks. Even the most dogged and determined freedom fighters would likely shrug in submission at the mere thought of going to war with The Almighty Dollar. In my opinion, here in the US, I feel like the best case scenario would be for big tobacco a.k.a. R.J. Reynolds a.k.a. Philip Morris to join the ECig movement instead of destroying it because their quarterly profits may have skewed 1.8%. I said I wouldn't rant but on that subject lastly remember that it's not corporations or even government that control these kinds of decisions. the individual shareholders rule all. And yes, here in the center of the Capitalist Mecca, the US, cash is king. Always will be. Now onto the actual point of my post. The division makers and decision makers and even lawmakers are overlooking something very important. "The Nutshell" It can often be elusive, but this battle would be over if....... COMMON SENSE were present. Let us take a step back from the entire issue at hand. Say, a spectator of sorts. We'll call him John Q Public. He sees that there is a product, we'll call it product C. Product C has been studied extensively since the 1960's. We KNOW that it kills thousands every year. We KNOW millions have died as a direct result from using product C. That being said, Mr. Public has often pondered the moral ethics involved when pontificating the idea, ESPECIALLY in such a sterile, politically correct and "nannified" culture we find ourselves in, where in the center of the free world, NYC, your told how much soda you can purchase. Hooray health!! I digress. John Q Public, while unsure about the thinking behind such idiotic legislation, remembers his old buddy from college. His name, COMMON SENSE!! See, Mr. Sense told John that the combination of a tax-paying, privately owned business, an adult of consenting age, and this free country which has historically placed "free enterprise" on a pedestal, all make for a situation in which entity A can exercise his God-given right to eat, drink, or consume whatever the f*** he wants. Likewise, entity B, also exercises their right to enter into a legitimate business, and sell product C. Simple philosophy. Supply and demand. For the sake of sanity, I will bypass further ethical questions raised about the dangers of product C. Flash forward. John Q Public is made aware of a new product. All the rage. (Literally) Its called product V! How exciting. But it gets better. You see, product V fulfills a need for many folks. Product C has been cancerizin' Johnny Public and many of his peers. Johnny, ever the patriot, wanted to let the makers of Product C know, in no uncertain terms, that "I hate your god damned product. It's been nothing but grief since day 1. While I am now angered by your product, I would defend with my life your right to do so. Because I'm quite aware of the meaning of terms like Freedom, Liberty, And the rights of free men. I'm AMERICAN, god damnit, and many many good men died to preserve these unalienable rights which cannot be taken away. Including the right to buy, sell, and consume whatever the hell I want. Back to new & improved Product V! It helps a staggeringly large number of people stop using Product C. It's less expensive, it's considerably less hazardous, although entity FDA-holes told us that its naughty to actually "claim" it's safer. Atlas shrugged. Then product V starts experiencing growth and gaining momentum as an actual viable substitute, all the while literally saving the lives of John Q Publics peers, with help from good people. These peers are often MORE interested in saving lives, paying forward the knowledge that an alternative to Product C exists, and they would love to share the knowledge with anyone who suddenly feels the urge to not get emphysema and drop dead. Best of all, many things associated with product V are fun. Lots of fun acquiring V and V's various accessories. That in turn, creates wealth! Records #s of small business's begin to pop up everywhere. Best of all, those entrepreneurs can rest easy at night knowing that money's coming in, and their saving lives!! (Except the predator companies; you know who u are. #whitecloudgreensmokesV2regal) So, Johnny P has suddenly found a passion that's a healthy alternative to product c. Johnny is a pretty smart fella... He is grateful for V, but also respectful of C's operation. See, like it or not, Product C has every bit the right to sell glass flavored razor blades. In the Capitalist set of ideals, ideals from our forefathers. In short, don't like? Don't buy. Such a Zen, brilliant notion! Free enterprise, in such context, entails that our oppressors, oops, I mean government, should take a break from brutalizing the backsides of John P, and friends. Suddenly the very institution whom Johnny has supported, in concert with some of the very greedy, butt-hurt death merchants, is shattered. One state or country at a time, the ultimate end-game begins with a ground war. Chaos ensues!!! Big C....much...to...powerful. FDA holes posturing to strike when the price is right. Poor John Q Public. "Why? I mean, don't they have enough money already? 80 billion bucks a quarter not cutting it?? Their going after the very thing that saved so many lives, and intruding into MY philosophy, my passion! There must be more John Q Publics out there that feel scared and confused? And 1-800-ASK GARY won't cut it" WHOA!!!! Revelation! Duh! Why didn't I think of this before. My college buddy, Common Sense?!?! Why, if anyone can make some sense out of this half-retarded ****-show, he can. Ill call him....hmmm. He always picks up. I'm worried! The truth hit me like a ton of bricks. He...he's . No it can't be. Indeed, he is gone. Ladies and Gentleman, I regret to inform you, common sense is gone. It's like he just disappeared, vaporized. Ah, full circle. In conclusion, I must address those bleeding heart, special interest lobbying, political favor giving, money starving miserable gluttons. In the words of the great Les Grossman. "First of all, Mr. Constitution killer........ Take about 2 steps back, and literally F*CK YOUR OWN FACE"!!!! This has been an editorial/human interest piece, I've never written or published anything, so pardon the continuity errors. Thanks for reading!! Jason Keenan-Tampa FL
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