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Dasfriek got a reaction from johnrobert1617 in using e cig to quit chewing tobacco
I used Copenhagen for 30 Years and actually stopped by accident.
I was the type that never spit and swallowed the juice so my nic needs were high. One day I tried a Blu cig as I like new things and tried vapingfor enjoyment. At that time I did the Blu and chew with no issues. But my aunt told me about her new vapor setup from a new shop that opened locally.
Know my nic needs I went with 24mg juice, I LOVED VAPING with a good spinner and evod.
My problem started soon after as chewing and vaping 24mg juice started making me nauseous.
I enjoyed the vaping more so I didn't need the chew almost immediately.
That was about 1 year ago and I don't miss the Cope at all.
From what I've read a can of chew has about 4 packs of smokes nicotine in it, swallow it and it's even more.
I don't want to suggest you should get the strongest juice you can and vape to the point you can't chew anymore. But that's what worked for me. I had a chew in my mouth anytime I was awake except for eating and sleeping.
My vaping is the same way in that my PV lives in my hand and I pretty much chain vape.
Good luck, even tho my stopping was by accident I think it would be much harder to purposely try and stop.
Dasfriek got a reaction from Mtdobies in First Coils on RBA - WOW
I dabbled in rba's with a Genisis atomizer which I hated and it took me a year later before I'd try anything rebuildable again.
Now I own a bunch of Kanger tanks and vv/vw mods I need to sell in the classifieds soon.
Rda's are more work, but we'll worth it. Plus expect your juice usage to go way up now also.
I even rebuilt my coils in my regular tanks and still couldn't come close to the flavor of a good rba.
When you do go with mechs make sure you buy the best batteries and charger you can find, you will thank yourself later for that.
Dasfriek got a reaction from Mtdobies in Bump when you get something in vape mail.
I just opened my copper Manhattan clone and it's better than I was hoping for and I had rather high hopes to begin with.
It's 24mm rather than 22 due to its thick walls, and threads much bigger that shouldn't strip even if I tried to do it on purpose.
Each magnet in the switch is 10x thicker than a Nemisis magnet.
Only con I see is no locking ring wich is no big deal since it will never leave my house or see a pocket.
Dasfriek got a reaction from christov11 in Bump Everytime You Buy Something New
I just ordered a copper Manhattan mod clone and a Tobh Atty in SS.
Plus 28, 26 and 24 gauge kanthal.
The mod looks amazing in pics online and heavy as hell. It's a 18650 mod but the copper walls are so thick that it's 24mm outside diameter.
I asked in a thread here about putting a 28.5mm rda on an 18650 mod and how bad it would look proportion wise on a 22mm 18650 mod.
With this mod an oddish 24mm it may look good with a bigger rda on top of it.
The Tobh Atty I ordered is 22mm as couldn't find the Plume Veil SS in stock .
Dasfriek got a reaction from Mtdobies in Bump Everytime You Buy Something New
I just ordered a copper Manhattan mod clone and a Tobh Atty in SS.
Plus 28, 26 and 24 gauge kanthal.
The mod looks amazing in pics online and heavy as hell. It's a 18650 mod but the copper walls are so thick that it's 24mm outside diameter.
I asked in a thread here about putting a 28.5mm rda on an 18650 mod and how bad it would look proportion wise on a 22mm 18650 mod.
With this mod an oddish 24mm it may look good with a bigger rda on top of it.
The Tobh Atty I ordered is 22mm as couldn't find the Plume Veil SS in stock .
Dasfriek got a reaction from Mtdobies in Selecting an RBA/RDA...
I own 2 mechs and 2 Magma's and I want to add a 3rd setup of the same so I can have 3 juices ready to go at all times.
To me I'd buy a kayfun clone as I feel the market is ready for a better replacement that will be even better real soon.
Or find an original barely used for a fraction of the cost of new.
Dasfriek got a reaction from Mtdobies in Tankometer?
I use the one I have that just reads voltages several times a day on both of my mechs, but that one is much better.
I'm gonna have to buy it too next payday.
Dasfriek got a reaction from Mtdobies in Tankometer?
That one is much better than mine and I think I need to try.
This is the one I also described.
Dasfriek got a reaction from Mtdobies in Magma questions....
I'll be shooting for .9ohms when my rayon shows up.
.6 is a bit warm still for my tastes.
I was able to justify the purchase of the second Magna knowing I could vape one and test coil builds on the other.
Imo cream based juices I love that are lite in the flavor dept. Don't do very well at very low ohms.
A few things I love about the Magma is the deep juice well that holds double what my smaller Double Cross rda does.
Also it's 22mm so it looks natural on an 18650 mech, and the bigger build deck allows for more coil configurations without worry of it being too close to the posts or sides of the cap.
I do wish someone would build a air intake in the top of the cap instead of level with the deck so juice won't leak out if you happen to overfill it.
Dasfriek got a reaction from Mtdobies in Dripper clone goto.
When I use my Double Cross rda and kayfun concentrator DT I notice my vapor clouds are very deminished, but the flavor is much richer and almost wet feeling. Clouds do nothing for me visually.
Of course I won't knock anyone if they find it pleasing, more power to them as long as it's done in a safe manner and away from judgemental eyes of non enlightened folk.
Dasfriek got a reaction from Mtdobies in Dripper clone goto.
I can fix a loose DT with a strip of ptfe plumbers tape under the oring.
It's about the safest item to allow contact with juice as I used it a lot in seals on my shine still I used to run.
After a bit of fiddling and closing the acv a lot even the biggest bore I get a taste close to my kayfun tip.
I'm gonna order 3 new big bores to play with.
It seems the kayfun tip gives a more moist vape if that makes any sense.
I'm a big cat lover and don't know what I'd do without mine.
Dasfriek got a reaction from Mtdobies in Dripper clone goto.
Floss is a good idea too, my family is from WV so most only have 1 toof and don't own any floss.
Dasfriek got a reaction from mvince201 in Dripper clone goto.
Floss is a good idea too, my family is from WV so most only have 1 toof and don't own any floss.
Dasfriek got a reaction from Mtdobies in Dripper clone goto.
Of all the new suggestions the Ceribrus looked the best for me, but the Magma I think looks more my style.
Thanks for the help once again guys so I spend my money wisely!
Dasfriek got a reaction from Mtdobies in Whatcha Vaping?
I found a Mothers Milk and Moo Juice killer....
"OH Face" from Beantown Vapers sold threw Giant Vapes at $16.99 shipped free.
It is creamier than anything I've ever tried, but has a good fresh strawberry in front. It's so sweet I feel like I almost put a liquid in my mouth and not just vapor.
It's also 70vg / 30pg iirc.
I'm half way threw my first 30ml bottle and I ordered another one yesterday, it's that darn good.
Dasfriek got a reaction from Love2VapeDaily in which should i use 100% cotton or silica wick?
Cotton is much easier to use than silica, as silica likes to fray when inserting into a coil.
Dasfriek got a reaction from Joshuab3687 in A redneck learns about Scotch....
Phone lag I suppose, or Id10t user error.
Dasfriek got a reaction from Joshuab3687 in A redneck learns about Scotch....
Whooo, what a night!
After a good plate of cheese I finally gave up the fight to stay awake.
Earthling- it appears my spell check nailed me on your name above,sorry.
I'll take a look at some of the Macallan's price wise, but something tells me it just won't be the same.
I did add a splash of water and it did open up the flavors.
It looks like 1/3 of my bottle was stolen while I slept, so I'll make my cat do security at night to keep the wino's away.
At least now I know what to ask for at birthdays and Christmas.
American liquors have NEVER impressed me, well Buffalo Trace's unaged white liquor was just as good as my shine I made. Other than that the flavors and smoothness are hard to reproduce. Sure I could try some some of the better American boozes, but I'm rather sure I'd have a collection of liquor I don't want to drink.
Plain and simple, this Glenlivit Nadurro is magic in a bottle.
Dasfriek got a reaction from Joshuab3687 in A redneck learns about Scotch....
Actually I am Irish, but not Scottish. By a long rooted tree somehow.
30 year old Scotch? That could justify an airline trip just to be there the day you crack it!
Now I have an excuse to buy more expensive vape gear since most cost less than a great bottle of hooch.
Dasfriek got a reaction from Joshuab3687 in A redneck learns about Scotch....
I'm on my 3rd and last snifter tonight, that's what I call a double. Sadley half of one went down the arm of my recliner so I guess I poured some out for my homies.
The Readbreast is about $60 here and is just an Irish Whiskey, Even tho names don't mean much except prestige many times.
Id love to taste it side by side with this Nadurra.
I'm normally a person who thinks a clone is just as good as an original, but I think Shenzhen couldn't reproduce anything like this.
If you got news of ANY Scotch/Irish Whiskey at $20 a bottle that goes down like butter, relaxes like valium and acts like crack I'd love to hear that suggestion!
I knew this was possible when I ran my last batch in NC thru my still with a corn,rye and malt with molasses and brown cane mash run slow threw a pot still, but it was unaged. At 130 proof it went down like butter. As I said I only ran it for my own drinking purposes. But this taste just like my stuffed if it had been aged in a cask.
Dasfriek got a reaction from Joshuab3687 in A redneck learns about Scotch....
I know it seems an odd combination, but I've always enjoyed some of the finer enjoyments in life.
I loved my humidor in the 90's and soon became a craft beer lover in the late 90's.
Going to small scale chef run and owned food joints in the 2k's.
I was taught many of the aspects of moonshine making recently.
Don't get me wrong as I just gave up my Copenhagen last year for vaping, I'm pretty much considered a red neck.
Just one who enjoys trying new stuff and finding all the great things in life. But with a flat top and covered in tattoos and dressed in jeans and a t-shirt.
It started 8 months ago at a small town high end restaurant which was suprising as he'll due to the good food and craft beer. I was drinking an ipa of some sort and the guy next to me orders a shot of Redbreast Irish whiskey. Altho at the time I didn't even know what Scotch was but remembering hearing all my life "Johnny Walker" Scotch sucked.
This shot changed at how I looked at bottled liquor.
It was about 10 sips of heaven, and almost $10 a shot.
So smooth,flavors of heaven and an aftertaste the gingerly lingered almost not long enough.
Due to income, or lack there of I've had to tread lightly.
I later bought a pint of Glinlivet 12yo.
It was good, but didn't set my world on fire.
Redbreast 12yo is $65 hear. I wanted it, but at the moment I'm hung on the astigmatism of "Scotch" .
I knew the Redbreast tasted as good as real breast but if I was gonna spend that kind of money I knew a few things from my moonshine days.
No filtering, and cask strength would be the bomb. As I liked my shine right from the tap, not tempered too 100 proof.
SOB! I just spilt a shot of what I'm drinking down the arm of my recliner!
Ok, I just went all in, and bout a bottle of Glenlivit Nadurra 16yo that was bottled 2 years ago.
Does that 2 years add to the aging process, and conceivably make it 18 yo?
OMG, I can drink this sip by sip until I hit the bottom. I'll kick my own was if I do!
This may be the BEST ANYTHING I ever drink as I normally have to buy my own and I can't ever afford anything more expensive. It is soo smooth and flavorful but the effects of its alchohol is almost Valium like.
So warm and fuzzy and pairs with a great double IPA like nothing else.
Dasfriek got a reaction from Joshuab3687 in A redneck learns about Scotch....
Joshuab3687 - That's one very special bottle above what it is spirit wise. To drink from it will be put pure memories.
EarthLink- I'll comment tommorow hopefully since my eyes are cursing me.
Dasfriek got a reaction from Joshuab3687 in Coil suggestions needed for dripper.
I learned to hate placing coils under screws with an aga t2, they were impossible to get a coil in the position you wanted.
Luckily a local shop has about 10 rda's in stock to see in person.
That is one reason I liked the Double Cross was it's 3 tall post and slotted hex set screw setup.
Dasfriek got a reaction from VIAWOL in Innokin MVP 2.0 Operational Limitations - Graphs and Charts
A few questions here.
Is the first graph actual physical testing done on the device, or is it a theoretical graph.
Are all of the limitations due to the electronics or battery limitations?
I'd be interested also on the VTR's graphs and actual testing and done with a good high end cell and a scrappy cell to see just how much a cheap battery handicaps the device.
I have a feeling in the next year chipset makers will improve to the point that the device will only be held back by its battery.
Dasfriek got a reaction from regal in poor machining of Ebay Nautilus Coils?
I've had this issue with Aerotanks also, But not just on my SVD.
One fix I've done is to pull the base off and take the coil out. Make sure the bottom pin on the coil is not compressing the silicone insert.
With a small tool push the bases pin from the inside out a bit so the Aero base bottom pin will extend out further than normal.
Installing the coil as fast as you can back into the base before the pin goes back to its normal flush position is the goal.
These directions aren't the clearest, but if you can decipher them it may work for you.
Basically what I described is how to make the tanks center pin extend further than normal.