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About MsUnderstood

  • Birthday May 16

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  1. Yep, I shake mine too.
  2. Looks sweet to me.
  3. I fell off the wagon several times myself. I got laid off my job, hit the gas station and bought a pack of smokes. 30 days later my father died from lung cancer but I kept smoking. Watching my father sufficate as he died you'd think I would give the smoking up...nope. I got broncitis and finally stopped.
  4. I think I coughed more when I stopped smoking then when I smoked and it lasted for about three weeks. Then one day you will wake up and realize the caughing stopped. It also was difficult to figure out what to do with my time. LOL no more going out side to puff left me a bit lost.
  5. Black EgO W and 4 needle 10 mg botles. My normal rig is a EgO with a e2 carto.
  6. If you choose the right equipment and e-juice I think it is easier. A friend of mine had no withdrawl and I had a lot. Another thing people don't think about is that smokers get addicted to the cig its self. its kind of like when you hear a heroin addict talk about how just seeing the needle build the thrill of shooting up. I think for some smokers it is the same way.
  7. When buying e-juice I will usually buy the highest nic level and use 0 nic to cut it. I will also vape 0 when I just feel like vapping and right before bed.
  8. I love this company! They have really great prices and they ship lightning fast. What more could you ask for?
  9. I noticed I had stomich issues on PG so I switched to vg with success. I also noticed if I vaped anything over 18 my stomich would get upset. I now vape menthol at 16mg and RY4 at 15mg and I seem to be fine. When I miss the hand mouth action I vape 0.
  10. I use this to do mine http://www.todmuller.com/ejuice/ejuice.php
  11. I have used 100% vg in cartos on my eGo with no problems and right now I am using a CE2. The secret is to use some water to thin it out. I will then put a few drops of nic into the mix. I can not eat, drink or smoke anything with pg because I am allergic to it. If you mix your own becareful who you get flavoring from because some mix pg in it.
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