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Everything posted by Grant951

  1. Can these get pushed down? I had 2 batteries from vape dudes and this happened to them. They are now unusable even after trying to nudge them with tweezers. I've been very paranoid of that since so I only screw my tanks down finger tight. There is normally about 1/16th of an inch gap between the bottom of the tank and the top of my battery. Today the lady at the b&m told me to screw it down all the way (it gets pretty tight to make it seemless with the battery). Can this damage the contact? I was having contact issues before and not getting good hits sometimes, so this definitely helped but I'm worried about ruining my battery.
  2. Okay so I keep all my tanks in a case and it rarely leaves my site. I keep it inside with me at work, where it is normally around 70 degrees so I know it's not a heat issue. However, my t3s leaked, my t2, my protank and another t2. What is causing this? 2 of those tanks needed a new coil which I'm about to replace when I get home. Can a coil gone bad (didn't leak for a week and a half or so) do that? Also two of the tanks that leaked haven't been used in a few days. Could that be the cause? Also, what causes a t2 to get gurgly? I vaped a little over half a tank and now it's gurgling and won't hit worth a crap.
  3. Yeah, I did change the coil and that helped with the throat hit a bit. Unfortunately it's my last of the juice so I'm just going to keep it in there and use it until I get more.
  4. Yes it means letting it sit. Sometimes it can help the flavors mix better. Normally a week is good, try it, I'd you don't like it let it steep some more. It won't always fix a bad juice though. Some are good right out of the mailbox though. Just depends.
  5. Not getting a throat hit at all? Go for lower nicotine if you think you can manage and something like 50/50 or 40/60 pg/VG. I just posted a thread about my juice darkening and I felt like the throat hit dropped when it darkened. Weird.
  6. I have some mint chocolate chip that I got from Ecblends. It was darker to begin with but it has turned a nasty brown color since it's been in my tank. Is this okay? It still tastes fine (actually I think the flavor has decreased a bit) but I feel like throat hit and vapor production has dropped. I also noticed my watermelon and strawberry margarita went from clear to a yellowish color but only when in my tank (t2). Can the darkening cause a drop in flavor production and throat hit?
  7. Does anyone notice a lack in throat hit from Ecblends? I got 60/40 like Joe gotten everywhere else and it seems weaker than any other places 60/40. There is lots of vapor though. I ordered all mine is 60/40, do you think they could have done it wrong or should I just try 70/30 pg/VG?
  8. Didn't know they were that cheap. I'll definitely order a few this weekend. I really like my T2s though. I've grown to love the draw and they are probably the best hitting tank I have besides my protank. I don't mind keeping them topped off I guess. I have 4 so I can rotate them enough throughout the day to avoid getting to or below half a tank.
  9. I bought two T2s with some juice ordered and filled them up and I notice when it's about half way I get burnt hits. If I turn it upside down and swish it around I get some good hits but if I set it upright it happens again. I have another T2 and I've never noticed it with this. I'd just get dry hits very rarely if it was low. What should I do?
  10. Go check it out, posted it a bit ago, and yeah it appears it was just the coil that came with it. From what I've heard that's pretty common with a lot of tanks.
  11. Hi guys! I was at my B&M last night and they had a new tank I've never seen before. It's called an H2. It's a plastic bottom feeder and takes Evod coils (found out this morning that Protank Coils work as well, but more on that later). The draw is just right for me. It's a little tighter than a T2, but not nearly as tight as a Vivi. It produces a great hit, I get a little more vapor than a T2 I'd say. The design is really cool! When it's empty you can't really tell where the center shaft is. It looks like the juice would just fall out! Even when it's full you can see the vapor coming up all the way through it, it's cool to see. The coil I got with it started leaking into the center shaft but I am guessing it was just a bad coil (no surprise there). I did put a Protank coil in it this morning and it was kind of tight when putting it into the center shaft, but it screwed onto the tank just fine and hits even better than the Evod coil it came with, no leaks so far. Overall, as of now I would definitely buy a few more. They're very neat to look at and watch the vapor, and you'll know the minute you have a bad coil because you can see if it is leaking into the shaft. They're like $5 online, but I haven't seen any vendors I'm familiar with carrying it yet (I guess it's pretty new?). Pick one up if you see it, they're very neat! Here are some pictures. I don't know anything about this website so I wouldn't order from it but you can atleast check it out. http://www.greensoundtech.com/new_detailed-30.html
  12. I'll go post one now . I have a pretty good feel for it.
  13. The lady at the b&m said it uses the same one as the evod. Which I believe can use a pro tank coil, so yeah.
  14. I was at my B&m today looking over their hardware and they had a new tank! Something I'd never seen or heard of before. Anyone else heard of these? Are they any good? It hits well and delivers flavor but it seems like the vapor production is lacking. Also it's leaking into the center post quite a bit which I'm hoping is just because it's the coil that it came with.
  15. Holy cow! This juice is amazing! I love the ice cream but absolutely hate how the chocolate gets stuck in my teeth after eating it. I'd take this stuff over the real deal any day. I ordered it with "cool hit" because I thought it'd be weird without it and oh man, it just polishes off the flavor. My only gripe is I only ordered a 5ml bottle! I was very "iffy" on whether I'd like it. Will definitely be ordering a huge bottle next time. The flavor is absolutely spot on.
  16. I know the feeling, buddy.
  17. I'd like to get a drip set up so I can sample new flavors without having to clean out tanks and stuff. Any ideas on a good cheap set up? Preferably something I can use with my variable voltage ego styled battery.
  18. Watermelon from ECBlends.com with sour added. Tastes just like what I was looking for . Weird though, no throat hit or anything on the inhale but a nice smooth throat hit on the exhale?
  19. How Rixter? I'm actually pretty curious about that. And I decided after this bottle I'm done with it for a long time. I've been trying to only vape it after meals, but my tongue feels like it's been through a war. I probably will actually quit vaping it now until my tongue heals and see what taking a few hits once a day does. It's just so good .
  20. Anyone tried Baja blast from them? I just got my order and it tasted alright for like one hit and then started tasting like chocolate? I'm gonna let it air out for a couple days. It kind of reminded me of the candy flavors from skoal too (ewwwwwwwww).
  21. Crap! Totally would have ordered that instead of dragons delight so I could participate .
  22. How do I even begin to figure out what percentage of flavor I want? Is 30% what most people use? Also, I don't understand the top line at all. Is this calculator assuming you're just starting with a vg/pg mix and no nicotine? What if the mix you get already has nicotine? What would you put in?
  23. My bad! Wrong thread :P. I meant to post this in my ECBlends thread. I do need to do an order from fusion though!
  24. I downloaded a couple e juice calculators. I'm doing some theoretical recipes, I don't plan on making these any time soon, but my friend and I are looking to start up a local business and want to figure out profit margins. Basically I'm trying to create let's say a strawberry flavor. Let's say I have some 60/40 unflavored juice with 18mg of nicotine. How can I figure out how much flavoring to add? Like drops and mls. Thanks.
  25. Well my order shipped two days ago and I checked the shipping status with usps the next day online and it said it had departed from the sorting facility and today it didn't update. I'm concerned because every other order ice ever had always updates every day. Has this happened to anyone else?
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