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Everything posted by Grant951

  1. How does the 650 do without the kick? I will order one online if I get one at the b&m.
  2. How is a kick used exactly? Thanks for the speedy reply. How long do the 650s last? What batteries does it take?
  3. I saw one of these at a b&m near me and I am intrigued. The guy didn't know much about them (surprise suprise) so I'm doing some research. I've heard people talking about using a kick with certain batteries in it. What does this mean? What battery is the best in terms of battery life and just a good all around hit? I feel like a more powerful battery could deliver a burnt hit since this isn't a variable voltage battery (well it is I guess, but not like a twist or whatever). Is it possible to ruin it by screwing a tank on too much? Like pushing the contact down? Thanks for the help.
  4. Agreed. I don't regret any of the choices I've made. I went through some pretty scary stuff and I feel like I can take on anything now. It's great.
  5. Mint chocolate chip ice cream from ec blends.
  6. Yeah it just depends, if the juice offers little to no throat hit I can take it straight to the lung and I can also do with with my friends 0mg juice everytime.
  7. I can speak from experience on this. I am almost 20. My parents sheltered me like crazy. I went to a private school until 5th grade, and was forced to go to church every Sunday. Drugs, drinking, sex, etc were never discussed other than "don't do them!" I started smoking when I was 12, partially because I'd always been fascinated by it (kind of a forbidden fruit type thing) and because it was rebellious. Shortly after I started experimenting with other things. When I turned 18, I moved out and went crazy. Almost literally, lol. Got into quite a bit of legal trouble, and I'm now living at home again with a legitimate job this time and saving to move back out. I absolutely love my job and know if I get too out of hand again I will likely lose it. Anyways, the point is, I believe the best thing is, exposure. If I had been exposed to all these things I know for a fact I wouldn't be in the trouble I am in now, and wouldn't have done nearly as much experimenting. Just my two cents.
  8. Strawberry ice cream from a local store. Taste just like it sounds. I wish he would add cool hit though.
  9. Classic pipe tobacco from a local store. Better than any analog or pipe tobacco I ever tried. As bad as I wanted to like smoking a pipe, it tasted awful to me. This however is, is very good.
  10. I went to the semi local flea market yesterday in hopes of finding an e cigarette booth I'd heard someone talk about. All of his tanks were knock offs, however the ce4s seemed to be better than any legit ce4 I've seen. His juice though! I sampled every juice he had (was on the verge of over dosing on nicotine by the end of it since they all had nicotine in them, haha) and they were all pretty good. I didn't taste one single that was gross, some just didn't appeal as much as others. His prices seemed pretty decent for a local place (3 10mls for 20 or 7 each and 5 for no nic). I got to talking to him a bit and he said he mixes them all himself and takes requests for juice flavors. I finally found a tobacco one I like, called classic pipe tobacco. I also got a strawberry ice cream one and a aqua berry blast flavor (I don't taste any berries, just watermelon and bubblegum which is fine by me). The reason I liked it so much was because he didn't bash the other local places, was very kind, and his prices were definitely reasonable considering the quality of juice. My only gripe is, he uses a 80/20 pg/VG mix standard and some juices only come in certain levels of nicotine. Other than that, he's the best local place I've seen so far! His website is smokeless-u.com if anyone wants to check it out!
  11. Okay, thanks guys!
  12. I think I will end up going with a vamo here pretty soon. The first picture you posted, dues it have both the batteries in it or just one? Have you had any issues with the chrome coming off?
  13. I don't see a difference between that and the protank 2...
  14. So can you only use that tank with it?
  15. I looked at the mvp and will definitely consider. Tameiki, how do you like your e vic? I watched a review for it last night and the guy seemed to like it, but he had some issues when plugging it into his computer and stuff to update it.
  16. After watching some reviews on the Vamo, Idk how I feel about the size. What are some smaller sized mods that also offer the option of variable voltage and wattage? I don't really like the idea of a mechanical mod because Id like to be able to keep the same battery in and change voltage and wattage whenever. Also how do mods look with t2s and t3s? Those are my preferred tanks right now.
  17. Replacement ones, the ones that came with it are long gone.
  18. This is getting really annoying. I filled up my protank last night and dried every single part of it including the center shaft. It worked for a few minutes. Today at lunch I put it on and I got little to no vapor production or throat hit. I kept it on and got a decent amount of vapor and throat hit after that throughout the afternoon. I got in the car to go home and I was experiencing the same thing as at lunch. I unscrewed it and it was leaking a decent amount onto the contact. Dried it, sucked air through it pretty hard and it started doing it again even worse. What is the deal with these things? I just replaced the coil on Friday and have had maybe a tank and a half out of it. It seemed fine on Friday if I remember correctly. I'm using a 60/40 pg/VG mix if that matters. I'm really frustrated.
  19. Yeah, the finishes in Sweet-vapes.com look like they'd wear off quick, are their any more basic finishes that wouldn't do that?
  20. I am pretty sure they do take a class like that. Or they are all highly uneducated involving most of today's hot topics.
  21. I am looking to upgrade my battery. I noticed the Vamo seems to be reasonably priced and I like the look of it. What are your guy's opinions?
  22. Your name reminds me of the dreams I have a few times a week. They always involve me smoking again or breaking my e cig somehow. It sucks lol. Welcome!
  23. Last paycheck I only spent 40 I think on juices and two new tanks (get payed bi weekly). This paycheck I've already spent 20 which isn't bad but I plan on spending another 40 or so. So 30 a week isn't too bad, still working on getting a couple more tanks and then after that it'll just be juices and coils.
  24. Ego variable voltage. It has the led indicator on the bottom for battery life and a ring near the bottom that indicated the voltage (red is low, purple is medium blue is high). It's not a problem per say, the tanks just don't need to be screwed down all the way to make contact, but they do come loose in my pocket if you don't. They don't fall off but I do have to rotate it a bit to make it firm on the battery if that makes sense. And I use a kanger protank, t2, and a t3s. I have multiple t2s and t3s'.
  25. Thanks guys! Mcquinn, that definitely makes sense and seems like a reasonable explanation. Thank you.
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