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Everything posted by Grant951

  1. Well I tried a different coil, same ohm and got the same results. I guess I'll have to try 2.2 or 2.5. Unfortunately I don't have an exact answer what I'm vaping at other than its an ego styled battery with 3 voltage levels. I need to order the kick for my k100...
  2. Also, has anyone noticed a lack in vapor and throat hit in the dragon series or dragons delight more specifically? I ordered the rest from them in 60/40 just like Dragons Delight and it seems to have less of both than the other ones. Or could this be a side effect of using the wrong coil?
  3. Okay so I ordered this as a sampler and liked it so much I got the 30ml bottle. I've been vaping it in my Proton with a 1.8ohm coil on high voltage. It tastes very bad by about the 3rd hit. On medium I'll get a couple more before it tastes bad. It's not necessarily burnt like you get with a coil that is just gone bad but a very bad taste-borderline burnt. What should I do? I don't remember what coil I was using with the sampler. Should I bump it up to a 2.2ohm coil?
  4. Okay cool. I will be ordering one soon!
  5. Also, is this a good place to buy batteries? I don't see my 650 working with it, there doesn't seem to be enough room.
  6. Does that allow for building your own coils and wicks? I'd like to get into making some big clouds. Do you have a link to that?
  7. I found one at my B&M! He has a bunch of juice "in the back" that he gives me to try free of charge . He said I'm him official juice tester haha.
  8. My bad, lol. I found it on Google. Their name is us vapor Co. You'd have to call to order juice. No website yet. Their stuff is amazing though.
  9. Thanks so much guys! As to the comment about the button being crappy. I kind of agree. Worked fine at first just fine not great. I messed with it a little on the way home (never a good idea if you're driving lol) and it got even worse (like it was about to fall out) I was ready to go right back and just get my money back. But then the tinker-er in me decided to mess with it. Upton further examination I realized the contact that hits the negative side of battery is a flat slotted screw so I tightened it up and it works better than it did when I got it! Thanks for the pointers guys. Is the direct dripping carto worth getting or should I look for another one that works with the shield?
  10. Thanks! Also another question... The k100 I got is a knockoff I believe. It doesn't have the on and off engraved into it or the logo on the top. It also didn't come with the drip shield/cartomizer for direct dripping. Any idea where I could purchase that separately? I really want it, lol.
  11. I must ask, what does ry4 stand for?
  12. People smell better, save money, regain taste and smelling abilities and are exponentially healthier. It's all a matter of taste. That being said, I only have one tobacco juice at the moment and it's only on occasion. I prefer the fruity flavors.
  13. Thanks for the replies guys. I actually found it after I did some more searching. He said he'd send me some free samples because he has a contract to only sell to the b&m in my state, lol. Which is really cool of him! He was very very nice over the phone and quite generous, it made my day for sure!
  14. Okay I got some AMAZING juice from a b&m yesterday but at $13 for 15ml I just can't justify it. They're good at disguising where they get their juice from though. They come in glass vials with a dripper in the lid. The bottle is very very dark and the label says "white label" and the the flavor is watermelon max. I tried doing a bit of research on Google but didn't turn up much? Any pointers? I'd love a bigger bottle of it.
  15. Where is the cheapest most reliable place I can find this?
  16. No, no one was replying lol. Is the kick by smoke tech good? What wattage does it go to? There was no description on vapor leaf and I couldn't find them on Vv.
  17. Bump
  18. Okay, thanks for the replies guys. Where is the best place to buy a kick? I got it yesterday and I love it .
  19. Dragons delight on my new k100!
  20. Does he use a kick? What kind of battery does he have in it? What voltage do you vape at? Some juices gunk up coils a lot faster than others. Is it dark? Those tend to gunk up coils quicker then light ones in my experience.
  21. At one of the local stores the guy has all the juices for testing out in ce4s. Every single one tastes burnt. If I lightly and quickly hit it, I can get a hint of the taste without the burnt taste. I'd try a different tank.
  22. Gandalf pipe!? Link me! Please! My bad. I quoted the wrong person, but please I need to see this!
  23. What is discharge protection?
  24. Okay, thanks. I'll probably get the kick eventually but I will have to wait on it to get here in the mail. So you think it'll be fine without the kick using a 1.8ohm to 2.5 coil and a 650 battery?
  25. And, where is the best place to buy this online so I can compare prices?
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