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Everything posted by Grant951

  1. Also, is there a place I can buy just the colored part of the battery? Like the part that the bottom screws into, I dropped mine today and it has two small chips in it .
  2. Thanks for the explanation! I see what you're saying. The marks on the potentiometer are what's confusing me. There are 8 marks but only 6 wattage settings. Do you judge by the angle of the numbers? Sorry for my ignorance lol.
  3. Alright so I got my kick in the mail yesterday. It's awesome! I have no idea how to gauge where I'm at though. It's a singelie one. There are 8 indicator marks, but the website says it's from 5 to 15 watts. Have you guys come up with a method to figure out where exactly you're at with it? Also, is the rattlesnake noise a bad thing? It doesn't really bother me except that it makes me a bit uneasy since I don't know if it's normal.
  4. Three kpt2s, a kick and 18500 battery
  5. Yup! And battery and kick. The 18650 will probably never see another day of use when I get that even if it was working.
  6. Not even with the venting holes on the k100? Good to know though. Doesn't really matter to much since I'm getting a new one (efest) in the next couple of days. Does this sound like a battery problem though?
  7. The battery is actually Samsung. My bad. Just tried it again and got two tiny puffs. To me this would almost certainly mean it's the battery. It's obviously making contact if it's producing even the tiniest amount of vapor.
  8. It's a flat top battery. I'm going back to the b&m tomorrow to see what he will do about it. I'm just stressing out about it possibly being the k100, which I don't even know if he carries anymore. I think it was a one order deal. I don't see how it could be though. There is no circuits or anything in it really, just contacts, right?
  9. Okay so the charger I got with mine absolutely sucks. It plugs in and a red light comes on and never goes off, even when it's done charging. The battery (pink Panasonic 18650) was working fine until today. I noticed a drop off in vapor production so I put it on the charger, left it on all day, put it back in and I got a couple tiny hits and then nothing. I'm assuming this is a battery problem? I also think I stuck it on the charger upside down yesterday :/. Could this have caused it? I ordered a new and better battery and charger earlier today, so hopefully that's the problem. I'd like some input to ease my mind until then though...
  10. What's the app called?
  11. My friend got blue honey off of ECblends and it reminded me of the taste shisha has. It must be the honey. I was going to create my own flavor on there with some other fruity mixtures. What do you guys think would be a good percentage to use with the honey? I'm guessing I'd want at least half fruit, but maybe more? Thanks for the opinions.
  12. Thanks! I'll look at it in a bit. I was just trying to figure out if those would work since I'm about to place an order with them.
  13. Okay I get it now. I'm just confused on this item because the description doesn't say much. Does this have the filler? I don't want the filler because it would hold the flavor, I just want it for testing. https://buckysbargainvaping.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=27&products_id=30
  14. Watermelon max in my Kanger Protank 2 off my k100. It's my go to set up right now, it's just perfect.
  15. I'm not quite ready to start so that yet. I definitely will but right now I'm just trying to find some direct drip cartomizers for testing flavors. I want to get comfortable using my kick with my clearomizers first. I'm just trying to figure out if I can use the Boge 510 LR off Bucky's right out of the box for testing flavors (with a drip tip) or if I need to purchase coils for it.
  16. Wait, so is the Boge 510 ready to go or not? Do you need a coil for it or does it come with one? You made it sound like you'll need one. And can you use a drip tip with it?
  17. Also, how exactly do the boge atomizers work? Like, what's in then to catch the juice?
  18. I got 7 15ml testers for free from us vapor company since they have a contract with a local b&m not to sell to anyone in my state but them.
  19. I personally find that very unappealing but I know ECblends has a novelty juice section and you might be able to find something like that there.
  20. Yeah I am moving strictly to online sales now with the exception of a couple flavors of juice I enjoy from the other b&m that sells legit stuff. I enjoy talking to the lady there, she doesn't know too much about e cogs but she's really nice lol.
  21. Explain amps to me if you don't mind? I want to make sure I won't be doing that.
  22. Also, where can I find a really long drip tip? I've seen some that are a couple inches long but can't remember where. Also I'd prefer one that matches the finish on my protank 2.
  23. I am looking for a direct dripping carbonized that I can use to sample flavors I order or to use when I'm looking to mix flavors or cape several different flavors in quick succession. Where can I find this? Also one that would preferably work with the drip shield on my k100 and from buckys bargain store since I'm about to place a big order there. Also, are their efest batteries good? Thanks!
  24. Well guys I think I found the problem. I bought 5 coils from a B&M and upon close examination they are knock off coils. They all made all my juice taste bad. I remembered I had an extra coil I got with my Protank 2 the other day and tried it (1.8) like the other ones supposedly are (he said he thought that's what they were so who knows) and it tasted amazing! I literally went through and tried every coil with it and they all tasted the same. I also tried 2 of them with my raspberry and I was getting the same taste. So disappointed in him...
  25. Huh? Same thing happen to your or something? Thanks for the replies. I'll try a different ohm coil later. What are the chances of it being a bad batch?
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