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Everything posted by Grant951

  1. Yeah I don't care if it's a knockoff as long as it's a good one, but at least tell me. I feel like I've been robbed if I'm not told. One of the local stores sells knockoff Protanks for $25. Didn't buy it, for the record, lol.
  2. I must say I am pretty disappointed! Wasn't getting much of a throat hit or good vapor production at all. I watched a couple reviews and someone mentioned that it takes a couple seconds for it to start cooking the juice. After that it hits fine. I honestly can't really tell a difference between the regular protank coils though. I'm also pretty sure it's burning twice the juice since there is twice the coil, lol. Definitely won't be buying another. However, I was able to vape at 10.5 watts with no burnt flavor with a 2.0 coil! That was cool, but still no increase in vapor production or throat hit.
  3. I'm gonna pick one up at my b&m today as well! Will definitely report back.
  4. From what I've read, caffeine e liquid aren't real. It would take way too much vaping to get a reasonable dose of caffeine. I saw it on ECF
  5. Anyone know if the ones off fast tech are legit?
  6. What website? I have one (a knockoff sadly) and I love it!
  7. I'd buy 10 Protanks (full size) and at least 10 packs of heads.
  8. Yep, same atty. What you guys said does make sense. That's unfortunate .
  9. So I have my k100 kick set to 8 watts and my innokin v3 set to 9 and I'm getting quite a bit more vapor from my k100 and a better throat hit. What gives? I've noticed that when it checks the resistance on my v3 that it says 2 instead of 1.8 (with several of them). Could this be part of the problem? It's rather frustrating.
  10. I'd be down to get 10 or so 1.8 coils and maybe 5 Protanks.
  11. I guess I should have worded it better. By airy I mean I wasn't getting enough vapor or throat hit, lol. I did try cranking the wattage up but it started tasting burnt. I'll give it a shot when I replace a coil next time.
  12. Someone at work asked me where to get my battery and I don't want to send them to my local store because he is over priced and sells a lot of knockoff stuff (all his innokin batteries are legit, I checked the serial number). So where would you guys recommend buying from?
  13. I have like 5 or 6 2.5 and 2.2 ohm coils that came with my Protank 2s and the draw is just too airy. Any way to fix it? I feel bad letting 5 good coils go to waste.
  14. Thanks for the tips guys, the beauty ring helps, I was just wondering about it really though. I just swapped out the coil and it's working great! The grommet had expanded a bit.
  15. Dragons Delight from ECblends!
  16. I've found that depending on how far down I thread my kpt2 I sometimes experience airflow issues. Should I crank it down until it literally won't go, or until it's finger tight? I'm afraid of pushing the contact down if I crank it down all the way.
  17. I only have Kangers but I want to try a Davide soon. They look really neat. I love my Protank 2s though, best tank I've tried to date.
  18. What is the kiss method, haha? Turns out all my coils were fairly gunned up. Nothing a little dry burning couldn't take care of. Also, my Dragons delight was the worst. Granted, it's been in a bit longer than the rest, it still seems to gunk up coils fast. I've noticed this with a few flavors from ECblends. Their juice seems to darken in my tank a lot quicker than other brands of juice. Any idea why?
  19. This is very hard for me to describe, but I'll try my best to be clear. Sometimes I'll get a very sweet feeling/taste in the back of my throat when I vape. One flavor I have does it all the time but I don't really like it anyways so I'm not concerned about it, but now some of my other have been too. Has anyone experienced this? Also, do you guys ever experience days where you just can't seem to get a good throat hit? All of my coils are less than a week old so I don't think that's the issue, but I guess I should do some investigating.
  20. I understand that, but this b&m in particular has some absolutely ridiculous pricing. I almost have a hard time believing OP they're so high!
  21. That is ridiculous! I thought $12 for 15ml was bad (which it is) but that's godawful. They did drop their price today though to 10 for 15ml which is better and I don't mind paying the extra buck for some quality juice.
  22. ECBlends! You order samples for 2.50.
  23. What's wrong with the e fest batteries? I just bought one and I haven't had a problem with it yet.
  24. He did mention bobas bounty in a video which he seems to use in quite a few is a 100% VG blend.
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