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Everything posted by Grant951

  1. I feel like I get a more powerful hit with wattage.
  2. Other way around. Variable Wattage only.
  3. I do this all the time if my hands are full, I've never had a problem and will continue to do that. What vendors say that? I've never seen that, lololol.
  4. I actually had something like that for the first time the other day minus the coffee taste. Might have to try it...
  5. I'd go with the kpt2. I returned my kpt3 to the b&m two days after buying it. It burned up my juice super quick and offered an inferior draw, throat hit, and vapor production.
  6. Would you mind describing it?
  7. Thank you, I should have used Google but i was about to go to sleep and wasn't really thinking. Plus, I would have come here asking what you guys think or know about the vendor.
  8. Thanks for the input guys, glad I'm not crazy. It was really starting to piss me off. I'll try what you said Birddog!
  9. I've been having trouble with this lately. It always seems like when the heat is on, I can't get a good cloud (makes sense since it seems like very dry heat in my car atleast) but it also seems to affect my throat hit. Has anyone else experienced this or am I crazy? It's driving me nuts.
  10. Can you buy replacement o rings for the kpt2 that go in the top and bottom? Like the big thick ones. My friend washed his down the drain.
  11. Has anyone tried the new formula and liked it? I'd like to order but I'm kind of scared, lol.
  12. I dripped some of my Dragons delight and it tasted great. Now I'm trying to Drip a different flavor and I'm getting little vapor and that taste again. I don't understand what I'm doing wrong or not doing
  13. I did, I guess I'll just keep vaping it until the taste goes away. That's about what I was doing Drip wise.
  14. I did a few times and I am getting a horrible taste. I'm getting great vapor production but terrible taste. It's also making me salivate a lot which vaping doesn't normally do. Does any one have a good video with instructions?
  15. Do I drop liquid onto the top mesh thing or around it?
  16. I got this in the mail today and I dry hit it just for the heck of it. It gurgled like there was juice in it and it smells like maple syrup kind of...What the heck? http://www.sweet-vapes.com/shop?page=shop.product_details&flypage=vmj_color_plus.tpl&product_id=294&category_id=63
  17. I don't care much about it either, but it always flashes before I can change my wattage or voltage on my iTastevv so I figured I'd go ahead and see if anyone else pays much attention and compare. I enjoy comparing it to the day before sometimes. Definitely isn't a make or break feature though.
  18. How many puffs do you take in a day? During the week for me it seems to be around 180. It doesn't seem like a lot to me, but im satisfied so that's all that matters lol. Just curious about you guys.
  19. Does fast tech carry any legit products or are they all knockoffs? I've seen some products like the x9 protank that are obviously a knockoff but I've also seen products like the "authentic I clear 30" and "authentic Kanger Protank II" does anyone know if it's actually authentic? I'm thinking about placing an order.
  20. Lol my Co workers say my Dragons delight smells like oreos. It really lines for awhile and when I walk away and walk back it definitely smells like oreos, lol. Tastes nothing like it.
  21. Cool! I'll be looking into their juice then.
  22. Definitely keep us posted. I was thinking of ordering some from them but if their quality has dropped, I will look elsewhere.
  23. I was about to place an order with sweet-vapes and was wondering if they carry anything I could use to direct drip for flavor testing? Thanks.
  24. I'd love to start some DIY to make my own concoctions, but I don't really know where to buy the concentrated flavors. I'm looking for a huge selection since I will be looking to make some more complex flavors. Thanks in advance!
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