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Everything posted by Grant951

  1. So if I get something like the vivi nova or kangaroo protank it will basically last forever? All I have to do is replace the coils and clean it?
  2. So are the ego cc longwicks disposable? I was kind of confused by bcartervol's post. He said they last a long time and then said something about a couple weeks. Is he just talking about the coils lasting a couple weeks? Do you ever have to replace the wicks? Also I will probably get a pack of the clearomizer because I plan on sampling a few different fluids (quite a few probably). What is the cracking I hear about though? Is that with the clearomizer only or the ego Cc as well?
  3. I'm finally getting into e cigs. I haven't actually ordered one yet since I am in between jobs right now, but I'm doing as much research as I can since I have nothing better to do. What are some of your guys favorite sites for juices? I really have no idea where to start looking. Also I'm looking for an opinion on a tobacco flavored juice. My cig of choice would be anything by camel and occasionally a pack of Marlboro 27s. I'm also looking for sites that has a good selection all kinds of different flavors (fruit, sweets, etc) and of course tobacco. Thanks!
  4. Also, do I need the atomizer head and base that comes with the kit if I am going to be using a cartomizer? I'm under the impression if I'm using a cartomizer, the only thing I need is the battery, Carto, and tip.
  5. Thanks for all the help guys! I come with more questions, haha. Being that I am a noob I am going to want to try lots of flavors, and I like experimenting so I will always have lots of flavors. That's one of the main reasons I'm switching to e cigs. What would be the best cartomizer for me? The ones that come in a pack of 5 or one like the vivi nova? It said I could clean it on veteran vaper I believe. Which cartomizer option is most cost effective?
  6. Wait, I'm sorry. I meant cartomizer. I want a cartomizer. Do they ever have to be replaced? I notice they come in packs of five. Also why do you have to replace the coil and wick in them?
  7. Okay, excuse my ignorance. I did some more looking around on veteran vapor. I think I want to go with an atomizer, this means I don't need a cartomizer, right? Do atomizers ever have to be replaced?
  8. What are the c tanks? What is an atomizer cartomizer? I thought those were separate? What is the vision clearomizer? And what would I be getting as opposed to dripping with the starter kit?
  9. I've been reading up on e cigs for about 2 hours now. I'm still rather confused to be honest, lol. Anyways, right now I'm looking at the ego c starter kit on veteran vapor. I have a few questions though. What are the batteries like that come with it? How does the stock ego hit? Why do you have to replace the atomizer heads and how often? Can you put the clear tanks on the ego c, like so you can see how much liquid you have? I also like the mouth piece on them. If I think of anything else I'll post it here, thanks! P. S. Sorry for the noob questions, gotta start somewhere though!
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