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Everything posted by Grant951

  1. I'm vaping 24mg. I used to get nicotine headaches when I'd cut down and go back up to a pack or more a day. I don't think it was a nicotine headache. Idk though, I vaped less than half a ml today and I still felt somewhat nauseous but not nearly as bad. Definitely bareable. I'm gonna try some 100% e juice this weekend when I get paid again.
  2. I'm feeling almost 100% better stomach wise but I have a pretty bad headache now . I haven't vaped since 12,its 5 now. I probably won't vape much for the rest of today and I'm going to take it really slow tomorrow.
  3. I think I may be allergic to e liquid or something in it. I feel super nauseous today. I vaped all day Saturday and Sunday though. Do you guys think I'm allergic or is it just something else?
  4. I'm not sure honestly, lol. It's from the link earlier in this thread. It's the ego o kit from vape dudes. It does look like there is a slot for a small screw driver on the bottom when I take it off the battery. I got the little plastic thing out. It'll is definitely from the top of the clearo where the tip slides in. It functions fine without it and I'll be able to refill it, so oh well I guess :P.
  5. Okay, will do. Also, another question. I charged both the batteries earlier and the light on the charger was green when done. I was charging one before bed and the led on the battery turned off and now the charger is blinking red and green. Is this normal?
  6. It is from vape dudes and says vape dudes on it. I don't think it is from what holds the wicks in place. Because my other one that came with it has the little white seal around the top where the drip tip slides into it. It functions just fine, I just won't be able to refill it.
  7. You can see inside the top part where it is silver and that is where it came from I believe. It looks like it is something to keep it sealed and the part that fell off is that white thing blocking me from refilling it.
  8. Bump for answers Bump for answers
  9. Okay, after looking at it again it came from inside the clearo. Like the top of it so that the drip tip slides in smoothly. How should I go about getting it out and should I bother trying to put it back in?
  10. I got my e cig in the mail today . I have one question though. I filled up both my clearomizers (the ce4s) and after using one of them there is a little white plastic washer type thing in it. I don't know what happened, because it is now in the way of re filling it. It's not the washer from the drip tip and it looks identical to the other one other than that. I don't know where it came from. What should I do?
  11. Thanks for the feedback and advice. I'm going crazy waiting for this thing. I'm hoping it ships tomorrow so I will have it by the weekend.
  12. And speaking of upgrades, I'm already looking at the vision vivi nova tank. What are yours guys opinions on it? All I need is the replacement coils for it and I'll be good for a long time, right?
  13. I picked classic tobacco (don't have super high hopes for it but I had to atleast try to start finding a good tobacco one), fruit tsunami, and ice ice (lots of people said it tastes like Wrigleys and I love Wrigleys).
  14. Okay. I'll look into those. Will I be able to clean out the ones I'm getting with it since I'm getting 3 flavors included?
  15. Thanks for the replies so far. I've just been trying to get an idea for how much more cost effective it will be. Obviously I won't know for sure until I start vaping myself :P.
  16. Hey guys, I have a couple more questions after looking around. I might have already asked this, but I'm asking again because I am confused lol. What are the best clearomizers and or cartomizers for trying different e juices? Should I go with disposable or not for sampling e juices?
  17. Also, how many MLs do you Vape a day? Nicotine content? And how many analogs did you smoke before?
  18. What are some sites with really good prices for sample kits and for e juice in general? I just ordered my starter kit yesterday.
  19. I ordered the starter kit off Vape dudes today! I'm super excited to start vaping .
  20. What pg/vg mix should I use with the cartomizers that come with this kit? I've seen someone only work well with certain mixtures.
  21. Thanks for explaining all of that for me. I am definitely going to go with that kit and then order some stuff off veteran vapor once I try itout
  22. Oh wow! Thanks CJ. I think I'm gonna go with that for now. If I want I can use other cartomizers with it tight? Are those disposable ones that it comes with or can I just change the wicks?
  23. Are both the cartomizers you guys recommended good for trying out new flavors? I am a person who likes to change things up. I constantly switch cig brands. And I am slightly confused on the throat hit vs cloud size. Which mixture gives you which? I'd like a pretty good sized cloud but also a good throat hit (I smoke full flavors). Don't some of the cartomizers only work with certain mixtures? I'll probably go with 2 1300 mAhs. What is the battery life like on those? And why does the voltage matter/what does it do?
  24. Hello everyone. I posted on here about a month ago. I finally got all my backed up bills paid off since I got my new job and I believe I am just abouy ready to start vaping! I am going to go with the ego c for my battery (unless anyone has any better suggestions). What mAh rating or whatever should I go with though? What are the differences? I am also going to go with the clearomizers (the 5 pack replaceable long wick ones). What else do I need? Besides ejuice of course. Also what is a good site for ejuice? I'd like to try lots of different flavors, the more customizable the better!
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