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Everything posted by Grant951

  1. Well, the vivi nova I got came with 2.4, 2.8, and 1.8. I did not like 2.8 and I'm liking 1.8 a lot. I feel like 2.0 or a little higher would be my sweet spot. I'll have to get those next time.
  2. Yeah, I really like the 2.4...I'm hating the 2.8 the hits feel really airy and I'm just having trouble getting a good hit. I guess I'll try the 1.8 and see if that's better.
  3. I smoked a about a pack a day for about 5 years. RYOs for a good year or so, but mostly full flavors and sometimes unfiltered. I didn't smoke nearly as long as a lot of you, but then again I'm only 19. I just started hating everything about cigarettes so I figured it was time to quit. It'll be 2 weeks tomorrow and not a single analog so far. The first week sucked pretty bad (had lots of cramps and what not) but this week has been awesome.
  4. Alright. I just changed it before reading this and I luckily didn't toss the coil for whatever reason. I'll give it a shot. What are the differences between ohms? The one is came with was 2.4 I believe.
  5. I've had the same atomizer in for a week as of today vaping about 1ml a day. I noticed at the top of the wicks on one side it's getting really dark and it's getting hard to get a good hit. Time to change the coil? Also, would that cause the liquid to get darker? I'm vaping a gummy worms flavor that is high in sugar according to the lady at the store.
  6. Hey guys, not sure where this goes, so I'll stick it here. I smoked about a pack a day for about 5 years. Occasionally, seemingly at random I'd get a buzz off the first cig of the day. Nothing compared to my nooby days, but a noticeable buzz none the less. Has anyone experienced a buzz off e cigs? Any tips on how to get one?
  7. I've only been vaping for 2 weeks and I have already turned 4 people into vapers . It's even more awesome, because at my local shop I get a free 10mls with each referral. Makes me feel good too though, saving people from cancer and what not... Well kind of, lol.
  8. Well, I don't have any glass bottles or glass tanks so I'm out of luck for now . Thank you for the offer though, I will definitely keep it in mind. How kind. Elaborate on complex flavor. Does it magically taste extremely different to everyone or..? Also, why the need for glass.
  9. I've bought 6 bottles of fluid and taste tested around 20 more. This is my absolute favorite so far. Unfortunately a 10ml bottle is $10 at my local shop! It tastes identical to big red gum (I believe that's the name). It even has a strange almost highlighter yellow color to it. The throat hit is great and it almost chokes me up for the first few draws like the first few cigs I ever smoked did, but in a good way. Anyone know what website this might have come from? It's amazing but I don't like paying so much for it
  10. What is this stuff? I mean I know it's e juice but what's so magical about it? I read the article and I'm rather confused lol.
  11. I already experienced fast food a week after quitting analogs, I don't know if it was in my head or if my taste buds have already done some major changing but, ewwww. I don't think I'll be eating much fast food anymore. Thanks for the info though!
  12. I see. Thanks for the tip. You kind of described Mt baker, but for the price, I can't wait to try them, lol. Out of the 3 flavors I ordered from vape dudes, I don't think I will vape any of them again. I enjoyed fruit tsunami and ice ice but I went through withdrawals while vaping them and now they remind me of that feeling and even the smell of the juice makes me cringe. I didn't enjoy the tobacco flavors at all, at first or after steeping. They have lots of flavors I'd like to try and everyone in n here seems to rave about them, so I'm not giving up yet. It's just unfortunate I associate those flavors with feeling sick, haha. Don't get me wrong though, I totally loved the flavors at first and they got me of analogs, I just don't like them anymore.
  13. Would you mind mentioning them so I know to be careful of them lol?
  14. What should I do when I have trouble tasting flavors? I quit smoking 9 days ago and I've had trouble tasting my e cig today and yesterday. When do my Tate bus level back out?
  15. Yeah man, for sure. I also got a vivi nova 3ml . It makes the ce4s that came with my kit look like a joke. The only thing I don't like so far is the tip. I really liked the tip on the ce4s. I don't think I can use them with it because it doesn't appear to be threaded :/
  16. Had minimal cramping and other side effects today. I actually felt pretty good overall. I also went to a local e cig store and got some juice and a vivi nova. I got "rad bull" and a honey tobacco flavor that tastes kind of like a clove cigarette. I know I've seen rad bull somewhere online, doctor guys know who carries it? I didn't enjoy paying $10 for a 10ml bottle lol.
  17. Yeah, I have two and come to think of it the other one hits better. I'm ditching them tomorrow though and getting some new cartos or clearos from a local vape place . Still feeling terrible guys, but I know it'll be worth it in the end. I just hope it's the withdrawals and not the e cigm
  18. I pull it into my mouth first. I have a 1000 mah battery. Normally the first couple of hits are perfect when I pull out my vape. After that the vapor is like too smooth and doesn't feel like it fills up my lungs. Even on a fresh charge. Is that just me getting used to the vapor after a couple hits or am I vaping wrong?
  19. Alright, thank you so much for the answers and opinions . I got my e cig exactly how you described (the correct way) and is still scratchy on the exhale. Idk. Maybe I just have to get used to it. Is there a way to get the lung filling feeling and lots of visible vapor? I'd love both .
  20. Alright. Thanks for the replies guys.
  21. So you guys don't think I'm allergic to PG?
  22. Yes, about a pack a day. Since last Saturday. 24mg Ce4 1000mah ego
  23. How much quicker does 100% VG liquid clog up your atty? And is that the thing you replace on cartomizers? I have 3 bottles of 50/50, I'm trying to figure out if I'm allergic to the PG. My stomach has been cramping and kinda gas-y. And I also had a headache for most of the day yesterday. I feel mostly better today, but my stomach is still somewhat uncomfortable. Thoughts? The liquid I have which is from vape dudes kind of scratches my throat on the exhale. But it doesn't really feel like it "fills" up my lungs even if I get a good hit. Recommendations? I'm kind of lost an anxious about all of this . I just vaped a bit of fruit tsunami and it's rather harsh actually and kind of fills up my lungs more than the ice ice. I also attempted washing that clearo out yesterday though, to try a different flavor and might have left a bit of water in it, so that could be it. I don't remember it being quite as harsh or lung filling before lol. Could that be the case?
  24. Also on one of my clearomizers, it doesn't look like one of the wicks is saturated. On my other one both the wicks are almost clear after filling the clearo and this one only has one clear after filling it. The other one does look wet though. Is this normal? And on second thought. I have been feeling like I need to use the bathroom a lot (not pee) today and yesterday so I guess it could be too much nicotine? Thoughts?
  25. I'm vaping 24mg. I used to get nicotine headaches when I'd cut down and go back up to a pack or more a day. I don't think it was a nicotine headache. Idk though, I vaped less than half a ml today and I still felt somewhat nauseous but not nearly as bad. Definitely bareable. I'm gonna try some 100% e juice this weekend when I get paid again.
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