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Everything posted by Grant951

  1. I love smoking hookah. I went to a hookah bar last night with some friends and I realized a portable hookah that doesn't require the set up and clean up would be awesome! Would 100% VG be similar to smoking hookah? I've never vaped 100% VG before. But basically I'm looking for something that you would be able to inhale straight to the lung that would basically feel like air like a hookah does and produce tons of vapor. Also, does anyone know of any shisha companies that produce e liquid?
  2. Not in my experience, just one juice was.
  3. Well after looking at both I decided I will get both lol. This is turning out to be a bit of a hobby (haven't even messed with mods yet, but knowing me I know I will eventually) and a somewhat expensive. It's fine though, I'm probably still spending less than I did on analogs and it's something I actually enjoy versus something I didn't enjoy and something that was killing me. Anywho, what site has these tanks for the cheapest price? Also do they have 2.4 coils for both of these? I love the 2.4 in my vivi and the 2.2 in my T2 is pretty great as well. Will they perform close to my T2 in terms of vapor production and throat hit or will they be different? I love the draw off my vivi and the throat hit but the T2 seems to produce more vapor. It also has a similar throat hit, but my vivi is just a bit better I think. Hopefully one of these tanks I'm going to buy is the best of both worlds .
  4. Alright. So it's down to the KPT2 and the Davide. I really like the way the Davide looks. I haven't checked out the KPT2 yet though. Does the Davide have 2 holes? I like to cover up one of the holes on my T2 sometimes lol.
  5. I understood everything you said, just lots of info so I'm a bit overwhelmed haha. Thank you though! I'm definitely thinking about the davide. Our of all of those bottom feeders, which one do you guys think has the most similar draw to a vivi nova?
  6. How durable would you say the glass is? I move around a lot at work. Is it super thin or kind of thick? I'm leaning towards the plastic but I don't want to deal with cracked tanks after my vivi started leaking.
  7. What are some good bottom feeding tanks? I'd like to try one out.
  8. I see. I've been using it all day today and I like it a lot, but I still think I may prefer my vivi nova. The draw just seems airy and it I get kind of a strange feeling in the back of my throat when I have been vaping for a minute. Like an oily feeling kind of, it's hard to describe.
  9. Why are these so cheap? I bought one today and I love it. But u noticed they're only $5 on the veteran vaper. Also I noticed mine seems to pop sometimes while hitting it. What's up with that?
  10. Thanks! Do they make glass ones?
  11. Also, I have a 3ml tube for my vivi nova. I didn't see any on the veteran vapers where might they carry these?
  12. I see. I was always at less than half a tank since I only vape about a ml a day and I like to switch flavors. I bought a t2 today though on my way home from work. I love it. Fixed the burned taste problem. My only complaint is the draw feels a little airy but the throat and lung hit are amazing. Also seems to produce more vapor. I'm currently using a 2.2 coil in it since it came with that.
  13. Would you mind elaborating on wicking issues? What does that mean exactly?
  14. I'm experiencing this again off and on with a new 1.8 coil. Should I get a new 2.4? Also I noticed 3 small cracks in my tank. You can't feel them on the outside but if you look close enough they are there. I also noticed some leaking. Would this be why? I'm guessing I need to buy a new tank.
  15. I just thought of something. The lady at the store I go to said the gummy worms flavor I got had a high amount of sugar in the flavoring, do you know if strawberry fields does? She said it could kill a coil in like 2 days which was her way of trying to get me to buy more coils but luckily for me dry burning made it good as new.
  16. Does a 1.8 ohm coil vape your liquid faster than a 2.4? Seems like it to me.
  17. Today at worked I noticed a piece of string or something caught in the thread of my vivi nova and I wanted to make sure it wasn't a crack so I tipped it upside down and unscrewed the bottom. Out came 1ml of juice through the drip tip since un screwing it released the plastic thing sealing the lid and tank. Didn't have a back up on me . Lesson learned.
  18. In my case I believe it was the coil. Switched to 1.8 and it tastes fine. Which is kind of strange since I'd guess the 2.4 dropped to somewhere around 1.8 based on the length of use... I'll look into the vision spinner! Thanks!
  19. I wish I knew, man! I hate paying $10 for $10ml and 12 for 15! It's from my local store. I'll upload a picture of the bottles tomorrow and see if anyone might be able to identify them.
  20. This intrigues me. I'd like to get a variable voltage battery soon (I assume that's what you're talking about). What is a good one?
  21. Interesting. So this flavor must be more sensitive to getting too hot than my other ones? It is a different brand now that I think of it, because like I said before the other ones were fine. I also clean it out every day to change flavors (haven't bought an additional tank yet) and do a dry burn to get all the gunk off of it.
  22. Okay, I'll give my 1.8 a shot. It probably is getting a bit too old lol. What do you mean by 2.4 is a little two heavy for you? What is resistance exactly? I can't decide if I like 1.8 or 2.4 more.
  23. 1000mah ego. That's interesting though, I've been using mine for 2 and a half weeks I think. The lower the ohms the more likely it is to cook my juice?
  24. But then again I've been using the same coil with other juices and it was fine. Both before and after using this juice.
  25. Yup, I think you guys are right after doing some experimenting I think I agree. I have a 2.4 on it right now. What should I try instead? I notice if I take a steady lighter draw and for not too long it's fine.
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