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Everything posted by Grant951

  1. Also I was looking on the veteran vaper and they have coils for 2.49. Is that for each or a pack of 5 like the picture? Do the metal ones have a metal taste at all?
  2. I know plenty of people that do unfortunately. And the Tommy Chong scandal was over him selling to a narc in a state that had outlawed buying paraphernalia online I believe. He refused to do it for quite a bit of time, but the guy kept bugging the crap out of him until he did it. So much corruption these days .
  3. 'Attaboy! I'm about to complete my 5th week almost analog free. I smoked 2 cigs 2 weeks after quitting (one for the heck of it, wasn't really craving it) and one the next day because I had gone out to eat and accidentally left my e cig at home. Third one was a week later when my friend quit and handed all four of us a cig and told us to smoke a last one with him, again wasn't craving one but it was a why the heck not situation. Last one was a week ago when my e cig wasn't working and I was incredibly frustrated and didn't have my back up on me. This was the most important one. I realized I get a better throat hit and lung hit from e cigs and they taste so bad and boring, and the taste lingered FOREVER. Everyone I crave one I think of that last one and it helps immensely. Anyways, congratulations though! That's awesome . Here's to another 3 months smoke free and hopefully many more!
  4. That's over 900mg of nicotine (assuming it's 32mg per ml. I think there was a misunderstanding or something lol.
  5. Thank ya!
  6. I guess those are the same size the measurement markings just don't go up as high?
  7. I'm planning on getting a kanger but I have extra coils and I enjoy using it, plus I'd like to have a few different types of tanks on hand.
  8. I know I posted about this not too long ago, and I even used the search function and couldn't find it. I forgot what you guys said about it though. I have a 3ml tank on my vivi that is severely cracked and leaks like crazy. I can only find 3.5s though. Will that work? I feel like it'd need to be a 3 because of the way the silicone part seals with the lid to keep it from coming out of the top.
  9. Are the mini T3s' the same exact thing just with a smaller tank? Discount vapers is out of the clear T3s' so I was thinking about just getting those.
  10. I want some huge clouds of vapor. But I still want a good throat hit. What do you guys suggest? Would a 60/40 VG ratio offer that? Could a variable voltage battery help? I'm planning on getting one Friday. Any tanks specialize in mass amounts of vapor?
  11. And I'm definitely planning on getting glass, as mentioned in the OP but I don't have the money to drop on a bunch of them. I'm a different juice everyday kind of guy lol.
  12. What exactly was the problem with leaking on the t3, bcarter? I didn't quite understand what was causing the leaking or whatever. Has anyone else experienced this? Other than that it sounds like a great tank. How would you describe the draw compared to the t2? That was the only thing you didn't cover that I'm really curious about. I'm used to the T2s draw now, but I'd still rather hit my vivi because of the draw.
  13. What do you guys think of these? How do they compare to the T2s? Is the draw tighter? Was thinking about getting a couple when I order my protank 2.
  14. Apple pie moonshine is where it's at. One of the few benefits of living in Kentucky is moonshine is more readily accessible than other states. I think so atleast.
  15. Yes Christie, I'm kind of confused by your post.
  16. Less than a week old. I've found that dry burning the coil helps with the flavor.
  17. Okay so I have a 1000mah from vape dudes and there is something wrong with it. I think the contact in the battery is loose or something because when I try it with my T2 it doesn't work, however my vivi nova does work with it, I think because the contact know the vivi pushes it down more. Whenever I plug it into my charger the light just stays green on the charger and the led on the battery blinks for awhile and then just stays on. Does it sound like it's charging? I've been using my other battery so I haven't actually drained the other one yet.
  18. That is so cool! What a genius idea! That is probably only possible because of the lack of regulation, though.
  19. Thanks for the tip! Vanilla sounds like it'd be amazing with coffee. I'll give it a shot for sure.
  20. It's been in my T2 since Sunday I think and I mixed it with some other juice which made it a bit darker but it just keeps getting darker and is starting to kind of taste bad. What causes it to darken?
  21. What kind of flavors go good with coffee? I can't stand fruity flavors with my coffee in the morning, they taste horrible. And I don't really like any tobacco flavors anymore. Suggestions?
  22. 1 or 2. I need more tanks though.
  23. Doubtful. I'd like to get to around 12mgs though. That's my goal for now.
  24. Yeah it does, I'm Just looking for e liquid that tastes like the hookah flavors or are made by the same people.
  25. Yeah, I've seen those, but I'm looking for juice. I have a feeling those are just as bad as disposable e cigs. I want to continue to use my current pv
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