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Everything posted by Grant951

  1. Have you tried dry burning? I've thought my coil was out before and was experiencing this and I just rinsed everything out and did a dry burn and it's still kicking a week and a half later.
  2. I work with quite a few people that smoke to and I sometimes stand outside to talk to them and take a break from work. I certainly don't enjoy the smell but it's bearable and it doesn't give me a headache. It must just be from sitting in smoke inside. It's dreadful, I hate that my clothes still smell like analogs because of it. Hopefully she is quitting this weekend...
  3. If we could get a couple more people to meet up with we should definitely do it.
  4. Cascadianexotics, where to get those geckos in the OP? They're adorable, lol. I've never seen them at a pet store though. I want one of those, a chameleon, and a bearded dragon eventually. And depending on how I like those, I'd love to get an iguana eventually.
  5. My girlfriend still smokes (inside when I'm at her house) and I feel like it's giving me a headache. I used to smoke analogs inside all the tine with her and it never bothered me. But now I absolutely cannot stand the smell, and the only time I get a headache lately is when I'm at her house. Anyone else experience this?
  6. Quite a diverse crowd we have here. I'm glad everyone is able to vape while working.
  7. Okay. Unfortunately that will have to wait until I can make it to my b&m on Wednesday . I'm not too worried about I guess. I got my T3s' today and I love them. I definitely prefer bottom feeders and the way they hit over my vivi. The metal tank also prevents me from seeing the juice and being able to make sure the wicks are wet. I got it though because the plastic one broke so easily. Quick question about the T3s though. I noticed the contact sticks down pretty far and when I screw it onto my variable voltage battery there is about a 16th of an inch gap. I could keep turning it (it is tight and it hits as is) but I'm afraid I'll squish the contact like I did with my vivi nova on another battery and it'll only be able to work with my t3, lol. What do?
  8. I got a metal tank for my vivi nova today since my plastic one cracked and both the juices I've tried in it taste burnt. Could this be why? I'm using a 2.4 coil and I believe it's brand new. I can't honestly remember though since it's been so long since I used it. It looked new when I put it in though.
  9. I build, assemble, and wire control panels for gasoline vapor recovery units. I love to build things so I love what I do. Everyone I work with is pretty awesome as well. I can also vape while I work (secretly my favorite part :P). Who else is allowed to do this?
  10. I feel like everytime I go through a 10 or 15ml bottle I never want to order it or get it again, even though I like them all. I just get burned out on them. Anyone else experience this? How do I avoid it?
  11. Rootbeer float from Mt baker vapor. Must admit, it's not a bad flavor to wake up to. I don't think it'll go good with the coffee I'm about to drink though. Gotta try it though, haha
  12. Dang . I'd love something like that.
  13. Indeed . I'm meeting up with my friend this weekend. We'll do some research. I'll let you guys know what we find out.
  14. Bcarter, I must ask. Does the rasta blood taste at all like you know? I read it had a hint of that flavor in it.
  15. I don't even know where to begin...this is exactly why I hate watching the news. No matter what it is, you're getting a slanted view. This article did give a few numbers, which surprised me. However, it didn't say how many of those kids smoked analogs prior to picking up an e cig, only that some admitted to smoking an analog as well. I really don't even think someone can get addicted (easily atleast) to an e cig alone. It's lacking all the chemicals that help deliver it and get you hooked like an analog does. Unfortunately the majority of Americans believe this bs because it's coming from their beloved and trusted news sources that should absolutely not be trusted. So much ignorance. /rant
  16. Haha where do you live? I'm trying to find some vapers in Louisville Kentucky to meet up with.
  17. I never drank water really. I drink like 3 bottles a day normally. I normally down a bottle on the way to work and then have 2 or 3 big cups (like a thermos thingy) of coffee before lunch and get a 44 ounce sofa at lunch and drink that until I go home. When I get home I drink a bottle of water throughout the afternoon and then normally water with dinner and some after. I drink water all day on the weekends, normally just one cup of coffee in the morning. How long have you been vaping, kerk?
  18. I got this as a free sample and it's amazing. I thought I'd be disgusting but it's quite tasty. Only problem is, when I search it on their site or doesn't show up so I can't order more . Anyone know why?
  19. I experienced this at first. I've either gotten so used to it that I don't notice it or it just doesn't happen anymore. I stepped up my water intake.
  20. Thanks for the replies guys. I definitely need to look into the local laws. I like the mobile truck idea because I wouldn't have to hire people and I'd be able to go to festivals, fairs, concerts, bars, etc. Plus I wouldn't have to pay rent. Although, I'm sure gas will add up. Like I said it's still in the very early planning stages.
  21. Thanks for the advice guys. I'll let it steep for awhile and see what they're like in awhile.
  22. I saw someone posted on here about their husband having one, if you see this please let me know! Or if anyone knows who I'm talking about please let me know. I and two friends are thinking about starting up a mobile e cig store. It appears to be a very lucrative business. I think we could pull it off. I'd love to talk to someone who has one going though. The only thing I'm concerned about is, repeat customers since it'd be a mobile store. It's all stuff to consider and figure out. We're still in the planning stages and want to figure out how realistic it would be for us. Thanks for any tips and advice. Figured I gotta start asking questions somewhere small before I get into the legal aspects and what not.
  23. Lol, elaborate aquatroy?
  24. No, never did it to my cigs either. My friend is though, I hate hitting his e cig lol. Top each his own though.
  25. My bad guys, I've been busy so I haven't been able to get on. Yes I am talking about my protank, however I also have a T2 :P. It does fire though, just leaks like crazy. I do believe it is the one that it came with installed. And yes, I added to the existing flavor wick.
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