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Everything posted by Grant951

  1. Snake venom from seduce juice! So good.
  2. SMH. You really don't need to be vaping with RDAs then. What kind of battery and charger do you have?
  3. Don't over vape honey Peary. I did and I can't stand it anymore. The smell alone literally makes me nauseous. Just take it slow with that flavor lol.
  4. Oorah by Indigo is the best tobacco flavor I've ever tried, hands down. Deadly Sin by goodlife is a must try if you like bakery juices.
  5. I don't see why people automatically assume they can vape everywhere they can't smoke. The smell can still bother people, some people can even have allergic reactions to the second hand vapor from some flavors. It really is up to the business owner, so I don't think people should get so butthurt over it.
  6. Is pluid hard on the taste buds like cinnamon juices? I feel like I've heard it can be. What are yours guy's experiences with it?
  7. The vapor chefs honey Peary out of my new Russian 91%! Damn good vape.
  8. I guess it technically is a waterpipe, but not the kind most of us think of when we hear that, lol. Its tobacco covered in some kind of syrup (can't remember what kinds they use at the moment) that gets vaporized. You can get some pretty nice clouds with it. I'm glad someone else found their juice though! I really want to try Pirates cave since it's my all time favorite shisha but I've been pre occupied with other juice.
  9. No, lol. The base of the coil. I have noticed when it starts leaking that if I take it apart dry everything out (except for the tank) and re assemble it I can vape it dry. I don't get it... Also all my o rings and threads are perfectly intact.
  10. Hahaha, probably my favorite movie of all time.
  11. I'll check on this.
  12. It's the juice vaping! Completely normal. It'll tone down after awhile.
  13. Side slots as in where the wicks peek out? I cut them almost flush but not quite. The juice actually seems to mainly leak out the sides of the coil (not through the little hole) and not just on one coil, but every single one I rebuild.
  14. 10 wraps of 30 gauge around a 1/16th drip bit and then torched. And I'm using cotton with a flavor wick.
  15. So I've been rebuilding my Protanks and where exactly they get to about 3/4 empty they start to leak like mad. It's super irritating. I get amazing vapor and flavor up until that point though. What do?
  16. Thank you! And I know it won't be cheap, I just don't want to over pay for an already expensive item.
  17. I'd like to find an authentic Nemesis. Anyone know the best and cheapest place to order from?
  18. That's how dragons delight was for me, it just started tasting horrible after awhile, I still have enough to drip though, so I may try that tomorrow. I still need to see about trying some other dragon juices from them.
  19. It's not really hitting your throat since you're taking it straight to your lungs. Draw it into your mouth then inhale some air.
  20. Do you guys get superior clouds with cotton? Mine seem to be whispier than they are with silica. The cotton is definitely making good contact with the inside of the coil...
  21. I had someone help me and it seems to have stopped leaking, he added a pretty big flavor wick. I now have another question though. I built a dual coil in my igo w3 and it was producing huge clouds with a silica wick. Now I rebuilt it with the same ohm coil (micro this time) and used cotton and the clouds seems thinner, just like with the protank. Is there a break in time so to speak for cotton? I've seen a lot of videos talking about better clouds with cotton, but I'm just not experiencing it. I pulled a fairly wispy strand of cotton through the coil but thick enough to get some good resistance when I pull it back and forth. Like, I can feel it making good contact. I'm also used 30/70 pg/vg juice.
  22. Try oorah from Indigo and or El kamino from good life. All other tobacco flavors I tried were horrid until I found these.
  23. As in don't pull it into your lungs after words? I've never heard of anyone recommending this or doing it.
  24. Do you all suggest a flavor wick for a cotton build? I can't get mine to stop leaking ever. The flavor and vapor production is good though, so I don't know what I'm doing wrong...
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