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Everything posted by CJ323

  1. Thx. I remember about using sub and dropping nic. So I took my recipe and dropped flavor percentage as well and SO much better. New to the sub scene, so learning new stuff. Thx again...
  2. First box mod and using diy RY4 that on my spinners comes out fantastic. Not getting this flavor on the vtc. On a 0.4 coil And have tried low watts up to high. First time with sub stuff just wondering if there's a trick for flavor. It's not horribly bad just different? Thx for any help...
  3. Was it any good? Get any of the notes? The Black / Mild wasn't even close to me..
  4. I whipped a batch of #7 a week ago and although decent vape, nothing close to Bobas to me. I got to much of a cherry taste out of it ( saw few others had this in the big thread ). Will steep for cpl more weeks and see what happens.
  5. Ordered flavors to try some DIY BB.
  6. Placed few orders with them and no probs. takes 10 - 12 days depending on your location. This is the kit I got, better charger. It's been fantastic so far. https://www.fasttech.com/p/1395801
  7. Still keeping an eye on that thread. Seems #7 is still the closest, but they are getting closer.
  8. Had mine for 3 weeks now and love it! Enjoy...
  9. Hmm, what dept is this in? Thx...
  10. http://www.vaportalkstore.com/vivi-nova-replacement-coil-2-8ohm-regular/
  11. Could see if Mark could set you up with something like this? https://www.ecigarettestorage.com/shop/the-vapestation/
  12. 1300 Spinner/ Evod w/ RY4 1000 Ego/ Evod w/ 555 Vamo/ Vivi Nova w/ Bobas Been on that rotation for about a month now.
  13. C'mon Carter start hitting that thing more! My 1300's only last 12 hrs.
  14. Np, good luck with Cutler. He might need his pacifier again!
  15. Been one for about 40 years and you know how many times I've heard that line? Bears fan no doubt? That's ok I'm married to one.
  16. Hurt so bad that I had to order another bottle!
  17. Warm water in a ziplock baggie as well helps.
  18. Rut Roh, looks like someone needs some help.
  19. Np bud, just hoping someone can get something close to it. Took a few weeks but that stuff grew on me...
  20. Np, wished I knew what I was doing with DIY. Still got a bit to learn...
  21. Think this is what they are talking about, not positive though. http://shop.perfumersapprentice.com/p-6787-tobacco-blend-pg.aspx
  22. Glad I could help, about the only highlight from this year trip.
  23. Think we need to set up a juice swap! I've got quite a collection goin that's just collecting dust and probally won't get used.
  24. Keep going back to the RY4 and now getting on a 555 kick!
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