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Everything posted by Julius

  1. I LOVE it!!! great battery life and much more flavor and vapor than the others I used, In my opinion it was money well spent
  2. so i take it that i made a good choice? lol. and thank you
  3. So I was going to get the ego twist.. but then I saw this Ego V Mega VV Anybody have any experience with this? It looks very nice. Ordered last night and wondered what you guys thought about it I am very exited bc I have never had a VV before, Only been using a standard ego battery and vision redux clearomizers. Whats your input? And any recommendations for a tank that will do good with 3.0 - 6.0 volts? Thank you
  4. Hello everyone, I am quite new to vaping and am looking for a good community website to become a part of.
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