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Everything posted by toddbrennan

  1. oh cool vape dudes. I got buttery nipple. cake, and belgian blue from them all good
  2. Who has Strawberry fields?
  3. I dont understand all the 510 , Ego adaptor stuff . I have an ego mini battery and the Evod fits perfectly
  4. I have an ego 350 mAh I use with vision tank c4 clearos. Love it!
  5. yeah its definitely different threading than a 510
  6. I have a MX-9 from Nica pure. It is a nice unit. Plenty of vaper. I believe the battery is 900 mah. However they dont sat what size the cartomizers it uses are. They call them capsules. I bout some boge 510's and they dont fit. Maybe one of you experienced people can go on nicapure.com look at the MX-9, the cartos for it MX-9C and give me an idea what they are.
  7. I bet you are making the same mistake I made in the beginning. Most of those prefilled cartos have a little silicone ring on top of the filling material. Once I realized that (mine was a BLU) I just also popped out the little ring, and then the juice absorbed nicely
  8. I ordered one of those CartoBlast/CartoJet Combos from Nica Pure. I didn't understand why over a week later it was still not sent out. I got in touch with Greg, and he explained to me that there was a temporary glitch in their ordering system. To make it up to me he overnighted my items, and added one of their kits with the ego 650 mAH battery, a charger , a few empty cartos, and a free bottle of Hazelnut juice which was delicious. These are some great guys check them out www.nicapure.com
  9. Hey by the way thanks for turning me on to vape dudes (cool site). They have a 40% off code that gets reset at 8AM central time, but u have to be fast because there are like only 15 allowed
  10. How do those USB adapters work with the stuff you have now?
  11. I am hoping so, but I bought a device to easily clean and fill BLU cartos, so I am going to use that also. In all honestty, the BLU may not have the greatest battery life, but that little half a ciggerette thing vapes pretty good. I get plenty of throat hit and vapor
  12. well I got The ego mini starter and a 10 ml bottle of cin a bun juice for 21.00. That aint too shabby>. I wanted to spend a very little bcause I just spent 70.00 on the BLU
  13. I wanted to stay with my BLU for awhile because I payed 70.00 for it. However scvapors.com had the ego mini starter kit for 14.95 just couldnt resist. Has anybody used it?
  14. Great picks for a newbie. Most newbies like me get fooled into BLU starter kits or something comperable.
  15. That little looking glass does not search the forums. It's a web search, I think?
  16. NicaPure sells a device called a CartoBlast/ CartoJet that allows you to clean and re-fill pre-filled cartos. It is basically some tubes and a syringe. You use distilled water that you suck in and out of it , and then air that you suck in and out of it to clean. You add another tube, stick it in your bottle of juice suck it up through your carto, push it back through. Voila, you dont even have to take the little cap off. The only drawback is you can probably make your own for a lot cheaper
  17. I heard a lot of folks say the vanilla in BLU cartos is very good. That is made by Johnson Creek, but they wont sell BLU propriatery juices. However I would think thier own Vanilas have to be very close
  18. If I want to ask a question, I dont want to start a new thread about something that is disscussed in other threads. How do I search for a topic?
  19. I hear ya Bro. that 70.00 was hard spent. I would send it back its still under 30 days, but I bought it from a local store and it will be a big hassle i'm sure
  20. True, but Menthols were much worse. Oftentimes I would have to poo right after a Newport
  21. I basically only vape when I get home from work. So that is like bewtween the hours of 5PM and 9PM. I try not to go too crazy keeping my vaping to an acceptable level, but I have found gas and bloating during the night that sometimes keeps me awake. Maybe I will try some gas x or something. I also notice I have to poo as soon as I get up now which never happened my whole life
  22. Hello people,Todd Brennan from NY here. New vaper, started with a Blu kit, and wish I had read all the stuff about poor battery life etc. I bought a device from micronix that cleans and re- fills the BLU cartos and some juice, and I'm going to try that. I know eventually I will upgrade to a better device.
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