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JRVapes last won the day on August 30 2010

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    Central Pa.
  • Interests
    E cigs, Motorcycles, Music, AKTI,

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  1. Hello eveyone, long time no post, but Erika I ran into the same problem you are having sometime ago and in my IMHO it's not the way you are filling them it's the cartos with brass threads are just absoluely terrible, burnt taste no matter what you do but as pointed out to you earlier if you get the silver threaded Boge cartos that will rarely ever happen. Just very hard to make sure you get the right ones because soooooo many e cig vendors have very little if any information about their products. Hope this helps and good luck
  2. ...thought this was pretty cool My link
  3. No difference between genuine Joye eGo and Janty eGo, they are the same. And the Tornado is also the same. Try this My link
  4. Fantastic article, thanks for sharing!
  5. Yes +1 Burn. I never started vaping to quit smoking, I love to smoke, just not nasty burning tobacco ever again!
  6. Yeah mine comes loose enough not to make the connection every once in awhile also but no biggie cause I'm forever just wiping it down with a damp paper towel for whatever reason (habit?) and always turn it tight anyways. But if it doesn't fire when button pushed def the first thing to check.
  7. Yes the gray Ultrafire CR16340(CR123A) 3.6v 880mah batteries will not only work but are also the ones I use in my Joker and would also recommend. I don't have the 900mah 3v Tenergy batteries but I do have the 750mah Tenergy batteries and they don't last nearly as long as the Ultrafires do so I can't really see the 900 mah batts doing much better if they are even 900 mah to begin with but thats another story. yeah I think they would (and already have) just check around all the forums and threads about people complaining about the price of the Joker. Considering it costs roughly 2-3 cartons of cigarettes that lasted me less than 3 weeks I actually think it's a pretty fair for what you get but maybe that's just me. Hope this helps and when you get your Joker you'll know what I mean.
  8. I did the same thing with the ego, didn't think anything could be better so I bought like 8 of them, then I purchased a Joker (actually 2 of them) and the ego's have never been used since. Also, I used the LR on the ego and still not the same as HV.
  9. My wife still smokes also, she says they are to strong and coughs like crazy even though I have mixed up some 0 nic juice on an ego, although the last time she tried it (about 2 weeks ago) she said it wasn't too bad but she stills shows no interest to switch. Someday she will come around, I think.
  10. AHEM! I was referring to your friend at work not you.
  11. I also have been looking to get some E2 Ceramic Cartomizers and thought I just checked at Clouds of Vapor and they were out of stock, maybe had them in for just 1 day?? I know what you mean though by having to go to many different places to find what you need, enjoy! BTW, please let us know what you think of the E2 Ceramic Cartomizers vs the reg 510 cartos.
  12. yeah, just read an article and it must be true especially if it's coming from the goverment.
  13. lol owutaqt, we were both replying at the same time but you are right when you say "makes one wonder" wonder where they are gonna get all that cigarette tax revenue lost.
  14. Not much, that article is over a year old dated 7/22/2009. The topic of e cigarette safety (kind of a misnomer) has been a very heated topic since......well since the FDA got involved. I'm here to stay, ain't goin back to analogs!
  15. Probably off topic but Kitsune you sound like a great nurse!
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