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Everything posted by Wreckoncile
32 Mature People Truths
Wreckoncile replied to Christopher's topic in The Vape Lounge - Off Topic Chat
#26 finally proved to me that Chris lives in SoCal... all the packages received from SoCal didn't do it, the fact that he says he's from SoCal didn't do it, but #26 is something everyone in SoCal is familiar with either from hating it (and the wimps that let those damn BMWs cut, and make no mistake, its almost always a BMW) or practicing it (may their seed be banished from the Earth). -
1St Vs. 2Nd Generation Ego-T Atomizer
Wreckoncile replied to Wreckoncile's topic in General Vaping Discussion
Apparently the second generation isn't available yet, so I just went ahead and ordered a couple more of the first generation ones at the discounted price. Eventually, I'll get a second generation to see what the differences are and I'll post a review when I do. -
Hey guys, so I'm looking at getting a new ego-T tank atomizer and I was looking at IndyVaporShop (pretty much the only other site I use for supplies aside from VT store). Well, when I was looking I noticed that they had a first and second generation of ego-T tank attys. I was wondering if anyone knew the difference. It looks like both of them will work with any Ego battery (I use passthroughs). I got a first generation t-tank through Indy and I loved it, but it did seem to burn out a little quicker than the average atty (although it could be because I loved it so much it became my primary atty), so I'm thinking maybe the QC on this generation is better. But I'm really just trying to find out if anyone has tried this second generation and concluded anything about it relative to the first. Thanks.
Of Course I'd Find A Way To Break My Ego Pt
Wreckoncile replied to Wreckoncile's topic in Troubleshooting & Technical Issues
Thanks guys. I appreciate the advise and help on this. I tried the ten click trick last night and it wasn't working at all. But then this morning it started working again properly, so I'm stoked. Its amazing the difference between this eGo and my backup standard 510's. Love having my eGo back. -
Although I'm hoping its not beyond repair, maybe you guys can help. So this thing was working wonders, to the point that I was damn near turning into a salesman for it (and the VaporTalk Store). Well, Sunday morning, my computer was off and I didn't want to start it back up. But the eGo PT needed a charge in advance of the SB party I was attending. Now, I never ordered the eGo starter kit, so the only wall charger I had was the standard 510 (I don't know what the power those things kick out is, but I imagine less than an eGo wallcharger). So I plugged the USB into the 510 Wall Charger USB slot. Ever since, my eGo PT has been having some issues. The thing won't turn on half the time, and now when it does, it won't turn off about half the time unless I unscrew my atty. And then there are times where it mysteriously turns on by itself. The switch doesn't feel stuck at all, so I really don't think that's the issue. I'm in the process of trying to use up all the juice in it and recharge from dead using only my computer (btw, I would also sometimes use my PS3 USB input for charging it, but it never had any issues. These didn't happen till I used the 510 walladapter). Any other tips/recommendations would be greatly appreciated. I'm still convinced this unit is the gold standard in PV tech (and when it does hit, it is unrivaled). I just wanna fix it, eventhough I plan on ordering a few extras to keep in the bullpen anyway.
My Joye Ego Taste Really Bad! Need Some Help.
Wreckoncile replied to AR7K's topic in New Vapers Forum
After you clean the atomizer, it'll "hit dry" (namely taste like you didnt add any liquid to it) for up to 10 drags usually. -
Celebrity Spokesperson For E-Cig Industry?
Wreckoncile replied to Burn's topic in Vaping Legislation & Regulation News
Seriously guys, we can do much better (and more contemporary relevence!) in terms of celebrity spokespeople... -
I'm in the Thousand Oaks area, and no, the ring is not mine. Although if I ever find a Kansas City Chiefs Super Bowl ring available at a pawn shop, I am buying it no matter what I have to do or pay in order to get my hands on it. As for vaping in the casinos, I know its permitted, but I will readily admit to on occassion having an analog (and I'm still an cigar smoker about once a week). The greatest thing about vaping is that it has allowed me to have the relationship with cigarettes that I have always been jealous of others for having, the ability to smoke socially or when out drinking without craving a cig the next morning. I'm generally a believer in the whole "all things in moderation" line of thinking. The problem with cigarettes is that it quickly escalated well beyond moderation and by the time I started vaping, I looked back and realized I had been a full fledged pack a day smoker half my life (and I was under 30 so I couldn't afford to keep going). I had tried everything up to that point except the vaping. Needless to say, I recognize that the occassional analog and the cigars aren't doing myself any favors, but I know that there is never a point where I feel I need an analog and that is comfort enough for me.
I quit smoking almost a year ago using the standard 510, but just recently got an eGo and will never go back to the standard 510. One thing to keep in mind here is to be patient with it and don't worry if you do break down from time to time and smoke a real cigarette. The great thing about the vapor alternative is that its not like quitting using other methods (and believe me, from gum to patches to cold turkey, I've tried it all) where after one break down you feel like you're starting all over again. In fact, over the summer I went to Vegas and essentially turned back into a smoker for the weekend, and when I got back home I went right back to vaping, didn't smoke another cigarette, and didn't even think about cigarettes other than the massive pain in my lungs from smoking for a weekend.
Alien Visions Boba's Bounty Juice Review
Wreckoncile replied to Darrin's topic in e Cigarette Reviews
I keep hearing the most flattering reviews of Boba's Bounty so I went ahead and ordered it along with their Butter Rum (a friend of mine that I introduced to PVs swears by butter rum). Looking forward to receiving it. Also got some orders in with Ms. T's for snickerdoodle, smores, peanut butter cup, and maple bar (on a diet so this way I can get my sweets craving without all the calories haha). -
As far as flavors are concerned, when I first started vaping I was quitting smoking and found I preferred the tobacco-like flavors as a means of replacing the smoking feel as much as possible. But gradually my tastes expanded into other flavors. Starting out, I'd recommend the VT tobacco juice (or any other tobacco juice for that matter) and VT's Dulcis, and if you were ever a menthol smoker, there is no better menthol juice than VT's Mentha.
It's all just a part of the scam. The government only wants to make it look like they have any genuine interest in the safety of smokers, that way people will believe that they do what they do because they actually want to reduce the number of smokers. The truth is smokers and cigarettes are cash cow for governments at all levels, and the money that they're allegedly supposed to be using for smoking cessation efforts is rarely committed to such. In some jurisdictions (NY, I'm looking at you), governments make 1000% more off the sale of a pack of cigarettes than the actual tobacco company selling the product (average profit per sale of pack of cigs - $0.30, government taxes on pack of cigs in NYC - ~$3.00). And at a time when states are overwhelmingly in debt because of their inabilities to constrain their spending during the good times, they just hike these taxes even further while hoping (without saying it) that people continue to smoke. And if you wanna know why they're making serious efforts at some levels to get in the way of our PVs, follow the money. Vapor could cause significant portions of their money to go, well, up in smoke.
I'm thinking it might be sun exposure, I just poured some into a recently finished VT Exotic Tobacco and its got a darker sort of reddish-brown color to it than I wouldve expected, kinda similar to the very last bit of another tobacco vape I had a while back that darkened and got discolored when I left it on a sunny part of my car once. I'll have to give them another chance.
I recently got a batch of halo Freedom juice, and I have not been impressed. It has a really bizarre taste to me, almost mediciney for a lack of a better word. I'm wondering if I maybe just got a bad batch or something. It just leaves this really strange aftertaste. I don't know, maybe I just need to adjust and maybe I'm just spoiled from all the VT Dulcis and Exotic Tobacco (tobacco flavors are still my favorite), but it just has a strange quality to it that is unlike anything I've vaped. The bottle mine came in smells like rubber cement. I'm wondering if I should put some into a different bottle and let it sit for awhile. Any thoughts?
Dulcis 16 is one of my favorite vaps. It was so good that I just placed an order for a few other VT juices because I was so impressed w Duclis. I ordered a Dulcis 24 this time around because I like as good a throat hit as I can get, but Dulcis is hands down the best vap I've yet experienced.
My apologies then. I'll make sure to use the ticket system for all future inquiries. I like the selection you have and you generally keep things well in stock and the initial shipping was quick, so I'm hoping to use dietsmokes again (if only for the amount of juices you have that I'm looking forward to trying). I understand that USPS has its problems with shipping stuff and obviously since it shows that you notified them of a package, I'm inclined to think that the error is on that end. Guess I just wanted a reply on it and I should've used the ticket system for it. Looking forward to my 510 arriving still. Its gonna make my vaping experience that much better. I don't wanna give an unfair impression of dietsmokes, guess I'm just way anxious for the kit to arrive, and I know it'll come through.
So its been almost two weeks since my initial order was placed. Parked did reply shortly after I sent in my inquiry about the order being incorrect and receiving my juices but only a single atty (which appears to be previously used based on the amount of liquid in it) instead of the 510 starter kit I ordered (and I did use the ticket system, just didnt realize it was the ticket system when I used it). He said he would send out the correct order (order #6807 Parked if your reading) and he sent me an email with a tracking number and everything (although the text of the email had me wondering if he was thinking I was a different order because it seemed like he misunderstood what was wrong w my initial order). Problem is that that was over a week ago and the tracking number still shows that the USPS website still shows the tracking number as "USPS was electronically notified of your package, but this doesn't indicate receipt of the package." I've sent a couple of emails to Parked (after waiting a week) to try and get that figured out, see if the USPS was the one messing it up, and I haven't got a response. It's getting a little tiresome at this point and I'm on the verge of disputing the charge too.
I did not use the ticket system, I am unaware of how that works or how to utilize it. And yeah, I totally understand Parked taking the weekends to himself. Its not a business day so I don't expect him to handle the inquiry this weekend. I figure he'll deal with it first thing Monday and that is more than fine by me. I understand the family thing, heck, I understand just the personal time thing too.
Thanks for the feedback TeriJo. Yeah, based on everything I've heard here, I have no doubt that he will make sure the problem is remedied quickly. And I certainly figure he has stuff he has to do on the weekends (and I honestly posted on here within 10 minutes of sending him an email, so I didnt even give him a chance to respond yet lol). I was just really looking forward to breaking in a 510 today. Pretty sure I'll have mine to break in by Tuesday though.
I placed an order with DietSmokes just this past Thursday afternoon based on the good reviews and preferred supplier designation here and received my package this morning. So the shipping was prompt. But the order was wrong. I ordered two bottles of juice (which were sent accurately, including VT's Dulcis (sorry Chris, went through Parked cuz you were sold out of 510 starter kits)). The problem was that instead of the Joye 510 Starter kit, featuring two manual batteries, 2 attys, a charger, and empty cartridges, the thing I paid $58 for, I received only a single atty (with red tie incidentally enough). I just got the package 10 minutes ago and sent the email to Parked at DietSmokes, so I'm hoping he rectifies the issue soon, but its just a major bummer cuz I'm worried that the cheap knock of ecig I bought to start with is gonna die on me any second now.
I guess between the cola and coffee flavored vapes, I didn't realize I needed to drink an actual liquid lol
The tyrants that control my once-proud state don't really give a damn about public health. Cigarettes are a massive general revenue stream for California (I worked in Sac for a brief period and I can assure you that's exactly how the legislators think, they just use the zealots and paternalists as their cover) and they honestly don't want people finding alternatives that they can't tax the living hell out of. So they try banning the alternatives because they realize that the vaping world is online and therefore beyond the grasp of their excessive taxation. Forgive the mean libertarian streak in me, but something about "watering the tree of liberty" seems so attractive these days.
What Happens If A Ban Occurs?
Wreckoncile replied to Christopher's topic in General Vaping Discussion
What would I do? Well, I have these grand delusions of molotov cocktails, face-covering bandanas, and revolutionary resistence movements, but truth be told I'd probably just pack my stuff and convince my girl that California is no longer welcoming for enough for us and move east to 'Zona or Nevada or whatever state will keep their corrupt bureaucratic fingers off of my life choices. I should add that I'd prefer a move north to the Pac NW, but they probably wont be too far behind on the ban and my girl doesn't do cold very well. -
I'm thinking that I'll get the VT super-mega-everything package. I figure even a few tobacco flavors aint gonna hurt.
I don't know if I overdid it with the nicotene as much as I just didnt keep my throat wet enough before I went to sleep. I think water or juice might do a better job than Murphy's Irish Stout for keeping my throat from drying out overnight lol. But yeah, I should probably look into some lower nic eliqs, because with these flavors (funny cuz I thought initially that tobacco would be the flavor i'd want), I find myself wanting to vape constantly. Can't wait to try some of these VT store eliqs too.