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Everything posted by eatapeach

  1. How do I add the "I have been smoke free..." banner to my posts?
  2. Hmm... then brand new 510s should last longer than 15-20 pulls, right?
  3. Kinda off the topic, but under normal conditions how long does JOYE510 battery go between charges?
  4. Are all vaping components made in China? Is there a THE BEST atomizer or THE BEST battery?
  5. Thank you for the kind welcome. You nailed my user ID. The Allman Bros. come from just up the road.
  6. I got a taste of vaping with a throwaway unit my son bought in the fall of 2009. Expensive to say the least. Results with it were not all that great, but I did smoke less while trying it out. I googled ecigs, found this site which led me to awesomevapors.com and the DSE901 Mini ecig. I haven't smoked tobacco since December of '09. Please forgive my late response, there is so much drama nowadays that seems to get in the way of our best intentions. I appreciate the welcome from all you members and this forum has much useful info and videos. Thanks, Tony
  7. Yo Ya'll, 50 years of the stinkweed got a hold on me. Need all the help I can get to get off 'em. Any suggestions, tips, tactics etc., will be humongously appreciated. Thanks.
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