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Everything posted by vapenazi

  1. sober rider....nice to hear you started with a westside vapor......they have been a start to many ex smokers giving vapor a try......the is a local shop you may want to try, called buckeye vapor. And I heard that westside vapor was opening up shop on the east side and offering their egos, and mod units.
  2. I too have had several orders held by customs, I have received them all sooner or later. my most recent was an order of 5000 5 ml e liquid. and of course nobody would help me figure out what was going on. I did finally get it after 4 1/2 weeks.
  3. has anyone heard anything new on this subject? I think this would be worse that the FDA. just like typical Phillip morris, They will shut us all down. not sure if anyone here knows what they have done to the tobacco industry as a whole. they pretty much already control the whole trade, from marlboro, to black and mild to snuff. and they make distributors and wholesalers sign contracts that keep their hand tied behind their backs. I am sponsoring "rock on the range" , a weekend concerts event in columbus. U S smokeless tobacco......(owned by phillip morris) has pretty much put a stop to us even giving away free samples of e cigs..........there will be tens of thousands of people at this event and it is a smoke free facility.....In my opinion, all current e cig companies need to speak with thier suppliers, and urge them not to deal with PM or RJR....I think that goes for wall mart also, as they will kill the margin. if anyone would like to know more about PM just pm me or shoot me an e mail.
  4. pardon my french....but that is F@&$!N horse poo poo......I even a have doctor sellin mine for me now. I really feel the FDA can flex their muscle, but gonna be tough for them to win this one, they prolly will end up controling it though.
  5. I got them from china, supposely the first company to produce them, I am not sure exacly when they started selling them. They work so well I am sure they are gonna be made for every brand soon if not already.
  6. OOPs that was supposed to say "2nd generation"
  7. I think they work way better, any other oppinions?
  8. yea, mine do that too, but only if I let them go dry
  9. after rereading it....I don't think I made a good point. I was speaking about campaining. for example:the COPD foundation even has a booth set up at every nacsar event. They pass out flyers, try to get you to take their questionair, get on their mailing list, ect......thanks to "winston"..rjr...nascar is in part, what it is today. I was pointing out that would be a good place to campain. there are so many smokers there is aint funny.90% of smokers I know wish they could quit or at least not spend so much money on smokes. I think that we need as much support as possible proir to government putting the strong arm on us......I get so hacked off when some clueless goober head..(marlboro in hand) butts in when I am at a store, and says, (with his 2 missing front teeth).."I aint tryin that. It gots antIfreeze in it.)
  10. thanks guys, I had fallen victim to knockoffs myself. I realized it when the thing went dead after 5 puffs. for the hell of it I took it apart and found the battery was only half the size as the same model I got from another company.
  11. back in the day...the cigarette companies used to hand out free cigarette "the good ol' days" before the government started cracking down. still today, if you go to a nascar race, you can get free cans of smokeless tobacco. philip morris is still there, but they can only hand out coupons for free smokes. I don't know if any other vapor dealers have done this, but it is how I gained almost all of my customers. the thing is, most people "around here anyways" have no knowledge of e cigs, so there is a fear of buying something they may not like......anyways back to the point... large events, such as nascar, is a great place to gain customer awareness, and public support.
  12. I was wondering if anyone knew how many different models are out there. I still get confused. 501,510,801,808,810,901????. there seems to be no rhyme or reason to the chineese model numbers. one company may call a model a 510, and another may call it a rk90d. I have also found that the same models may come with different batteries in them. anyone else run into this?....ok I guess that was several questions.
  13. after several attempts I was successful, but was not worth the time. I kept breaking the wire (filament) inside. as long as I don't let the cart run totally dry (and burn the filter material) i have no problems just putting in a few dropshere and there and works fine.
  14. thanks chris, was not sure on the model. that is what I gathered as far as the cartomiser. the rubber end cap popped right off. stinks cause i have to refill it so often to get the vapor. the one I took apart was still soaking wet when i took it apart, but vaper like it was spent.....was worth a try.
  15. I got my first e cig and love it. I have done some looking around and it seems there are sooooo many models out there. 501 510 502 508 901 ect. they all basically look the same to me other than some batteries may last longer???? mine is the 2 piece model and I have not seen any mods for it. I took apart the cartridge, pulled out the old stuff and put in the filter stuff but it did not work> I may have broken the tiny wire in there during the process. any suggestions? thanks for the help....great site
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