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    Los Angeles

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  1. Hi, as far as I know there is no standard definition of what is a low, medium and high definition. I'm surprised though that you observed a general discussion of 6,12 and 18mg? Anyways, if you got the carts from the same vendor as your smoke juice, I'd say lo is 11, 24 med and 36 high. Every vendor defines what is high and low for themselves but their website should tell you how much mg they have, some vendors even have 5 different strengths.
  2. same here, I liked the PTBs but ended up direct dripping
  3. I've been using the 510 with a manual switch for over a year, but I was missing a real throat hit after a while. It seemed to me that a new 510 atomizer will deliver well in the beginning but then level off. Like a month ago I tried the manual M4 from Innovapor after the guy there told me that the M4 has a slightly better throat hit and the same vapor production as the 510. I was really amazed to find out that the M4 actually produces constant clouds of vapor and a lot better throat hit than the 510 ...once it is broken in after a day or two that is. In comparison to the 510 the vapor production doesn't level off, it actually increases for a while and stays. I would definitely give those a try, they're a rather small unit but put out an incredible amount of vapor! Keep in mind that this is for the manual one (with the button), I never tried the automatic one. Regardless, coming from the blucig you will definitely be very satisfied with a 510 or M4 already.
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