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    SC, USA

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  1. I've got a few. Only one I've got a pic of at the moment: MORTAL KOMBAT!
  2. Me and my vet are really close, i.e. married, and you know...doin it That "dramatic chipmunk" is actually a prairie dog. I used to have 2 of them. They are incredibly intelligent animals. More of Scoop:
  3. Wow, impressive! I had no idea Lorann had huge bottles like that
  4. 60/40 PG/VG here
  5. Stumbled across these. Not sure if everybody/anybody knows they exist and are dirt cheap: http://www.dealextreme.com/details.dx/sku.26112
  6. BWAHAHAHA. That's hilarious. Pony likes the stairs too, it's like her lookout tower.
  7. That's great. They're awesome dogs. Ours was obviously abused and it took literally months before she was comfortable with me petting her. She's 90% better now but still gets spooked real easy and doesn't like loud noises or loud talking but gets along with our other dogs just fine. Here she is thinking very deeply about something
  8. As far as training goes - she uses the litter box in her cage about 80% of the time which is good and anytime she pees or *cough* on me, I put her in her litter box. Unfortunately she'll never have unmonitored free reign of the house because we have 2 cats and 3 dogs. Our greyhound was trained to chase fuzzy little rodents so I could never trust her with it 100%. Plus if she accidentally stepped on her, that'd be all she wrote.
  9. I think I've passed the point of no return with this fella. She's relatively tame (for a wild animal) and I don't think she'd be able to pick up enough street smarts to make it in the wild. If necessary I'll build her a huge outside cage, maybe around a tree or something but if she stays as least as tame as she is now it won't be necessary.
  10. Neighbor found it in his yard and asked if I knew what to do with it. I took her in, got her healthy, got attached but reluctantly gave her to a rescue, changed my mind a few days later and decided to keep her. I'm trying to spend as much time with her as possible (3-6hrs/day) She started flight training yesterday and did some nice 16" or so "flights". She's enjoying a peanut right now.
  11. This is Scoop, my ~9wk old flying squirrel. Had her about 3 weeks now. She's pretty awesome. She's helping me do some website updates right now
  12. Yeah I was a bit timid with the 100mg/ml stuff from reading threads on ECF but I just use common sense, work in an uncluttered area and make sure to mix everything well. Avoid things like squirting it directly in my eyes and ears... What I do to make mixing easier is I've got a semi-large (60ml or so) bottle that I'll mix up a base in then make little bottles of different flavors with (5ml here, 5ml there) so I don't have to handle it often. I can make a small batch of something in less than a minute.
  13. *most* people would agree a 510 or ego/Tornado are good units to start out with. an ego or Tornado is basically a 510 with a bigger battery. Batteries only discharge when you are pressing on the button to produce vapor. A charged battery should retain it's charge for at least a few months if it's unused. A standard 510 battery will last you 1-2hrs of moderate vaping, a mega battery might last 2-4 but an eGo/Tornado battery would last you much longer (your mileage may vary). If I were to start vaping from scratch, I'd go the eGo/Tornado route. A bit more $$ to start out but compared to regular smokes, it's a drop in the bucket. You'll get used to refilling, etc extremely fast. The first day or two you might spend tinkering and figuring out what methods work best for you then everything will become second nature. Christopher - damn you for typing faster than me.
  14. I've got a decent collection started. Not pictured: Nic, Plain PG/VG, base mix bottles, droppers, syringes
  15. I've been completely satisfied. I've gotten 50mg/ml PG, then 100mg/ml VG and 100mg/mg as well as their straight PG and VG. All my juices come out tasting just fine. No weird tastes or any other concerns. Juices come out with the throat hit I'd expect with the amount of nic I mix in. Shipping is always incredibly fast too.
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