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  1. Patricia, It really depends on the manufacturer and the size of the wicks. Some manufacturers make their wicks so that they only fit in their ViVi Novas. I would purchase just one to make sure that your wicks are going to fit. :-) The stem in the replacements are longer/shorter than others sometimes. A 3.5ml (if I recall correctly) ViVi Nova will NOT fit a standard 2.0ml ViVi Nova. Of course, I'd hate to say that and set it in stone and it was just the particular manufacturer of the replacement wicks made theirs slightly different. I hope that made a little sense! I have incredibly good luck with atomizers. I have been able to keep a CE4 going for just about 3 months in the past with no leaks, cracks or bubbling. That being said, my ViVi Novas last me about 2-3 months as well, but I think I may be a very unique case. Generally, other people tend to change their wicks every 3 weeks or so. Most vendors will sell you a ViVi Nova set with 2 replacement wicks in different ohms anyway. :-) They usually come with 1.8, 2.4 and 2.8. Good luck!
  2. I usually use one to two different liquids a day, but I like to change the flavors that I switch between every 2-3 days!
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