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Everything posted by USBpassthroughVP

  1. Sorry for originaly posting this in the wrong section.
  2. Wow Chris, Just got my first order from you in the mail and purchased it after 2pm on Friday.. GREAT Shipping.. I'm very pleased with the product, and shipping.. Thanks!! If you have not yet gone through the VaporTalk Store for your Vaping needs, I highly reccomend doing so! Also, Dulcis Juice is incredible... Thanks, Jay.
  3. Well, I think I would most defenitely go underground.. The thought of this happening makes me want to get a 200 bottle's of juice stock up and a few extra e-cig's in case of this emergency.. Lol just kidding (kinda) Could they stop people from selling all of it online?
  4. Hey sorry to bother you again I will let you be soon haha.. Anyway, I was just wondering.. do you know if the VP-PT Comes with an atomizer? I couldn't find that out for some reason.. Thanks, as always..
  5. That re-assures me a bit.. Thanks =]
  6. Yea, I heard.. And this sounds really bad, however I mean it in no wrong way.. I just trust sending my information over through you more than Vaprlife.. Not sure why.. I've just heard a lot of good things about Vaportalk, and it's more established I guess.. ??
  7. Ok, I didn't see that.. Thanks a lot though, I'll be patient =] haha..
  8. Hi there... Does anyone know if the 801/302 Atomizer and the Joye 510 Atomizers featured on Vaportalkstore will work with the VP-PT usb (VP Passthrough)????? Thanks so much for all of your help, you guys are great!
  9. Hello, thank you for viewing my post.. I have been smoking cigarettes for only about a year and a half as I am only going on 20 (about a half to a pack to a pack a day on the stronger side -Newport's,Marlboro's).. I am looking to getting into vaping, wether it be recrational or eventually aid me into quitting.. I am pretty dead-set on getting the VP-PT (VP Usb Passthrough or Pass Thru) I beleive it's called.. I am basically wondering what else I need to buy besides the unit itself and juice.. I think I need atomizers.. but I have NO idea which ones to get etc.. If someone could please help me in my buying process as to what I need to get Vaping that would be awesome.. (Specific on the atty's for the VP-PT if possible.. THX!) Also I don't know where to drop the juice! Although that could wait til' I actually get the unit.. LOL.. Thanks SO much for helping this ''CLUELESS NEWBIE'' Hopefully I will get some replies.. Thanks again!!!!!
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