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G4 Clear Carto & Passthrough Issues
Sivlar replied to Sivlar's topic in Troubleshooting & Technical Issues
Interesting, looks like I'm not the only one with passthrough issues with them. I guess something in there is not big enough to make the connection. Hope they resolve it, I really like these things. Never had any leaking, cracking or flavor issues. They are disposible for sure though, never going to get more than a few refills out before the vapor and flavor drops off. Not too worried though, they cost a bit less than the normal cartos. -
G4 Clear Carto & Passthrough Issues
Sivlar replied to Sivlar's topic in Troubleshooting & Technical Issues
How is that done? That center connector/pin seems glued and hardwired in there. Have the same issue on all 3 passthroughs. -
The problem I have is about 2-3 G4's out of every box do not seem to work with my 5v USB Passthroughs (I have 3, home, work and the car), they just don't fire up at all. If I hook them up to one of my standard battery sticks it seems to work fine though. I also have no issues using the normal and LR Boge or Joye 510 cartomizers with the passthrough. Only these G4's seem to be problematic. I really like these things a lot, the tank with no filler material is what I really love about them. I usually get about 3-4 refills out of them with the darker juices before they start gunking up and taste nasty. They are cheap and disposable. I stopped using atomizers ages ago, too much mess, too much work and they never seem good as new after cleaning them. Not to mention you go through a clensing ritual every time you switch flavors. Just way too much hassel. Cartos saved me from switching back to analogs. Any thoughts as to what the problem may be? Any other cartos out there that are similar if I can't get this issue resolved? Another issue, related to the USB passthroughs is they only seem to work for 3-4 months then I need to replace them. It's almost like they get a loose wire or something inside. They start cutting off and then come back on if I wiggle the wire going into the front of them where the LED is. Anyone else have similar issues? -Siv
I work in an international development company and we have a lot of folks in China. I can tell you E-Cigs are not illegal in mainland China, they are a dime a dozen and can be bought at virtually any market or mall. They are however, illegal in Hong Kong. This is because Hong Kong runs on economic and political systems different from those of mainland China. So if your shipment was being routed through Hong Kong, it would be siezed.
After ordering from various vendors I have narrowed my preference to Rath Juice. It's proably the tastiest stuff out there. Comes in various different flavors. Personal favorites are English Tofee and Blueberry Pancake. If you are not mixing your own, that's probably as yummy as it gets.
I ordered a pack of these a few weeks back and that all I use now while home or office vaping. These things are great and work way better than any cart mod I have used to date.
I got some 510 cartos from electronicstix.com and I must say they works pretty good. The plastic plug on the bottom is very handy, you just pop it off and fill it up. Flavor is much more intense than the standard atomizer but you get a little less vapor, not by much though. Curious as to how long one of these is suppose to last? I've just been using 1 so far for driving around and such, then use my atomizer at home or at the desk at work. Also anyone know what about these things makes the flavor more defined?
I was not aware there is any e-juice that is made, from scratch, in the USA. I was always told the base Nicotine juice all comes from China and those juices claiming to be "made in the USA" are really only "mixed in the USA". While you are getting a lot of different unique flavors mixes from US based companies, they still get all the base non-flavored nictotine juice from China. That worries me a bit, since China is notorious for contaminating just about everything consumable, but we don't have much choice. Until a chem lab or pharmaceutical company that can make the base liquid is setup. I don't think that will happen anytime soon though since the FDA is all about banning these things.
I finally got the blue foam to work pretty well...with VG juice. It doesn't seem to do well with the PG juices I have for some reason. I can vape for hours on one cart of VG with the foam. I did find something much better though. I bought some of the ZFM Carts from Scottyballs and those work great with both PG and VG. I just use the hole cut tips for VG and the H cut for PG. Those things are amazing, great flavor, no filler, no leaking, no burnt taste, and no wasted liquid. Best cart mod to date hands down. I think I am going to stick with the ZFM until someone can design a cart that works like the cartomizers.
After messing with different cuts of foam I finally got it to wick well. Just one problem. It tastes like crap. I've washed it, ran it through the dishwasher, and rinsed it. No matter what I do though every drag tastes like plastic or some kind chemical. The foam doesn't seem to be burning or anything, I'm not using a HV device. Any suggestions? Does anyone else have this problem?
Cleaned my first atty the other day since it was getting hard to draw from. The VG liquid I used seemed to hang around in it and gave it a lingering taste of the last flavor. I just put a little vodka in a glass and let the atty soak for about 20 minutes. I would come by every 5 minutes or so and swish it around in the glass with tweesers. After the vodka soak I rinsed it out with distilled water that I heated in the microwave. Then blew out the atty several times to clear any water still in it. Dried it off and let it sit in my bedroom window for a day getting baked in the sun. Did a short dry burn to make sure things were good and it was in fact dry. Gave it about 2 drops of liquid on the bridge and let it soak down then fired it up with a fresh cart. Works like new and tastes great.
I finally tried the screens, they are messy, leak alot and a pain to refill. So then I went and got some blue foam from Petsmart. I was using the 1/2 inch plug method to fit it. It just doesn't wick worth a damn. I can never get any good amount of vapor production and just end up overheating the atty. Fluval wicks way better but just doesn't hold enough juice. If anyone has some tips on how to make the blue foam wick better I'd be set since it holds a ton of juice. I guess I will have to wait until someone designs a cart that works like the cartomizers. I drip from time to time but it's also is pain in the *** and not convenient at work or on the road. Not to mention it looks real sketchy doing it in public and people look at you really funny like you're doing drugs or something.
Well I can say if this is real they are not enforcing it yet. This supposedly went into effect on 4/1 but yet I had 200ml of e-juice get through customs on 4/5 that I ordered from EastMall. So if the imports are in fact banned, customs is not doing a good job upholding the law.
Sounds like you are loading up for that week. The stuff you are checking in probably won't be a problem, it's the carry on you have to worry about. I have to fly next week myself and was pondering what to take. Flying Southwest from Baltimore to Vegas for a week. Planning to put one or two 20ml bottles along with a spare atty, carts and some batteries in my checked baggage. Then put my PCC, USB PT, and a 3ml bottle in my laptop bag. The PCC will be loaded with a batt, two full carts and the atty. I am hoping the stuff in the laptop bag the TSA folks will pass off as computer accessories. Should be interesting.
Does anyone know if this is for real? Article was posted on 4/1 so I hopes its a joke. If it is for real though this is going to suck. I hope everyone is stocked up on juice and atomizers. http://www.pr-inside.com/e-cigarette-imports-banned-indefinitely-r1811226.htm
As TeriJo mentioned I would assume vaping and smoking analogs would be no different than using the patch, gum, or lozenges and smoking. It's actually pretty easy to get nicotine poisoning by combining them. All the nicotine replacements you can buy over the counter tell you to stop and wait something like a few hours before having a smoke. A friend of my fathers actually died from it. He was trying to quit but was smoking and using the patch at the same time. He ended up with nicotine poisoning and then had an Aneurysm which killed him. Aneurysms and strokes are also side effects from extreme nicotine poisoning. Be very, very careful if your mixing smoking and vaping. Especially folks using the 18-36mg eliquids.
I was digging around in my office and found a USB to AC Adapter that our old Blackberry phones used. Anyone know if this would work with my USB PT for my 510 without cooking it? I have one of the Joy PT's with the battery at the end. Blackberry Adapter Rating Input : 100-240V~ 0.15A 50-60Hz DC Out : +5.0V --- 0.5A
510 Atomizer Dead After 1 Week
Sivlar replied to Sivlar's topic in Troubleshooting & Technical Issues
Thanks for the info. I ended up pulling it apart. The little atty heat coil was completely black and pretty much flaked apart when I touched it. The built in wick was also burnt up. I'm not sure how I fried it, since I was putting in fresh carts all the time and dripping a drop or two on the wick whenever I would replace the cart. I am chalking this up to a crappy knock off. I have 2 other atomizers that are 3-4 weeks old and had a good amount of use with no problems. -
Very strange, I have a 510 atomizer here at work that I use with my USB passthrough. After about 1 week of use it seems to be completely dead. It doesn't even appear to be getting power, no heat, no vapor, no hissing noise when you turn it on, just nothing. I was blowing it out into a tissue every night before going home, so I wouldn't think its dirty or clogged. One thing I did notice, is for the past few days it would taste really bad after a few drags on a filled cart. Kind of a strong metal and burnt taste. I wanted to take it apart and have a look, but that thing is closed up tight. Any suggestions on dissassembling this thing so I don't damage the threads? I've never taken one of these apart before. Edit - It's also not a real Joy 510, it's one of the washer knock off models.
I really got to do something. I am getting extremly frustrated with these cartridges. They don't seem to last more than 6-10 drags then go dry at the top, leaving me with a real nasty metal taste. Fluval seems a little better than the stock filler but still sucks. PTB are a little better but still suck. I end up with the top half dry and the bottom half still wet. Any other ideas out there for a good filler to use that lasts more than 1 ciggy worth of drags?
Has anyone tried this yet? http://forum.perfectelectroniccigarette.com/best-filler-yet-blows-blue-foam-away-t614.html I am looking for different options, since the cartridge life seems to suck no matter what you use as a filler. I've tried fluval and PTB's but both seem to not give you more than 12 drags before going dry. Even after the 6 drags or so they both taste like crap (my guess is some of the filler is getting atomized) I find myself DD'ing a lot at home but it's a pain to constantly keep dripping on the atomizer all the time and it's not really an option at work. This screen mod seems interesting. I might have to get some pipe screens from the Tobacco shop up at Union Station after work and give it a shot. Just wanted to see if anyone else has ever given this a go.
Who would you all say makes the best, most flavorful juice? So far I am impressed with the Rath Juice.
I've noticed my flavor level seems to have dropped a bit too. I just chalked it up as getting used to the flavor. I blow my atties out every night and let them dry, so I think it's not because they are getting gummed up with junk.