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Everything posted by CaliMoDi

  1. I'll add my 'howdy' and 'welcome' here as I try to get past those initial five posts so I can branch out. LOL LOVE your nick btw
  2. Well whaddya know!! I got home from work today to find a package from a friend who sells e-cigs! I have a 510!! One battery is charging now, and the other will get hooked up in the morning. I couldn't help myself, I put a cart in an atomizer, attached the 2nd batt I received, and pushed da button. DUDES!! I DIG THIS!! While I wait for everything to charge up, I'll finish my LAST PACK of analogs. This is too cool. Where have you been all my smoking life??? Happy camper
  3. Thanks for the warm welcome everyone, and thanks Dave, for the links! Those will keep me busy awhile. I ordered the KR808D-1...a few of them actually. I got a 30 ml. bottle of juice with it, and I opted for tobacco flavor twenty summin strength. I'm trying to kick a pack-a-day habit that's been with me more years than some of you have probably been on the planet. LOL After reading the forums, I think the flavors are going to be cool to play with. OooOOooo...they have cappuccino! It should get here later in the week and I'll let you know how it goes. Thanks again.
  4. Howdy all. I'm so new, my kit hasn't arrived yet. I'm reading posts galore and learning a lot - THANKS for having this forum. In reading the posts, I'm just about in need of a vaping glossary though. I get that analogs are regular cigs, and carts = cartridges. Is there somewhere I can catch up on all the vernacular? Really, a 'glossary' would be a cool post to have pinned here in the newbie area, imho. Looking forward to learning and vaping - I want to rid myself of these analogs for GOOD!
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