Very Kind of you to say. It all started when my wife and I visited one neighbor friend in jail. That snowballed into realizing the need of women in so many difficult circumstances. Eventually we opened a large home with management and staff.....sunk everything I had into it..... and it failed miserably.
Here in our area, housing is so expensive and the economy tanked the month after we started.... we just couldn't make the overhead. I was really dispondent and I was praying about it... really questioning myself .... and one thing stood out in my heart.... "Keep the Family Together!". So we moved the ladies into our home. That was Nov of 2009. That was the answer and always has been. We are a family and we needed to live in the home.... so we do and it has really worked well. We are so blessed. And without the hard times, we may not have understood the how important it is for us to be a family in one home.
Thank you all for your heart toward us. We really appreciate it.
PS. Oh... and lovie... thanks so much... PM sent.