Hiya Larry , Welcome to the forum!!! Im new to the forum itself , however Ive been a vaper for some 9 months.
I started out with a 510 using carts,now Im using the direct drip method. As far as the nicotine content
Id suggest finding a feed /farm supply outlet near you and buying your own Propylene Glycol.It only
costs about $20.00 a gallon.That should last you quite some time:) What I did was bought some 10 ml
dropper bottles,filled the bottle 3/4 the way full,and 1/4 nic juice,shook it up. It vaped nice
still got the good throat hit,great vapor,but less nicotine content. Oh and by the way youll need
to get a syringe and heavy guage needle to inject the liquids into the dropper bottles,and PLEASE
when you are working with Nicotine juice its very important to wear rubber gloves.
* As an added note: If you are feeling dizzy and sick you may have an allergy to Propylene Glycol.
As an alternative to PG , try getting some Vegetable Glycerine and mix with that
Not as good of a throat hit but better vapor production. Try to find Wilton
Glyserine. You can get it at most bakery sections of your local grocery store.
At Michaels, or Wally-Mart , its cheap. I hope this helps...PepsiMoon