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    Washington State

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  1. I can relate to the fear that VG/PG is affecting my blood glucose levels.. I went to my Primary care today. She tested my A1C and it was 14.8. My blood sugar level was 309 even though I hadn't eaten all day. However, I had vaped as I usually do in the mornings, all through noon until my appt. with her at 2 PM. She immediately put me on Humalog and Lantis insulin after checking my A1C. She said that the 14.8 was the highest A1C she had ever seen in her career. I scoured my mind trying to put things together. I hadn't eaten anything since 10 PM the night before, had no breakfast, nor lunch, and my blood sugar was 309. The only thing that I could logically deduce, is that it had to be the E-Juice. I've been a year and a few months without an analog, I chain vape I'll admit. Although I don't use any flavorings I vape 50/50 PG/VG Premium tobacco juice. I'm currently at 12 mg, and have 500 ML 6 mg on the way. ( I started at 36 mg 15 months ago and slowly tapered down to the 6mg I'm waiting on.) I took my first injection of Lantis tonight at 9 PM. It's gonna be hard, but I think I'll pass on vaping tomorrow and see what my glucose meter says. I hope to God that I don't have to quit vaping, I really like it- vs regular cancer sticks. Praying it's not the PG/VG...........PepsiMoon
  2. Hiya vapehottie!! Congrats on nine days !!! Keep it up and your taste,smell will return I guarantee it! With the flooded atty,take a paper towel or old rag(clean) and place the atty thread side up in the rag cover the other end with the same rag and blow it out. Flip it over cover both ends and blow again like your life depended on it. That should get the extra juice out. Be sure to wipe the threads of the atty with a clean part of the rag,that will get any deposits off the threads that might hamper its ability to connect with the battery. I hope this helped........Keep ON Vaping!!! PepsiMoon
  3. Hiya!!! Personally I like the 510 myself. However, I just ordered a PureSmoker Prodigy V2 and am currently awaiting its arrival. For 97 bucks the Prodigy cant be beat.!!! It takes 2-3 volt rechargable batteries,you can buy an adaptor for your 510.. Ive found over time that with the battery the 510 is a little weak for my taste so I constructed a 5 volt usb plug thingy with a tact switch.I'll tell ya , it opened up the 510 atty like it was spring nationals drag racing. It Rocks!! If ya like Ill draw up plans for ya and email them to you (<<<Electronics Tech 35 years) Happy Vaping!!! Pepsi Moon
  4. Welcome to Vapor Talk, invizo. I myself am a former 3 pack a day smoker,a recovering alcoholic /drug addict. I notice that yes I do vape a lot more than I smoked. I like trying new flavors and making my own concoctions of flavors. So in short , yes Im addicted to e-cigs. Stick With It!!! Pepsimoon
  5. Hiya Larry , Welcome to the forum!!! Im new to the forum itself , however Ive been a vaper for some 9 months. I started out with a 510 using carts,now Im using the direct drip method. As far as the nicotine content Id suggest finding a feed /farm supply outlet near you and buying your own Propylene Glycol.It only costs about $20.00 a gallon.That should last you quite some time:) What I did was bought some 10 ml dropper bottles,filled the bottle 3/4 the way full,and 1/4 nic juice,shook it up. It vaped nice still got the good throat hit,great vapor,but less nicotine content. Oh and by the way youll need to get a syringe and heavy guage needle to inject the liquids into the dropper bottles,and PLEASE when you are working with Nicotine juice its very important to wear rubber gloves. * As an added note: If you are feeling dizzy and sick you may have an allergy to Propylene Glycol. As an alternative to PG , try getting some Vegetable Glycerine and mix with that Not as good of a throat hit but better vapor production. Try to find Wilton Glyserine. You can get it at most bakery sections of your local grocery store. At Michaels, or Wally-Mart , its cheap. I hope this helps...PepsiMoon
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