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Ghost last won the day on May 10 2013

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    Vapor Clouds

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  1. Indeed vases quite well. I enjoy a cooler vapor and it delivers. No splash back from the carto either it's nice.
  2. Purple Pie Man + BDS 90
  3. Not exactly my mod, but it the goods of a fellow friend and shop owner in my local area. I do have this setup myself as well, but currently addicted to my carto tanks!
  4. I just like this photo of my Vamo I took with a white box I made for a photo shoot I'm about to do for a local Vapor shop It's quite the lovely device
  5. Haha awesome. Should get a skull drip tip too XD Just joking around, but a seriously awesome little mod. Wouldn't mind that on my desk while I work
  6. I've gotta say my Vamo(s) are quite nice. Can take a beating and are at a such a low cost, but Lava Tube v2 and Provari's are reliable and come with a year warranty I believe. Both come at a higher cost though.
  7. Tinypic is simple enough, once uploaded get the direct url and click the little image icon or paste the direct url within these: [ img ] urlgoeshere [ /img ] without the spacing. happy vaping.
  8. I use this and I enjoy it a bit more than my twist. The pass through is amazing
  9. Thank you guys for providing such quality, fast, and no hassle service! You are my go to supplier for most of my needs on vaping!
  10. Congratulations, and I wish you many more great vaping months to follow Happy Vaping.
  11. Ahoy see you around the forum.
  12. What lovely mod holders! Hopefully soon to have one of my own, if anything the Friday after this one~ I basically just need a holder for two of my Vamos and my Lava Tube V2 mostly. I've got my eye on the Zebra Wood one with the BAM holder, do you think it'd accommodate the Lava Tube?
  13. On the note of Knock-Offs I can't speak for that website itself since I haven't used it, but a positive note is that they are not listed as selling copycat/fake batteries from Joyetech's own list. [ HERE ] Most of my juices are bought locally but if I was to recommend a just general flavor I usually enjoy French Vanilla, a version of Bobas Bounty, and usually something sweet like Chocolate as my usual grabs.
  14. Do juices count? Just put a sampler order in for Fuzion Vapor: Krankberry, Unicorn Blood, and Gumby Blood. Can't wait to try these!
  15. 'ello and welcome to the forums! Happy Vaping, and see you around the forum.
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