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Everything posted by haft2doit

  1. I like the normal ce2's but havn't tried the clearomizers yet. I have made my own and I will say that they have a chance of coming apart. It won't break them but you may get a mess. I have also heard similar things on other forums. I for one will get them anyway. Seeing the amount left really helps me out, and the performance isn't matched by other cartomizers imo. So you may need to be more careful throwing them around or carrying in a pocket.
  2. My jokerav (1 i guess) broke after a fall too a few days ago. I am very close to just getting a provari as well. $30 repair or $170... I'm very surprised how hard the decision is! Might have to do both and have a backup. Funny how many on here are going provari after a joker drop.
  3. The provari looks great. My joker av just crapped out. Don't know if I'll send it in for repairs or spend the money. Whatever you choose I can't go back to an unregulated device.
  4. What it comes down to is do you like ce2s. The map tank will essentially work like a ce2 in a standard size tube. Possibly some improvement due to more space around the slits for better wicking. I personally love ce2s. You will probably need to pull the e2 out of the tank and clean it after you put 10-20ml through it. If not the taste can change with gunk build up. A quick torch of the wick and dry burn and it will be as good as new. Since you can expose the wicks cleaning is easier and you can make each one last for months if you want. e2s require a few minutes of work once or twice a week to keep working great. Make sure you get one that works best on your device. I like 2.5ohm for 3.7v. 3ohm work well for me between 4 and 5v. You could buy a 5 pack of e2s and try em out first. Invest in a tube cutter for $5 so you can replace the one in the map tank. I think it would be worth it if you like e2s and don't want to monkey around making your own tank mod. good luck
  5. These have worked pretty well for me. Especially since the r4 release. After a week or so I will have to do a rinse and dry burn to get the gunk cleaned out. They work sooo much longer than other cartos or attys for me. I have one r3 still around from 3-4 months ago and 3 r4s left after a month and a half. They certainly are not perfect They have required dry burns out of the box. However every month there are new changes implemented and get better and better. Standard attys are good sometimes filler cartos I don't mess with any more. For longevity (I;m cheap) there is no competition. Better flavor (if kept clean) and longer time between fills. These clear ones I have no experience with but from what I gather they will work like standard r4s which is fine at the moment, New major changes are to be implemented in the coming months,
  6. I did that at first. Now I just buy all of the flavors I want to try in 5 ml bottles then make orders of 60ml for the ones I like out of the trials. 5ml bottles at madvapes are $2 so I just buy all of the flavors and pick the goodies.
  7. A dry burn is always my first step before even filling. That burns off the lube they use to insert the filler plug. (The manufacturer stopped using it but may be a while before they get circulated.) The PTB mod with cut wicks really helps wicking. You can use a torch on the wicks that will really improve wicking or make a bottle mod. These should be perfected by now but they still are the only atty I'll use. Still have two I use from 2 months ago. Edit. These things can take a beating don't be afraid of dry burning the hell out of them. The wick won't burn even with a torch. Dry burning will solve a lot. I do it once a week and it keeps it like new...well close to new.
  8. Fried Apple from Madvapes
  9. Could try ce2 cartos. They may need to have a thinner juice as well but they will last a whole lot longer on a refill and total life. you'll have to rinse and dry burn a few times a month but the flavors better. I use TV juice from madvapes which is cheap and works well with cartos. Filler cartos seem to dry up quickly and stop wicking a little more with each fill. I'm still using ce2's from over a month and a half ago. They still work near as well as they did originally. This is with probably a rinse and dry burn once a week. Gunk builds up on the coil and wick that needs to be burned off. I like the 2.5ohm XL E2's @ 3.7. Also the mess is further reduced and you won't get any liquid sucking through on you or leaking onto the battery.
  10. badkolo from ecf will be reviewing this today (friday 12th).
  11. I used an APC UPB10 usb power pack for 3 months with a 5v pt as my main device. It was a little silly having a wire coming out of my pocket but it worked well. It is 1600mah has a led charge meter and size of a cell phone. Only $10 when I bought it. And of course can charge devices and batteries as well. Could be the best $10 I have spent. Looks like on ebay they are $25 after shipping now http://www.navigation-professionell.de/wp-content/uploads/2007/07/apc.JPG
  12. I know your pain! I can't stand dripping beacause 3 drops with last me 3-4 good hits and then it's burn town. Cartos do ok for the first fill. 30-40 hits then need refill. after the first fill I would have to drip after as you say 8 hits or so. I currently use the XL E2 R3's with R4s on the way. They have solved most all of my problems. (once I figured them out). They will last me most of the day and don't leak at all. If I leave a full one on it's side for a day or so it may start to leak out. I used to have to use 5v to get good hits from a carto. These at 3.3 volts do as good or better at 2.5 ohms. I have 3ohm ones on the way which should be good at 3.7-4.2volts. I vape around 2ml a day so most days I can fill one up in the morning (syringe=no mess) and it will last all day in most cases. The best part by far is that they continue to work great for months. I clean every once in a while but I am still using the second one in the box after over a month. (the first one had a mishap with modding). I could barley get through a month on a box of 5 regular cartos. And that was pushing them because I'm cheap. I say you should give the xl e2 r4 cartos a shot. Takes a minute to figure out how to fill and get them where you want em but once you do you won't go back.
  13. Shoulder Holster! Awesome! May be able to mod a gun holster. That would put my nerdiness over the top! hahaha
  14. The joker came with one actually and I use it all the time. on my belt. May have to throw that away. It's so big you can't take it out of the house otherwise.
  15. Recently found one I can't be without. Root Beer over at madvapes. It somehow has the carbonation in there. It's my all day. $14 for 60ml to boot!
  16. I find most of my favorites I almost put in the trash after the first try. Then when I pick it up again it is solid gold. I think when they aren't what I expect I just automatically decide I don't like it. Then after my ego has a time out, WHAM delicious!
  17. you have no idea! I had a headache from researching replacements. Thanks to all!
  18. Great news! I had previously checked the bar with no luck. I went back just to be thorough. (and because I couldn't take using my half broken passthrough any more) While describing an electric tooth brush I saw it sitting in a cup behind the bar! Call off the dogs. I have some parts coming soon so I'll make up a couple mods to use out and about. I'll look into the gps idea, phew!
  19. It's far too large to lose in the house. I last used it at the bar on the weekend so I think it has a new owner. May also explain my amnesia... don't think I'll shell out another $120 Looks like I need a cheaper downgrade. An ego may be the ticket. Anyone know of a cheap regulated pv? Really like the voltage regulator for consistent vapes.
  20. My trusty Jokerav has gone missing. I gave it a good home so I don't think it's a runaway. Is there a recovery service like that active pet recovery thing. My only backup is a cheap Passthrough that I disowned when I got the Joker. This is as bad as losing a wallet Well I'm going to go see about getting a picture on the milk carton. Maybe the evening news will pick up the story.
  21. I am a big fan of the ceramics. Make sure you get revision 4 though. Previous versions do work but I needed to mod them to make them work well. I had to put tea bag material next to the cup where the coil is to get enough juice to the coil so I can keep hitting it without it getting too dry. The new ones appear to work fine out of the box. If you are using 3.7 make sure to get the 3ohm ones. 2.5 ohms work but i have a variable device turned down below 3.7. 2.5 ohm runs too hot at 3.7+ with the ceramics. They seem to be more efficient so more heat is produced at the same voltage and ohm than standard cartos. I vape normal 3ohm cartos at 5v. At 3.7 I use 1.8 ohm cartos. I vape 2.5 ohm ceramics at 3.4-3.6 and they vape better than the low res cartos. I can vape maybe 10-20 drags on a regular carto before it needs dripping, 3-4 drags on a regular atty with drip tip, and most of a day with the XL ceramic. I vape around 2ml per day. Standard cartos seem to have a lifespan of about a week for me and by the end of the week performance is very poor. Atty's probably around a month on average. sometimes more sometimes less. I clean the ceramics after a week and fill them back up and they are good as new. Still pretty new to the ceramics but all I can say is I have two boxes of standard cartos that have been sitting around for a couple weeks and I'm still on my first ceramic.
  22. Electronicstix carries 1.8 ohm cartos with the aluminum threads. They work great just as good as the 3ohm ones.I guess 1.8 is more low than medium do you mean 2.5 ohm ones?
  23. well like regular cartos there was a learning curve. I yank out the first ring and the fill ring. I use a regular syringe tip to fill then put just the first ring back in. I was about to give up when I tried using the little plastic thing that came in the box and those tiny holes to fill. I thought I wasted money on them but a little time and patience and now I won't go back. Standard cartos where like a full time job for me.
  24. I used standard cartos for quite a while. They do an ok job but when it came down to it I got tired of basically just dripping after the first fill because they dry out so fast. After the first couple fills they get worse and worse. And the leaking will get worse as well after a day or two as the filler gets less absorbent. I switched to the Ce2 ceramic cartomizers and all of the drawbacks to cartos are gone. I use the XL 510's and one fill will last me all day without any fussing with anything, They don't leak whatsoever. I used to have a pile of paper towels and a mess on my desk all the time. The E2's have made vaping mess free and easy as it should be. I did have to modify my revision 3 cartos to get them to work welll with a Pyramid tea bag mod. The revision 4 is out now and should be good to go out of the box. Also these will last alot longer than the standard cartos. More like the life span of a regular atty rather than a week. I really think you would love them if you don't want to mess around. Just stick a syringe in a hole squeeze in 1.7ml or so and not think about it again for a day. I get mine from clouds of vapor. The regular size hold .8ml for $10 for 5 or the XL which hold between 1.7 and 2ml for $13 for 5. Highly recommended! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SPckmphUXYY&feature=related
  25. I got a pack of the rev3 2.5 ohm ones and it took some work to get them to work properly. They would not wick well. After a few puffs it would stop producing good vapor and either jave a slight burnt flavor or just very dry with no flavor. I took the inner ring out and cut the hole in the middle out more to increase airflow and another dry burn and poked and prodded the coil to space out the wire so not to have a tight spot in the middle. After all of that it seems to be working much better. And within days of buying these the rev 4 is available... I think they ironed out some of the problems with the latest version. Wasn't happy at all until I did these few little mods. But I do think these will prove to be a next step in cartomizer design. They really do produce good vapor.
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