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braingrnt last won the day on March 9 2010

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About braingrnt

  • Birthday 10/25/1966

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  1. I have a friend that owns a smoke shop and it seams that more and more products are being labeled "NOT INTENDED FOR USE WITH TOBACCO" so that they can still be sold. One of the products is flavored rolling papers, they were banned but now he carries them again with this label on the package. Can suppliers of E-cigs beat a bill like this by not calling thier product an e-cig and by stating that it is not intended for use with liquid nicotine? This bill seams to target the devises not the liquid. Just asking.......
  2. It should since I believe they are they same size bats, I don't use them so I can't be positive. I know the issues with bats exploding but I've been using my SD's for about a year with unprotected bats and for me it's worked out fine. I do see more problems with the mods that push the voltage up past the 4 volt range and have two bats in the unit. The main problem is that when you have two unprotected bats in a device, one bat can actually take the power of the other and sort of overload. I have always stayed with the single bat devices so that may be why I haven't had any issues. I'm not saying you don't need to use protected bats but I just haven't seen I problem with the devices I've been using.
  3. Just my two sense. The DSE-905 IS a copy and a bad one at that. I bought one right when they came out just because they were cheap and I wanted to see what the difference was. The 905 has a plastic connector between the bat case and the atty so that the led can lite it up, bad idea!!! This connection can break the first time you drop it. The original SD is made much better with the exception of the rear mounted switch that can break off if you drop it and it lands just right. There is a reason thy they sell replacement switches for the original. I have two original SD's that work great but I have done some tweeking on the switch to prevent it from breaking. The average user should not have to worry about such issues but it is a very well build unit. I have recently purchased a new devise from a site called powervape out of the U.S. that is made very well and has the switch on the side. I've only had it about two weeks and I don't use my SD's anymore because I love the switch placement on the powervape. The powervape is almost identical to the SD in construction but the switch placement makes it more user friendly. Powervape is located in the U.S. so the shipping time was like three days and it was cheaper than the original. If you are looking for one or the other, definitely get the original SD before the DSE-905. If you want to save some money, check out the powervape. Good Luck!
  4. Lowering your nic level is the easy part, it's the oral fixation that's the hard part. If you lower your nic level you will be suprised that you really don't notice a big difference. I think that's why the gum and the patch really don't work. The thing with vaping is you are still going through the motions of smoking and that seems to make all the difference.
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