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About ThornsofTime

  • Birthday 10/10/1985

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    Design/Invention, Art, Quite time ;)

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Yup Yup... that 510 is the perfect starter e-cig. I ordered 2 when I first started vaping, one for me and one for the wife. I have moved on to slightly bigger and better things (currently vape a janty stick v3 I got over at vaporgalaxy) but the 510 is a super solid investment. I may have a different "daily driver", but the 510 makes for one hell of a backup Happy vaping
  2. Hey there fellow vapers, Just wanted to give a quick shout out to Luke over at vaporgalaxy.com. I was looking to buy a Janty Stick V3 so naturally the first place I went was the suppliers tab here on vaportalk.com. After 20ish minutes of sifting through all the different suppliers whom were out of stock of my beloved Stick, I found that, against all odds, vaporgalaxy.com had a few in stock. "This can't be?!?!" I thought to myself trying not to get my hopes up. Thats when I noticed the livechat option in the bottom right corner of the website. The chatbox clearly stated that the magical being in possession of that which my loins were burning for was "offline", but I decided to roll the dice and hope for the best. I typed a short question (HA.... me typing ANYTHING short...) asking for further verification that they indeed had the stick in stock, and got up to get a soda. By the time I had sat back down there was a response in the chat log answering my query. More than anything else I just feel it my duty to comment on the excellent level of customer service. He responded FAST to questions pre-order, shipped the next day, packaged the product well.... hell... he even called me personally the day after I received my order just to confirm its delivery and my satisfaction with the product (I let slip that I was out of juice and desperate... I think he felt obligated to check for a pulse). So... here I sit, vaping and smiling, completely comfortable with putting my seal of approval on vaporgalaxy.com Thanks again Luke. -ThornsofTime-
  3. Another interesting point to make... When you boil it down to its basic basic basic concept: vaporizers are just a delivery method. Less invasive then a shot, faster acting than pills. Who is the FDA to tell me how I can or cant introduce nicotine to my system. Its not as if were going the opposite way... were not standing in dark alleys thumping our veins holding a rusty needle trying to get our fix. Our desired method has MANY benefits BEYOND our personal health. THINK ENVIRONMENTAL juice bottles are reusable, cigarette butts are not. Smoke is deteriorating our ozone, vapor is not. Cigarettes can start fires, vaporizers cant. Do I need to continue?? The way I see it:A) we have a right to nicotine, just as we have the right to alcohol (we pay for that right through HEAVY taxation). vaporizing is a medically acceptable delivery method for any "drug", it is less invasive than a shot (useful for hemophiliacs) and no worries of stomach ulcers as with pills. WHY IS THE FDA SO OPPOSED TO COMBINING THE TWO?!?!?!?! As and end-note- If e-cigs contained ONLY VITAMIN C, why do I have the suspension that the FDA would praise it as a new and innovative way for parents to get there kids to take care of their immune systems.
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