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Everything posted by MisterE

  1. That's actually a good point. Maybe a setup with 0mg juice will trick my brain. The whole ritual of "smoking" might be enough to relax. We are creatures of habit after all.
  2. How is this for an odd-ball introduction? I have been smoke free for about 10 years or so, after quitting a pack a day cold turkey. I am looking to start vaping. Life is quite stressful, I work 2 jobs, (it's 2:45 about to go to bed to get up in 6 hours for work for an example.) I have debt up to my ears. I have children to raise. Sound familiar? Well the one thing I don't have is a way to take the edge off and relax. I dont feel like drinking. I miss the relaxation nicotine used to give me. Am I crazy for wanting to start vaping? I don't want/miss throat hit, and I don't intend to vape often. In fact it would only be nights at my second job which is more stressful. (Probably also why I snack more at work at night. Not a good thing to eat a 4th meal then go to bed. Great way to gain weight but I am not in training to be a Sumo wrestler.) Does it sound strange to want to start vaping as a way to relax after not smoking for all these years? Anyways I will check in for replies tomorrow.
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