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Everything posted by invizo

  1. just received my 510, WOW...what else could any one need.now i see why that guy took his dash board out..lol
  2. thanks for being honest, what type of e-cig do u vape . i chose the 510
  3. well said, you hit it right on the nose
  4. thanks luck , cheers
  5. ya man, this is kind of like a hobby. its real easy to forget about real cigs. i have been vaping for 4 days now and i like it a lot,i quit smoking several times in the past but always fell of the horse, i think this will work for me do to the fact that vaping is far more enjoyable than regular cigs and taste great no smell its almost unbelievable...lol
  6. hello all, i know this has been asked a thousand times but who is the inventor of the e-cig and where did it all begin?
  7. ok heres the vid thread http://www.youtube.com/user/bigicedog#p/c/E44BD0645D608F95/40/NrRv2nhvyrk
  8. thanks everyone, i will find and post the link to that vid asap.
  9. hi all, just started vaping and loving it and i was just wondering how addictive can it be . i seen one guy on youtube tear his whole dashboard out of his car trying to find a e-cig he droped down the heating vent
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