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Everything posted by Taskmaster99

  1. Using a Kanger Protank with my Atomic Cinnacide. Love the tank. Just bought a crap load of replacement coils since I will be using this tank alot.
  2. The worst flavor I tried was from Totally Wicked. It was supposed to be an Marlboro Red type juice but tasted more like Marlboro ***. I buy accessories from them but never juice!!!!
  3. Mister E Liquid is another that recommends steeping. They include a card explaining steeping and also date the card when your juice was made. Never had a problem with a little wait time for some great flavors.
  4. Finally got a reply back from Halo. They said the Triton battery has the same threading as a V Go. Being still somewhat new....I have no clue what that means...lol.
  5. E Liquid order came in: Tasty Vapor Atomic Cinnacide 24mg 80/20 MEL Neptune 24mg 80/20 MEL Grey Matter 24mg 80/20
  6. Just recieved my KPT today and already love it. Got some Atomic Cinnacide in 24mg going strong right now.
  7. Probably a pretty dumb question. I see that Halo now offers a VV Triton battery and am wondering if my Kanger Protank or Vivi Nova will fit this? I see that they have their own tanks/clearos made for the Tritons, but I just want the battery if possible.
  8. Just bought a Kanger Protank off the site here with some replacement coils. First time using a Kanger. Very excited to receive it.
  9. Just looked something up and the Totally Wicked is an STV Nova. But the question above still applies.
  10. I have a question about the 2 Vivi Nova tanks I own. The first I bought was from Totally Wicked. It came with the coils with the long wicks. I bought replacement coils as well. Later on I was at a vape shop while visiting family. I bought another Vivi Nova tank but this one had short wicks. My question is this......will my coils bought at Totally Wicked fit the other tank as well? Both are indeed Vivi Novas. Also the tank with the short wicks seems to hit harder than the Totally Wicked tank. Both have 2.4 coils. Thanks.
  11. Well I have gone through quite a few ml's of atomic cinnacide. No clearo cracking or fogging. The only thing I have noticed is the plastic mouth tip starting to melt slightly on the end that fits in the tank.
  12. I started out with a Vivi Nova on my Ego Twist. Ended up buying a couple V3 clearo's from Totally Wicked. Noticed a much better flavor and throat hit from the V3. Both devices running at 2.4ohm. Is this normal?? Should I be doing something different with my Vivi? I have the battery set at 4.0.
  13. Just got some stuff from Mister E Liquid. Recommended on his site was Lemon Ice, Grey Matter and Neptune. All in 24mg. He suggests letting them steep for about 7 days. I will update later on. In the meantime its all Atomic Cinnacide for me.
  14. Thanks for the response. I was reading on Twitter that Geoff had been working with his more popular liquids to come up with a way that the plastic doesnt get destroyed. I will keep my eye out for any new news.
  15. So I just recieved my order of TV's Atomic Cinnacide in 24mg. Didnt have anything glass to put it in so I used a backup CE4+. So far so good. Now....I have heard that this flavor can cause havoc to the plastic. If so....about how long does it take?? I know its a stupid question...but I am just wondering what to expect.
  16. It is a heavy peppermint flavor.
  17. Update: Cleaned out the CE4+ and did a quick dry burn. Put in another e juice and it works fine. Resorting to putting my Kringles Curse into cartridges.
  18. Ordered from Mister E Liquid yesterday(Lemon Ice and Grey matter), also stopped by Totally Wicked and purchased 2 CE4+.
  19. I use all 80/20 juices and get a nice throat hit and good vapor. I also use 24mg which helps with the throat hit as well.
  20. Nope. must be a bonk clearomizer. oh well.
  21. I have a bottle of Kringles Curse by Halo. Put it in a CE4+ the first time and it vaped perfectly. Refilled the same clearomizer(which was brand new) and now I am having trouble with it. Hard to pull and practically no vapor. Do you think its the CE4+ or the liquid iself.
  22. I got my first battery from Totally Wicked near me. It is a Tornado C Twist. All Ego parts fit on it. I went with a Vivi Nova as well. I think they are Ego batteries with Totally Wicked semblem stamped on them. I also use CE4+ clearomizers with this battery.
  23. Ive been looking into an aluminum replacement for my Vivi Nova beacuz of the Fireball and also becuz I have a bottle of Atomic Cinnacide coming. Thanks for all the halp. I will let you know how my little experiment tastes.
  24. Thanks for the help all. Wanted to put a drop or so of Fireball into a regular tobacco flavor. Might be good....might nasty as all hell. I shouldnt have to worry about a small amount of Fireball cracking a CE4 right?
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