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Everything posted by bcartervol98

  1. I just got 6 in the last few weeks for the wife and I and have had no problems. I thought I had a problem until I realized my wife had been plugging her batteries in without cleaning the connections and my contacts on my chargers looked like someone had scrambled eggs on them.
  2. Never heard of it. Vegetable Glycerin is found in most cereals, marshmallows, candy, gum, rice cakes, processed meats, dried fruits and vegetables, the list is too long to put on here. Generally if someone has a PG or a VG allergy, one would know it well before the age to be vaping. Glycerine could have a laxative effect when used as a suppository or orally, not sure about vaping. I will say this, and it may be gross, but since I started vaping there is a different "odor" when I go to the bathroom. Much stronger and pungent than before. My wife and I have noticed the same thing, not sure if its vaping or something else. Ok I know, TMI lol.
  3. And others started on 24 and years later are still on 24. I would bet $100 that a year from now my wife will still be using 24mg. She is not "petite" but is 6' tall and weighs about 135lbs. I am not sure body mass is that big of a consideration. I digress though, and trust what Troy has to say, but I am not so sure about that.
  4. Thats exactly why I use 650mah Spinners now at work. Always in my front pocket. I love summer but am dreading the switch to polos at work from the oxfords that have a pocket. For me I can turn on a 650mah Spinner before work about 8am and it will last me until about 9 or 10pm. Everyone vapes differently but I find the 650mah lasts about as long as a 2.5ml tank does with a 2.2ohm coil. A 650mah Spinner is about the same length as a 1000mah non VV Ego battery. I still use them a lot too but like my ADV at about 4v. I really never go any higher than that.
  5. I keep a 5 pack of KPT 2 glass and Mini Davide glass on hand but its all clear, and thats all I have ever seen available in replacement tanks. One thought though, these are made in China. The color on the glass is a concern to me given the Chinese propensity to use things like lead and such in their paints and dyes. The fact that it wore off causes me even more concern because that means its not the color of the glass, it is a paint of dye applied to the glass to give it a colored tint.
  6. I like to call it the KIS method, Keep It Simple. I am over the pretty. the new, the best. I am convinced that, for me, I am set for a very long time on hardware outside of coils. I do not see it as a hobby like many do. I like my Vamo, use it all the time at home but also set it to the side for one of my Spinners all the time. I honestly cannot tell that big of a difference between any APV, Mod whatever that I have tried and Vision Spinners. The only real difference to me that makes me like the Vamo better is I can see a digital readout of how much battery life i have left. Once I learned these batteries do not develop a memory I quit worrying about it. My dailys I use are 650mah Spinners now and when I get home from work, I top one off and the next day I take the other one. I keep a charged 1300mah Spinner at work as a backup but have yet to need it. I also keep a 400mah Mini with my 24mg liquid in it for those days I feel like firing half my staff lol.
  7. When you say "them" who do you mean you have contacted? There really arent any long term battery warranties to the best of my knowledge. Any warranty comes from where you buy it, not the manufacturer. Most have anywhere from DOA only to 30 days, haven't seen many longer than that.
  8. AORN 3 of the first 6 topics in the "Help it Broke" forum are dealing with ITaste.
  9. I just mean in the "Help it Broke" and other forums. Seems like there are an inordinate amount dealing with the ITaste. I am not sure if it is because noobs are buying more advanced gear or because there is an issue, I was just pointing out what I thought. I now have a dozen Vision Spinners between the wife and I, some approaching a year old and have never had a problem. I have submerged them in water once over 30 minutes, dropped them onto about every surface possible and have yet to have a problem with one of them. Everyones experience may be different. I stay away from local shops, all the ones around here carry "Vision Spinner Like" batteries that are not authentic Vision like the cheap ones you can get from Fastech. I have never owned one so maybe I am not entitled to an opinion on them lol. Don't let me make you feel bad about your stuff. I LOVE my Vamo too and many say they have problems and after over 9 months of abuse mine is still kicking. I spend every weekend on my boat, well in the spring summer and fall, and we are known for how wild it gets in our cove lol. My batteries all go through the ringer and from what I have read I wouldn't think the ITaste would be a good choice for me.
  10. Huge congrats on your 1 year! There are a lot of anniversaries coming up in the next few months!
  11. No not in my book. The body absorbs differently and the old stock guide of "12mg for lights, 18mg for full flavor, 24mg for over a pack a day" to be wayyy too generalized. I smoked Camel :Lights and my wife smoked Ultra Lights and anything under 24mg for her doesn't do the trick and for me, after almost 11 months, I am finally 100% satisfied by 18mg but still occasionally vape 24mg. The thing to remember is NICOTINE IS NOT THE ENEMY TOBACCO IS. I have had a lot of friends lately get advice from vape shops that 24mg is too much, 12mg is considered "high". I even posted on it in Rants a few days ago. I may never drop to 12mg, and you know what? I don't care lol. In my opinion ALL regular smokers should start with 24mg nic to get a good dose of nicotine while their body rids itself of the rest of the chemicals, additives, and carcinogens from smoking for however many years. When appropriate, drop down. This is the advice I have given to dozens of friends, employees, and customers and almost no one went back to analogs. Thats my 2 cents. Like I said my wife vapes 4ml+ of 24mg every day of the week and has no issue at all. I vape 3-4ml of 18mg with an occasional pull of a 24mg. Almost a year in 12mg just pisses me off. I even tried doing it blind, thinking it was mental because I knew it was 12mg so I filled 4 tanks with 18mg and one with 12mg. I knew IMMEDIATELY when I had taken a few pulls off the 12mg.
  12. If you smoked menthols you may find a good pure Spearmint or Peppermint to be to your liking. I would definitely start with 24 mg in a 50pg 50vg blend and go from there.
  13. 2.1% or 21mg is not that high of a level that needs to be cut down imo. 24mg or 2.4% is pretty much the standard level most recommend when initially making the switch. I dropped to 18mg after 6 months but my wife is still at 24mg. Neither of us have plans to drop down. The nicotine is not the harmful, although addictive, chemical in analogs it's all the rest of the crap. Nicotine in and of itself is relatively harmless, on par with caffeine, and is the primary reason e- cigs work so we'll in improving the health of those that make the switch. I would however try and get a better kit if you plan to stick with it. For well under $100 you can get the best Vision Spinner kit there is. Most paid more than that for their cig alike kits.
  14. Completely agree with Comp on the Vamo. I freakin love mine and it is 8 months old with no issues.
  15. No doubt between breaking them, people bumming them, and getting them wet I lost more $$$ on analogs than I ever will on vape gear. I submerged a 1300 mah spinner on a lanyard around my neck for close to 30 minutes and I still use it all the time. I was hammered and forgot I had it on and jumped in my chair float. My wife noticed my lanyard and I was sure I had killed it but nope. Took off the tank, put on a new one and worked fine!
  16. No actually none were dark except one tobacco flavor. I ordered 10 flavors from them and liked none so I wrote them off. Everyone is different but I just didn't like their liquids at all.
  17. I see too many problems people have with Itaste so I would say Spinner. They are pretty rock solid.
  18. Oh and as far as the equipment goes, all my batteries, tanks, chargers, and everything hardware combined is still less than 6 weeks of smoking did and I will celebrate 11 months the 23rd of this month! My wife and I were spending over $550 a month on analogs all told. Now we use coils and liquid. I estimate our combined daily cost to be about $3.
  19. I do not want to seem like I am bragging, I am just pointing out everyone starts out trying to be careful and worry too much. I did. In fact approaching a year ago I made a post asking if it was ok to leave liquid in tanks for an extended period of time. You eventually realize there is only so many things that can go wrong and really none of those are things that can be planned for. Like I said everyone is different but I have had some of my batteries for over 10 months and as a boater that basically lives on the water in the spring, summer, and fall I have abused the hell out of them. Just last week I dropped a Spinner 650mah with a glass Davide mini on it in the paved parking lot and then accidentally kicked it into a puddle about 6" deep. I grabbed it, poured the water out of the mouthpiece, dried the battery off with a paper towel, ran a q-tip through it and blew out the coil and used it all day.
  20. I found every liquid I every tried from MBV leaves a coating and nasty after taste in my mouth. Put me in the "Not a fan of MBV at all" column.
  21. I mean do what you feel comfortable with. I leave them on top of some of my batteries for weeks at a time, not gonna really hurt anything. My Vamo that stays at home now has a KPT 2 of Unicorn Blood on it that stays there for days at a time. It takes me all week to go through one tank at home as much as I am at work. I will have to post a pic lol. I now have a huge mug full of fully charged batteries that have full tanks on top of them. I use them till I have 5-6 dead at the same time then charge them all at once. I HATE messing with filling tanks and I would rather do it once every week than every day, plus I have my wifes to do as well. That means I have 6 KPT 2s, 6 Mini Davides, and 8 T3S's all full and screwed onto their own battery. The tank almost always outlasts the battery unless it is on a 1300mah Spinner or my Vamo but even if not, the battery gets topped off once the tank is empty. I always have 10-20 full tanks, on top of batteries, and (knock on wood) I have yet to have a battery issue. The battery arsenal consists of 6 18650s for the Vamo, 6 Spinner 1300MAH, 4 Spinner 650mah, 4 EgoT 1000mah non VV, 2 Ego 400mah minis, 2 650 mah Carpax batteries, and 6 650mah Designer Bedazzled batteries for the wife. The only ones showing signs of dropping in charge time are the bedazzled ones that my wife has used, abused, jumped in the lake with, she never cleans them before charging resulting in my chargers looking like they have scrambled eggs on them until I clean them. Long story short, this stuff is tougher than many think it is.
  22. I think it also depends on what kind, or more to the point what quality, of tank you are using. When I first started with Ce4s before swiching to BCCs and never looking back, the Ce4s would leak around the part where the mouthpiece screws in but since upgrading I have never had any problem with Davides both regular and mini or the KPT 2s.
  23. Standing up, laying on their side, upside down, doesnt really matter imo. I keep 4-5 filled tanks in my case laying on their side all the time. I have never seen any difference in performance or failure-leaking rate because of the way tanks are stored. I grabbed a tank (KPT 2) of a flavor I only occasionally vape that had been laying on its side in my case untouched for over a month last night and popped it on and no problems at all.
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