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Everything posted by bcartervol98

  1. You dont necessarily have to be allergic to a fruit to have a reaction to that flavor. I love Grapes, I eat them all the time. I drink wine. There is nothing about a grape that has ever bothered me. If I vape a Grape flavor liquid, I immediately get massive heartburn, headache, and feel like my throat is closing up. Most of the flavors used in liquids, unless otherwise specified, are artificial and would contain very little of the chemical competition of the original fruit I would think.
  2. As I expected a mixture of about half Blue Honey and half Traditional Tobacco from Sweet-Vapes makes for a nice combination! It cuts the sweetness and really mixes well. Has been on my battery since last night. I have thought about switching to Spearmint several times but then I take a pull and am like, nahhh this is too good lol.
  3. I am not a cigar fan but when I tried EVO Habanos it tasted exactly like a cigar to me. The Veteran Vaper carries it I know, and they are in the Vapor Talk marketplace too. I wasn't a huge fan but mainly because it tasted exactly like I remember a cigar tasting.
  4. Not all CE4s are created equal. There are probably 10 generic knockoffs sold for every one real Vision brand CE4. It pays to do due diligence when buying things online and make sure they are for real. When you see a deal that seems too good to be true, like CE4s or other clearos for $1.50....it probably is too good to be true.
  5. I threw away 10 colored CE4 (V3) from SunVapers that all leaked and didnt work.
  6. VapeDudes Candy Cane 24mg 70-30 Ok I am amazed how much I am liking this flavor. Again, just like spearmint, a "mentholly" flavor that I love. Tastes exactly like those peppermints you get that melt quickly n your mouth. Great vapor, taste, smell, this one is 5 stars just like spearmint. I would say as of right now, Peppermint and Spearmint will be on my battery 90%+ of the time. Great all day vapes for me, and both are 100ml at a time orders from here on out. VapeDudes Blue Honey 24mg 70-30 I was soooo looking forward to trying this flavor since the reviews were awesome. Personally I think it should be called "Honeysuckle" because that is exactly what it tastes like. I love the taste and the flavor, only thing is it is a bit too sweet for me. I am gonna let this one steep a week or so and try again. Also seems like this might be a good flavor to mix with my tobacco flavor of choice. Of all the flavors i have tried, this has to be the sweetest tasting overall. A bit overpowering on the sweetness but a very nice flavor. The result of all this tasting and trying is I have now figured out what I like, at least for now. I think in order of how much I will use them, my rankings of flavors are: 1. Spearmint and Candy Cane tie for 1st. VapeDudes 24mg 70-30 (Extra Flavor in both) 2. Traditional Tobacco Sweet-Vapes 24mg 80-20 (Std Flavor) 3. Strawberry Fields VapeDudes 24mg 70-30 (Std Flavor) 4. Blue Honey VapeDudes 24mg 70-30 (Std Flavor) 5. Juicy Peach Sweet-Vapes 24mg 70-30 (Std Flavor) Thats it, out of the dozens of flavors I have tried over the last 2 months these are the 5 I will be sticking with for now. I am stocked up on all and will not be trying anything else new until I have to reorder, then I may try a couple more.
  7. Blue Honey is one of VapeDudes signature flavors. In theory it is blueberry and honey flavor. It is very very sweet. It wasn't a "love at first vape" thing like a couple other flavors but as I continue it is definitely growing on me. I switched from spearmint all day, tried Candy Cane peppermint, then tried the Blue Honey so at first the fruity sweetness was overwhelming but as I have gotten the minty flavors off my palate it is quickly growing on me. Will not be an all day vape for me most likely but is definitely a good flavor. I grew up plucking fresh honeysuckle and sucking the nectar, that is almost exactly what this tastes like to me.
  8. I also think this Blue Honey will be good mixed about 50-50 with my tobacco flavor of choice. Should cut the sweetness and I think the flavors will mix nicely.
  9. Candy Cane is the bomb, tastes like those soft peppermints that melt in your mouth. Blue Honey is very sweet but the longer I vape it the better I like it. Tastes just like honeysuckle for those that have sucked on fresh honeysuckle. Will post full reviews in a couple days. I can already tell Spearmint and Candy Cane will be my top two flavors for a while. VapeDudes nailed these two!
  10. The key at first is to find a good tobacco replacement, at least for me. I found this in Sweet-Vapes.com "Traditional Tobacco". I have tried at least 8 different tobacco blends and this by far is the best I have tried as far as mimicking the taste and throat hit of an analog. You will find your taste will change over time and you most likely will drift away from the tobacco but for me, at first, it was paramount in my success. I have no doubt over this past weekend, even as strong as my resolve is, if I didnt have this flavor while drinking I would have 100% bummed a smoke.
  11. And back to Spearmint, just cant get enough lol. Glad I have another 100ml at home waiting for me. Going to retire the Strawberry Fields and Peach from the rotation for a while and add Candy Cane (Peppermint) and Blue Honey and see how they are.
  12. As I switch from my tank of VapeDudes Spearmint to Strawberry Fields it made me wonder: What flavor is on your PV right now?
  13. I get that, I may eventually try the Kanger Pro-Tank. I guess I am just wondering if there is this huge taste difference I am missing by sticking with the T2s over a true tank system.
  14. I keep seeing everyone recommending the Vivi Nova. I currently use a Kanger T2 and love it. Is there any reason to try the Vivi Nova other than the size of the tank? What would be the advantage? I would probably use the smaller Mini Nova anyway and my T2 holds 2.4ml now. Is there a difference in the quality of the vape?
  15. I expect to keep a tobacco flavor around for a long time for this one reason. I cannot imagine any other flavor I know of tasting good with a glass of Makers Mark or a cold beer.
  16. I agree, although I will 100% step into the restroom and vape in a "non smoking" venue. There is very little to no downside. Same with airports and airplanes. Since there is no lingering smoke, very little noticeable smell, and no way to get "caught" I have no problem stepping to the bathroom to vape. It has made eating out a ton more enjoyable since now I am not breaking my wrist to pay my check the moment we have finished waiting to get outside to have a smoke. I now can hit the bathroom, vape a few pulls, and enjoy that after dinner drink.
  17. I havent gotten there yet, if I ever do. I am very very fond of Kanger T2s for cost and ease of filling, size, and cost of replacement coils.
  18. For now.....that speaks volumes. Vaping is truly a "for now" thing for me with flavors it seems. I LOVED Strawberry Fields at first. Couldn't get enough of it. Other flavors sat by the wayside. Then all of a sudden I tried the Spearmint and now that is how I am with that. I mean I always have 4 or 5 filled T2s in my case. One will be Strawberry, one is Peach, one is Tobacco, one is Spearmint, and the other is whatever new flavor I am trying. I have Blue Honey and Candy Cane at home right now in my mailbox, and am anxious to try those because I am burned on the Peach and the Strawberry both and would like to throw a couple new ones in the rotation. I too change 3-4 times daily but it seems I go Spearmint almost all day, then pop on a new flavor for an hour or two, then another, then back to Spearmint.
  19. I know an older thread, but I have found I am intolerant to flavorings in some flavors. The biggest for me is Grape. I have had 3 different grape flavors and they all 3 give me wicked bad heartburn. No other flavor has done this. Must be something in the flavoring of grape.
  20. The one thing for me as a moderate social drinker is having the taste of tobacco when I have alcohol. My all day vape (this week) is Spearmint. I enjoy that more in the morning, sometimes I switch to Strawberry in the afternoon and evening. It seems to work better after food, and I love fresh strawberries and it is amazing how VapeDudes nailed the taste of a natural strawberry. I bought a couple quarts of local grown strawberries at work the other day and would eat a strawberry then take a pull of the Strawberry Fields, they complimented each other nicely. I will say I am not sure I would not still have an analog or two when I drink (mostly on weekends on the lake) if I hadnt found the tobacco flavor that works for me. I pretty much exclusively order from VapeDudes now BUT for me Sweet-Vapes Traditional Tobacco hits the spot behind a glass of bourbon or a beer. I just cannot seem to enjoy Strawberry, Spearmint, or Peach with bourbon or beer.
  21. I have to agree with this, although at the dealership I run we sell to a lot of doctors and unfortunately I had a hospital stay and every doctor so far I have spoken with say it should be infinitely better than smoking although the healthiest thing to do would be neither. I have read several studies that show there is no second hand ill effect from vaping, so that makes me feel a lot better. My son, who is 8, no longer coughs. We didnt smoke in the car with him or in our house, but now we vape about anywhere. Knowing there is no second hand problems for people I am around is a great thing for me, and a huge motivating factor for me to stay off the analogs. Its a lot about my health but just as much about the health of those around me.
  22. I was talking to friends over the weekend, and its funny how fast taste can change. When I first gave up analogs, I thought I had to have the perfect Tobacco and went on a quest. Then I found it, and stocked up. Within a couple weeks I realized the only time I wanted it was when I was drinking beer or alcohol. I was a HUGE fan of a Peach flavor, but within a couple weeks I no longer liked it. I had a Strawberry flavor I really liked in my regular rotation, but now it is in the backseat and I only vape it when my Spearmint tank runs out and I am at work or on the road and cannot refill it. This is the same Spearmint that I almost gagged when first trying a little over a month ago and after a few more tries, I have 100ml in the mailbox at home now. Really looking forward to trying the Blue Honey and Candy Cane (peppermint) that are also in my mailbox at home. I am interested to here others evolutions of taste and flavors. Its funny, but I think there is a point where we say "I no longer need (nor want for that matter) this to taste like a cigarette and it goes from being a replacement to its "own" thing. I still vape the tobacco when I drink because the two compliment each others flavors but thats it. The fruit flavors i loved at first no longer do it for me. I would have gagged when I was a smoker if I accidentally hit someones menthol cig but now my favorite vaping flavor would be considered a "menthol" flavor and I am super excited about trying another. Pretty wild how the evolution of a vaper transpires, at least for me.
  23. Cant wait to get home from work, my first order of VapeDudes "Blue Honey" and "Candy Cane (Peppermint)" along with another 100ml of Spearmint are in my mailbox at home, or will be shortly. I did not like Spearmint when I first tried it, but since it has become my favorite.
  24. Welcome! Remember there is no question that is dumb, people here can save you a ton of time and money. In the E-Cig industry there are a handfull of great suppliers and products and a wealth of generic half working stuff. Thats the hazards of a completely unregulated industry however once regulations start up so do costs and "nanny state" type laws. Its a double edged sword. I would read a lot of the threads here and listen to what folks say. I did that back when I started and it has changed my life totally!
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