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Posts posted by Patricia

  1. Yep, I retain water too. I drink about 6 to 8 bottles of water a day. Water is very good for our bodies for all kinds of reasons but it should go out as fast as it goes in and I don't know why but since I started vaping I have noticed I am retaining a lot of fluid and I don't have any diuretics prescribed to help get rid of it.

  2. I know, I am loving it. I never even knew there was a jewelry section in the crafts department, now my family can't get me out of that section. I have gone to 4 different Wal-Marts and checked out that section and you would be surprised at the different stuff each one has. Now I don't go looking for these Wal-Marts, that would be a little obsessive. I am a home health nurse so I travel all over South East Georgia so when I see a Wal-Mart I just have to see what THEY have in that section. : )

  3. All 8 of my Spinner 2s are still having a pause during the charging cycle where I have to unplug them then plug them back in. I'm glad to hear that yours finally got straight Carter, now I have hope for mine. It's just a little inconvenient. But since I got my Provari they have been packed up. I'm loving my Provari so much I don't think I will be pulling the Spinners out unless something happens to my Provari, knock on wood.

  4. I downloaded the Provari manual with the codes in it when I bought it. I am using the Protank 2 also with the 1.8 ohm coils. I just leave it on the 4.0 V default setting and I am happy with it without adjusting it but I have used that option when I got the error codes. I am just SO thankful that what ever I am doing is fixing it.

  5. I am loving my new Provari, however several times I have gotten the E1 or the E2 error codes. To get it back to working I have to take the tank off and change the coil. I also tried cutting the power down but that did not work. But once I take the tank off and change the coil I also take the battery out for a few seconds before I put the tank back on and usually that will fix it. I have no idea if that was the problem or not but when it happens I totally freak out thinking "oh no I broke it". So for it to go back to working makes me very happy but you all who have Provaries is it usually the coil that is the problem when E1 or E2 error codes come up?

  6. I don't keep alcohol in the house so I just clean my tanks with hot water a dawn dish liquid. Now my coils I do rinse with hot water then soak in rubbing alcohol over night. Then I soak in hot water a little while to get the alcohol out, then lay them out to dry for about 24 hours. When my coils are past the point of no return I send them to Comp so he can use them to rebuild them. Much better to recycle then to just through them away.

  7. post-23494-0-43192500-1405201791_thumb.jpost-23494-0-43192500-1405201791_thumb.j

    I finally got it put together and going. For some reason my phone would take the pic but would not send it to my email. So I had to take the pic with my webcam and does not show its true beauty.I really love the way it functions to. I love this hobby. I can't stop looking at drip tips and charms. How long do these batteries last before you have to recharge them?

  8. OK, I did it, I put it together without it and don't seem to need it. I love this little pink piece of heaven Provari. It is not nearly as hard to set and set up as I thought it was going to be. I stuck with my KPT 2s with the air adjusters on the bottom.I followed mamabirds lead and dressed her up real pretty too.That reminds me I need to post this in her post where we have been dicscussing Provaries. I'm going to post her picture there. But Bebop, to answer your question. I LOVE IT!

  9. I got up this morning to put together my new Provari and on the first page I hit my first problem. The diagram says and shows I should have a tip that goes on the end of the Provari. It says the tip inserts into the Atomizer. If it is not in the box is there any chance in is in the inside of the Provari? Is it OK to take the top of the Provari off to look for it? It is a mini 2.5 so is there a possibility that I am not suppose to have one? I waited all week to put it together because I was working and got up at 3:00am because I was so excited about putting it together. This just breaks my heart if I have to wait for a tip to come through the mail. Just to test it my tank screws right into the end of the Provari so I am hoping it is a part that I don't need.

  10. No not over done, beautiful. I have 2 of the charms you have. I think we have a lot of our taste in common. Could you give me a link to where you get your drip tips? They are beautiful too. I am an RN and you must be a doctor. It took a lot to pull together almost $300.00 for 1 Provari with the batteries, charger and all. I don't know how you can get one every other week. I just got an email saying they have shipped it out. I hope I will be able to work it once it gets here. I have printed out the manual off of the site. I just have never been good at electronics. My charger came in today and I can wait to get into it to see how complicated it is. It was $50.00. A good friend on the forum who is really smart about this kind of stuff suggested I get it.

  11. Well, I could not wait till I got home from work last night to order my Provari. I got a Hybrid White/Pink ProVari Mini V2.5 with the blue Digital Display. I also went to Wal-Mart and bought some craft jewelry to dress it up like yours. I hope you don't mind me using your ideas. I can't wait until it all gets here. I am going to take a pic to add to this post. Thank you for the ideas. You are talented in that area. I'm just good at being a mama and nursing. Happy Independence day!!!!

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