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Posts posted by Patricia

  1. Sounds delicious Comp. All of my juices that I let get several months old turn a dark brown color but taste so much better then when I put it away. If I don't like a juice I put it in a bag in a cabinet for the kids or coworkers that may ask if I have any of a certain flavor they can try. About every 2 or 3 months when I go digging around in the bag to get something out I will come across some juices that have turned that color and give it another try. Most of the time it has gotten much better. I wonder why yours stays clear and mine gets that mud brown color?

  2. Talking about the cobalt blue bottles

    comp I still have a little bit of Snickerdoodle that I bought from you that came in the cobalt blue bottle. See how long I have had that juice? I love that Snickerdoodle but I try to rotate all my juices so hopefully I wont go past the expiration date. I buy juice when I don't really need it but it will be a ridiculously good deal (only from venders I have tried and trust) and I can't help taking advantage of a good deal. Sometimes I am worried I am going to pass the expiration date. I have not done that yet but I am only 2 1/2 years in.

  3. I recently visited a site that said they are using new PET bottles that improves the lifespan of juice and keeps e-liquids tasting fresher for longer. Does anyone know what these PET bottles are and if they do what the site says? Most of my juices I just get in plastic and some of my liquid has turned dark brown. The juice still tastes great but it looks gross. Do just regular glass bottles preserve juice better then plastic?

  4. You are probably right and I found another reason I have to stick to my KPT2s, my EVOD 2s do not fit on my Provari. Thank goodness I have 4 Vision Spinner 2s that have also been put away for a little while. I'm sure all this equipment, especially the batteries could use to be fired up and ran for a little while.

  5. Well then it looks like I'm going to go back to my EVOD 2s at least long enough to use the 3 boxes of duals I have. Might be a nice change from the KPT 2s for a little while. I like the EVCOD 2s. Their performance is great. The only 2 things that make me choose the KPT2 over the EVOD 2 is the KPT2 holds more juice, thus less filling times and I can use the air controller on the KPT2. My next move is going to be the Aspire Nautilus mini. I'm kind of holding out for them to make a 2.5 ml.

  6. I know this topic has been asked and talked about a hundred times but I have never seen it asked or answered like this. I cannot really go by how many days or weeks because I use 6 tanks that I rotate evenly. I actually have a piece of paper that I put a check by the tank, that I distinguish by drip tip colors, when ever I refill the tank. Then that tank will sit to the side until I go through the next 5 tanks before I use it again. I know that if my juice started tasting bad or burnt or the Provari gives me an error reading that the coil would need to be changed but I know at some point there has to be a drop in the quality of the flavor of my juice but I don't recognize it because it is so gradual. I use KPT 2s which I believe hold 2.5ml of juice and I fill up each tank about 3 to 4 times in 2 weeks. My coils are 1.8 ohm. My juices are mostly high in VG. I get some that says it is 100% VG, some that are 80 % VG. Also, some of my juices are so steeped that is has turned very dark brown. So just out of curiosity how many tanks full of juice do you think I should go through before changing my coils so I can continue to get the best flavor out of my juice that I can.

  7. BEAUTIFUL, you are going to love it. I have one just like it except mine is pink and white. That black and white looks nice. I bought the extension with mine so the larger battery would fit in it. Did you get some rechargeable batteries and a good battery charger? My Provari was a big step up for me from the Vision Spinners I was using. I am so glad I took the leap and spent the money. It was worth every penny. Enjoy!

  8. I agree with comp because I don't understand why we need to know these readings as long as what we are vaping is satisfying our taste buds and vaping needs. The only time I look at the readings on my Provari is if I feel I need to cut it up because it is too weak or down because it is tasting burnt.

  9. One thing I have learned on Vapor Talk is that vapor equipment and juices are truly a personal choice. What may be my favorite set up is not for everybody. You know the saying " different strokes for different folks"? Well that is very true in the vaping world. I can tell you what I have found to be MY favorite set up. As far as tank I prefer the Kangar Protank 2 with the Airflow controller. As far as the battery goes, before I got my Provari, I preferred the Vision Spinner 2. As far as my juices I have found that I prefer the VG juices. Since I started vaping them the 50/50 VG/PG seems watery to me. But like I said, that is just me. It took me over a year of trying different things before I found what I consider my perfect set up and now I'm happy. I still try new juices now and then, especially if I see forum members giving one high ratings. Just have fun with it. At least your not using those stinkies anymore.

  10. I've got bottles of juice that I have put away for my kids because I don't like them. I will send you a few of them if you can pay for shipping and send me a label. I don't know how to send stuff out, I only get stuff in except a few envelopes of coils that I have sent to Comp. I believe with juice I would have to have a box and bubble wrap?

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