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Everything posted by Patricia

  1. Thanks Tam, Is the Eleaf iStick 50W the smallest of the boxes? I had three of the Eleaf iSticks small to large. When I started putting my little tanks on them they were literally blowing the coils out. I'm not sure if the little Box I had did it. So If I get the 50 Watt will it work well with the smaller tanks like Protank 3s and Aerotanks? I still have several Aerotanks and Protank 3s left. It is the batteries that I am down to 2 of, and that is scary. Can you please share with me where you get the wraps from? I've never even seen them but that sound like fun being able to match my battery to my uniform for the day. So you just buy 1 color of battery and then change your colors and styles with the wraps? Thanks for all your help.
  2. While I have all of your attention and talking about the oowee goowee juice is there anyway to make the buttons on the battery unstick? I think that may be caused by the juice too. It is the button that you push to get fire. I really have not seen juice dripping that bad or that far but I cannot think of anything else that would make the button stick. Thanks ahead yall.
  3. Hi all, as you can see in my earlier post I am losing equipment fast. I have not been on the forum due to a heavy work schedule and I'm not up to speed on the new and improved batteries and tanks to go with them. I have tried several different types of it all in the past 4 years and what I seem to like the best is the Spinner 2 and the Protank 3 batters. Has there been any improvements that I have missed? Your advice will surly appreciate.
  4. Thank you Bebop, Great minds think a like, You and Earthling had the same idea. Thank you for the advice.
  5. Thank you Tam. That is one thing I did not think to do. I could be screwing it in too tight but then again like I said I have had trouble with that whole shipment and that included the coils, tanks and batteries. Those coils are a little leaky so that would be the problem too. Hey Earthling. Thanks for the advice and I will try your suggestion. That's why I always come to you Pros. You've probably been there and done that and even if you haven't like Tam you still have the mindset to figure this stuff out. I will let yall know if this works.
  6. Good morning all. For some odd reason I have had 3 Protank 3's break off in my Spinner 2 batteries. I just had the worst luck with that whole shipment. What is left in the battery is a round metal piece that I think came from the coils because when I look at the bottom of the unbroken Protanks I do not see the piece that is stuck in the battery. I have tried every way I can think of to get that piece out. Tweezers, knives, paperclips but I cannot get it out. I was hoping I could pick the minds of all the vaping geniuses on VT to see if I could get some ideas on other things I can try. I hate to just through the batteries away. Thank you in advance for your thoughts.
  7. Good morning all. For some odd reason I have had 3 Protank 3's break off in my Spinner 2 batteries. I just had the worst luck with that whole shipment. What is left in the battery is a round metal piece that I think came from the coils because when I look at the bottom of the unbroken Protanks I do not see the piece that is stuck in the battery. I have tried every way I can think of to get that piece out. Tweezers, knives, paperclips but I cannot get it out. I was hoping I could pick the minds of all the vaping geniuses on VT to see if I could get some ideas on other things I can try. I hate to just through the batteries away. Thank you in advance for your thoughts.
  8. You are right Tam, her work is great and affordable.
  9. I received my new organizer and it fills like Christmas morning. I went to work right away putting all (well, not all) my goodies where I wanted them to go and just had to share with my Vapor Talk friends.
  10. Thanks you all, I forget to post the link to where you could go look at her site. https://www.etsy.com/listing/225462454/e-cigarette-organizer-e-vape-organizer?ref=shop_home_active_4 . I hope everybody is having a great weekend
  11. Hello All, I have been stuffing all my equipment in one drawer and my liquids in another for years. This being more then a 3 year hobby I have collected quite the collection so I found this online and HAD to get it. I knew when Karen, the young lady who does this work, asked me for all of my measurements that this organizer is going to be exactly what I was looking for. The picture that is full of equipment and juice is the one on the web site front page and she said she made that one for her brother. I told her that I wanted one just like it except I needed one that sits on my desk instead of hanging on the wall (like her brothers does). She says you tell her how you want it and she will make it just like you want it, And can you believe it is only $45.00?
  12. most of the sites are saying the kpt is being discontinued. 2 and 3
  13. I looked through the Vapor Talk store and the I could only find clear tanks, nothing with color. I do love the Protank 2s and never tried the Protank 3s. It is good to know I can use the Protank 2 coils with the Protank 3s just in case I can find some colorful Protank 3s because I have a lot of left over Protank 2 coils. Thanks Tam.
  14. That you all who answered my question about the David coils but now I need your advice on what kind of clearomizers you recommend and where to look for them. Also, what kind of coils go with them. I have bought a couple of Eleaf iStick 50 Watt batteries and an Eleaf Melo Tank. I love the batteries but this is the third time I have tried the SUB tanks and I do not like them. I keep going back to the what I think are called clearomizers. Tanks such as Protanks, Kanger EMOWS, ETC. Also, I like very colorful tanks, not just the plain clear ones. I saw on one site where I could buy an adapter that will let me use the type of tanks I prefer on the Eleaf iStick. I also saw some Protank 3s that were very colorful but only had 2 colors in stock and I even googled them and everyone seem to be out of stock. Maybe they have stopped making them? Well to make a long story longer If you have any suggestions on the type of tanks I am looking for would you please let me know along with what coils I should buy and the best places to find them. More then one place if you know of more because as I found out searching yesterday, if it is a popular item it is very likely to be out of stock. Thank yall in advance
  15. A friend gave me 2 of the mini Davids and I had 1 a long time ago a really liked it but I forgot what type of coils I had to buy to go with them. And I know my Vapor Talk Peeps know.
  16. That's a good idea Earthling. I have a bottle of nicotine and I can just add amount needed to each bottle. The person who gave me the nic sent instructions on how much to add. I just need to order me a marked syringe, Thanks for the advice. Patricia
  17. No Tam, I did not even think a juice company would specialize an order like that for just one order but it's worth a shot. Thank you.
  18. Thanks yall, And Tam I don't know of a cereal I don't like. I guess my favorite was captain crunch with crunch berries. What got me thinking about it is Vapor Girls have a new line that are all cereal flavors but their max nic is 6mg and I vape 18 if I can get it. I appreciate the help
  19. Can someone please point me to a site that sells GOOD cereal flavored juice please?
  20. Thanks comp. I have had 2 of those and they lasted about a year. I drag them around with me everywhere. I found one on Etsy that is very nice and large. It was featured in Vape magazine. Looks like just what I need. Expensive but made of leather so I believe it will last all my abuse.
  21. My E-cig case has finally fallen apart. Mostly because it was too small for what I was trying to stuff into it. I need a case that will hold 4 Vision Spinner 2's, 4 2 ML tanks, a charger, extra coils and 4 bottles of juice. When I go on trips I like to carry all my E-cig stuff in one place. Can anyone send me a link or tell me where to go to find a case this large? Preferably one that has the straps in it that holds the Spinners and Tanks in place so they are not flying around. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
  22. Well Earthling I liked your info so much I went out and got me a K-Box and 2 new batteries to go with it for less then $50.00 delivered at Sweet Vapes. They had them on sale also for $28.00. I figured I got my tanks and coils there so I got the rest there. Thank you for the information. I always said I would never buy one of the boxes because I thought they were ugly but that silver K-Box looks real nice and the new tanks will look good on it. Thanks again for everyones advice and information.
  23. OK Comp, I think you just answered my question. It is time for me to buy more tanks and coils so I was wondering if there was a new and improved tank since the Nautilas regular size. I use a Provari so it looks like a good strong tank for that. The only problem is it may be over my head. I definitely would not want to try to rebuild coils for it. It has been so long since I have been on the forum due to work. I do not know what a SUB tank is and I don't know what OCC is. Would you please explain these terms to me? If you think this is a good tank for me can I buy it without the screw driver and all for rebuilding coils? Also, do you sell these or someone else? Thank you for educating me.
  24. May I ask about the importance of it having cotton in them? Is that a good thing or a bad thing? I am fixing to place an order for new tanks and coils so I will wait to get the answer before I buy. Also, I have been off the forum for a while working and don't know if there is a better tank out now than the regular sized Nautilas. That's what I'm here this morning trying to read and learn. If anyone knows of a new and improved tank please let me know. I need a tank that is good with a Provari. Thank you.
  25. Yep, you are right Tam. I looked around and the ones I really like cost anywhere from $30.00 to $40.00. They are painted glass. I can't afford it but I keep thinking , I only need 4 to go on my 4 new Tanks and New Provari. That's just my addiction talking. If I can't stop myself I'll post some picks for sure.
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