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Everything posted by Patricia

  1. It scares the HELL out of me. I just found this great instrument that actually keeps me from smoking and killing myself and there are people who are fighting to take it away and ban it. They don't care if we live or die. I wish I could use my Nursing status to help swing this thing in our direction but for now I do at least have the ability to carry the information I have learned about E-Cigs to my patients who are struggling to quit smoking because it is killing them.
  2. Thanks you guys I have been noticing that too. One time when I pulled the bottom off the coil just stayed in the tank. So, tightening up the coil is what I need to do to fix the problem? Thank you. I can do that.
  3. I want one too! But I like the more comfortable big men's tee-shirts without the collar.
  4. Koda, you should change over to something like a KPT 2 because it comes in PINK, they call it red but it is PINK, isn't it Havamal? Once you have one of those you can buy all kinds of different colors and shapes of drip tips. It is kinda like dressing up your PV. Then again you can always buy an adapter to put on your atomizer that will let you use the drip tips. I bought one when I was still using CE5s but it kinda made it look too long to me. Tam posted some that looked very nice and Fast Tech have a Hugh selection of drip tips, including the long ones. I plan on getting a package of 10 that are assorted colors. But the style is going to long drip tips now.
  5. Thanks Tam. That pulling out completely is what I am afraid of but I have been doing it since you taught me how months ago and I have not killed a battery yet. Now that I know that if I do accidently pull it up too much I can put it back together I am not so scared.
  6. Just look at this mod. I can feel myself being pulled toward the mod direction. They are all so pretty. It wont let me put the link but it is Hooser Vapes and called The Charmer
  7. Remove the coil then pull down on the bottom part a little bit? Will it pull off? If so what do I do if it does?
  8. I get the same attitude from the vape shop closest to my house. Every since they figured out that I know a little more then their usual customers due to Vapor Talk education and the fact that I purchase most of my stuff online they act like they don't like me very much. They want to take away our choice to buy online if we want to. They want all online buying shut down so we would be forced to buy from them. That's why I do not frequent their establishment.
  9. I really don't want to hurt my new KPT 2 either but it IS the problem. Only the tank acts up, not the battery. All is brand new. I should not be having these problems.
  10. Spydre, I think that is why my daughter did it without a second thought too. I asked her and my son during Thanksgiving if they would like a starter kit for Christmas to give it a try and they both said yes so guess what they are getting for Christmas. I have already converted my 2 younger daughters over from analogs to vaping. That just leaves 1 daughter to go. Isent that amazing, a family of 5 maybe 6 have converted over to vaping from that first Blu I put in my mouth.
  11. I have started having that problem with there not being a good connection between the tank and the battery. I can fix it by pulling up the center post of the battery but I don't want to break a perfectly good battery when it is the tank that is the problem. I know this because it happens to every battery I put that tank on. My question is this, how can I fix the bottom of the tank instead of having to mess with my new batteries? I am gentle but I am afraid I will eventually break one of my new batteries trying to get the tank to work.
  12. You ask some great questions. Like when I received my KPT 2s all of them came with o rings, but I don't even know what to do with them. I know if the time comes and my KPT starts acting up I will ask the group and they will tell me what to do. It is great to have these folks as friends. I'm sorry I can't answer your question but I made sure to follow your post because I want to know the answer to your question. I do that a lot and I learn so much by reading other peoples questions and posts.
  13. I think I vape in the range of 5ml a day maybe a little less.
  14. Uma, my calculating was terribly off that day it would actually be $120.00 for all three. Still a lot of money though. I want one of each too. They are so unique. I think I'll ask Santa Clause for them. I have been a good girl this year.
  15. I thought I was becoming addicted to this vaping purchasing obsession but now I know I definitely am. As the clock got closer and closer to midnight last night and the Cyber Monday sale would end I felt like I was having an anxiety attach. I had been looking at these items for a week now going through the Thanksgiving sale and now alas the Cyber Monday sale. In a very short while I would no longer be able to buy the items I wanted so much and save money doing it too. . Well, I made one last resort, which I hated to do but I WANTED MY SPINNERS ANS COILS. I picked up the phone and called my daughter. I tried to hide the desperation in my voice as I described what a great sale this is and what a shame it would be to not be able to take advantage of it. When I heard her say "sure mom just tell me what you want and I will get it for you and you can pay me back when you get paid" I stayed calm and said Oh thank you baby,after giving her the information I hung up the phone and shouted YES! with 2 hours to go I made it, I got my Spinners and coils and they will be shipped today.
  16. I do too Uma but that is $160.00. WOW. But they are SOOOO cool!
  17. These are so cool. This is the first time I have seen them. http://www.sweet-vapes.com/index.php?option=com_virtuemart&page=shop.product_details&flypage=vmj_color_plus.tpl&Itemid=84&category_id=47&product_id=2544
  18. I put those is my cart too. They are so pretty. All of them go with my rainbow colors.
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