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Everything posted by Bebop

  1. I hate think we need a "vape hat". Like one of those beer hats.
  2. Cool, thanks Christopher. I know its a minor thing but when using a touch screen it's weird when you don't get any feedback.
  3. Sounds like another saab story.
  4. Looks pretty sexy. Very nice looking mod. I followed your link to another full review of it and looks pretty awesome. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to buy one and then come back here and show it off.
  5. Nah. The wall wart is fine. All my other bats charge just fine. Thanks though!
  6. Wow thanks for all the help guys. So I'm wracking my brain here. I'm thinking I got it wet. Didn't submerge it but the other day i was changing coils and cleaning tanks at the sink and i had put the bat down on the sink and it is quite possible it got wet. Either from splashing around or possibly sink was wet and i didn't notice. Sounds like all the signs are pointing towards moisture. I've given it a thorough cleaning and it's drying out now....we'll see....
  7. Yes sir, it does I went to the link you provided. When I pick a menu item, if it has a drop down, I get an underline as feedback and then a menu drop down. I randomly went all around the site through several layers and get no feedback on any selection other than the main menu.
  8. Well I tried that. Thanks for the suggestion. I didn't think of that but no luck. Guess it's a dud.
  9. But it's my silver one. The one I love. The one that doesn't looked scuffed up. Why couldn't it be one of the white ones or black ones that look like it's been through the war??..?
  10. Oh. And if I switch back to version 4.1, I get the feedback I'm looking for
  11. No big deal... I often use an iPad to access VT. Before this last update I used to get feedback from the touch screen when I selected something (a slight flash on a "button" when I selected anything - log in, select a forum or post etc). Now I get no feedback at all. It selects the item correctly but I can't tell from any feedback that I've selected something. Doesn't seem to be the iPad itself. Thanks
  12. Okay. When it works I love the Spinner. I have a relatively newish Vision Spinner. Aside from it having the known charging issue (stops mid charging), I have a new issue. It does the same thing on several chargers and the chargers all charge other batteries just fine so it's not a charger issue. When I plug in the battery, the on off flashes normally and then lights up amber and stays lit. The charger changes green as if done charging. I disconnect battery and reconnect. Same thing, steady amber light. And it will sit there for hours with no change. If I disconnect the battery it will do nothing. I can't turn it on, it doesn't flash, nothing. This battery is only a couple months old. It has seen normal use in rotation and never been dropped, exposed to water etc. It is a mystery. Any ideas? The Spinner has always been good to me but with the charging problems and now this I'm getting ready to jump ship, lol. Maybe it found out I just bought a Joye 1300 twist?
  13. Yeah, what Tam said. . Evrr been in a sauna? You can see the water vapor in the air. We can definitely breathe a certain amount without problem.
  14. I agree with Tam. A clone does not automatically mean crap gear. Also, keep in mind we have a lot of people trying new things and new gear who dont know what they are doing, frankly, and are quick to put up a bad review and blame equipment when it is their own lack of knowledge that is the real culprit. Im inclined to dismiss bad reviews unless it's overwhelming and not balanced. A few bad reviews means nothing and in the case of popular gear it could even be more "bad reviews" than expected. I figure for every bad review you gotta think over half and probably more are user error.
  15. Yeah, Im just surprised because I have never run across 100% vg that is that thin. By the way, nothing is 100% Vg technically. Flavoring alone in a 100% vg mix runs about 35% by volume and typical flavoring are proprietary so finding out what they are made of is nearly impossible...
  16. Highbrow vapor is having a 20% off everything sale til Monday. No code needed. Enjoy
  17. Are you sure it's not 100% pg? It definitely shouldn't be as thin as water. Something not right there. Even the stuff I use which is 70% vg is syrup like.
  18. Bad or knock off coils, or knock off Nautilus. Or you have some fundamental error in assembly. Where did you get the tank and coils?
  19. Tam knows ALL the drip tip links and they are awesome! Ok, Rixter - those are freakin nice and they now go on my list! I do not like metal tips and I replace all of my metal tips.
  20. Yeah I don't miss them at all. I just feel too good now. And the thought of smoking again is so unappealing it's a wonder I ever did smoke.
  21. It wouldn't hurt to cycle them a time or two. I've been doing the same thing ever since I started using my batteries. I charge them whenever I want. I don't care how much or how little I use them. I top them off after an hour or I run them down to flashing. I haven't noticed a bit of difference.
  22. I made the same promise, Jonnoh. Since I quit smoking I don't associate with smokers very much. Probably because they are all vapers now, lol. In that, I am lucky. But I have to say, since I quit, cigarette smoke is one of the most offensive things I've experienced and I have to cut non smokers some slack. I never realized how bad it really was. But I refuse to get all up in their face (smokers) cuz I remember what it was like. Now I just avoid it, which is pretty easy since you can't smoke ANYWHERE any more. A good friend of mine struggled with vaping and smoking for a year. He told me today he hasn't had a ciggy since some time in the summer. He finally found a juice and mod combo that does it for him. He looked happy. And I was happy for him.
  23. I have good luck with 65 - 70% but I feel like I'm pushing it in a Nautilus.
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