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Everything posted by Bebop

  1. No, not yet. Doesnt surprise me though. It's changing fast places popping up left and right
  2. This one should get an award - vaping to cows tongue in like 12 posts.......and no assist from Spydre, lol
  3. Uh....the drip tip IS removable Details as to how it works are hard to get as it is not released yet but Im sure we will hear all abuout it soon
  4. Yup. Good for you. And when you're able to drop your nic levels even further you'll notice another jump in flavor
  5. Start with a new coil. All of those conditions you describe could be caused by a faulty coil. That's the easiest place to start. And make sure your coil is seated firmly
  6. I just tried this juice this weekend. Most amazing pineapple taste. Awesome juice
  7. Let me guess, you've got a mansion with a grotto where you keep all those gorgeous mods, don'tcha Imedic?
  8. I can see we're going to have to start a Sunday football thread in the lounge, lol Tap, you married smart ;-)
  9. Once in a great while I will vape one flavor all day, but that's rare I usually will switch out flavors 2 - 4 per day. Sometimes I will retire a flavor for a week or more. It's always nice to come back to a flavor after a week or more off.
  10. Hmmmm...that reminds me, I'm switching to cactus cooler now
  11. I have never been a huge sweet eater, but I've definitely noticed that I've cut down on sweets since I started vaping
  12. Sorry cheese heads, Niners will take this one today! Good game!
  13. First opinion - it's the juice. EC Blends may not be for you even though others will like them We all go through this. It's VERY subjective. You really have no other choice but to experiment. Pg carries more flavor generally than Vg as a guiding rule. I have experienced the same thing with other vendors. The best solution is to find a local juice maker that you can try out juices before you buy. Other than that it's hit or miss. MY favorites after a LOT of experimenting are: Lush Vapor The Vaping Monkey Fuzion Vapes Vape dudes But even then, it's hit or miss. For ME those companies have the highest percentage of good strong juice flavors. I cannot help you beyond that
  14. Joe2003 advice is good. I think you will notice an improvement with new coils. 50/50 is a little thick but should be fine with a properly working coil
  15. All of the above. None chronic, all acute IMO, not all caused by vaping but in combination with quiting smoking. Voice - if i'm talking while vaping I get this afterward bit it subsides. If you talk and vape a lot this could be more of a problem. Vaping dehydrates you more than you think! I dont think any extensive studies have been done on vaping side effects, partly because it is difficult to distinguish vaping side effects from quitting smoking side effects coupled with LOTS of variables i.e., nic content, pg/vg ratios, vaper quantity and quality etc. Keep your own council on this and listen to your own body. And by all means share aand explore this area with other vapers but you will not find anything "official" out there
  16. Or, it leaks for no darn good reason - which is actually a wick problem but that leads to flooding and then a rebuild so same difference Coils will also change resistance as they wear so you get different performance/vapor productiin issues too
  17. Oh yeah. It counts. You're going to make a lot of people happy
  18. It sounds like 2 things 1) you are cranking up the voltage too high for that coil (1.8) on that coil I would expect you to taste burnt at 3.6 or higher. You may have also permanently burnt your coil/wick at too high a voltage and no amount of cleaning or dry burning is going to fix that once the coil is burnt. In that device I would recommend 2.5ohm coils 2) different juices have different flow rates. You don't specify what juice you have and you may not know. Continually hitting a "slow" juice at high voltage will produce dry hits and too many dry hits will burn that coil and lead to problem 1. Dry burning is a very quick process and used very sparingly if needed at all. I suspect you have burnt your coil. The battery device sounds like its working properly
  19. This keeping up with the Jones's is killing me. :-) Ordered 4 more Davides because my trusty T2's just seem so sad now... That's not totally true. T2 is a solid performer
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