Believe me. You sound like you're ready. No worries. Take it at your own pace. In a short time you'll be free of that habit and you'll be amazed. You're just going to go thru a little withdrawals but you'll come out ok.
I haven't seen any verified reports of drug test failures due to vaping. The only substance questionable with vaping is alcohol metabolites. Some liquids contain alcohol related ingredients that could possibly show but the quantities are so low and metabolizes so fast. I'm assuming since it's UA that they aren't looking for alcohol. Worst case 24 hours for alcohol otherwise no worries. This is only a slightly educated opinion.
Welcome! You wont regret it. My wife and I quit at the same time but that was after months of discussing it. We are still going strong almost 10 months later.
Good luck
Next step up are the Evods, Kanger T2, Kanger MT3S
That said "thick and flavorful" are very much dependent on the juice as well. Maybe moreso than all of the above.
Until you go up to tanks and dripping atomizers