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Everything posted by Bebop

  1. I like that it's pyrex and I like that coil design. It could potentially taste like a dripper.
  2. The 30s has a rep around here of being inconsistent. I personally thought they were terrible on vapor production. Nothing beats the davide in my opinion
  3. Might try a couple out. I didnt see the juice capacity marked.
  4. Wow, they look promising. Only question is are they rebuildable and how much are the coils?
  5. As I understand it, any product manufactured after 2007 will have to undergo a testing/evaluation approval process in order for it to be allowed to be marketed. Since that will take time and $$$, manufacturers will be allowed to continue selling their products as long as they initiate the process with an application for approval. That approval process could take years. Because this will involve fees, research costs, scientific evaluations, and probably legal and liability costs I would expect costs to jump significantly very shortly. Then there's the tax man coming right behind that. I think the "Gold Rush" days are numbered if not over. There is good news. The vaping market is here to stay. It will prob never be the same but it will be legitimized. Bottom line it will be "expensive" to vape unless you "grow your own".
  6. Interesting. So who are the big ecig companies that will survive this? Sounds like within 2 years big tobacco will own the market, costs will double or triple and just about all the small guys will either have sold out to big tobacco or folded. There most certainly will be an underground market. People will continue to build their own mods and so forth.
  7. There is something you don't understand. These statements do not contradict one another..
  8. Fadora makes a pretty true cherry sucker. Not my thing but tastes just like 'em.
  9. Oh ****, this could be ugly...
  10. Dirtbag... Scumbag... I dont know, showerbag sounds kinda nice....
  11. That's what I wanna know....what's a showerbag?
  12. Lol. I just looked in on mobile. It looks like a jumble. I swear it makes sense folks.
  13. Needle Nominal Outer Diameter Nominal Inner Diameter Nominal Wall Thickness Gauge inches mm tol. inches (mm) inches mm tol. inches (mm) inches mm tol. inches (mm) 16 0.065 1.651 ±0.0005 (±0.013) 0.047 1.194 ±0.0015 (±0.038) 0.009 0.229 ±0.0005 (±0.013) 17 0.058 1.473 ±0.0005 (±0.013) 0.042 1.067 ±0.0015 (±0.038) 0.008 0.203 ±0.0005 (±0.013) 18 0.050 1.270 ±0.0005 (±0.013) 0.033 0.838 ±0.0015 (±0.038) 0.0085 0.216 ±0.0005 (±0.013) 19 0.042 1.067 ±0.0005 (±0.013) 0.027 0.686 ±0.0015 (±0.038) 0.0075 0.191 ±0.0005 (±0.013) 20 0.03575 0.9081 ±0.00025 (±0.0064) 0.02375 0.603 ±0.00075 (±0.019) 0.006 0.1524 ±0.00025 (±0.0064) So, it looks like roughly 1/32
  14. Duct tape?? Lol. Never thought I'd see duct tape come in to play on vaping.
  15. You could just get a 510 carto like a Boge and drip with that. It may be a little old school with the modern rebuild able Dripping Atomizers but it's simple and gets you started.
  16. The manufacturing tolerances and quality control for coils is a bit sketchy. I have had brand new coils come out of the package shorted out (0 ohm). It's not unheard of. Sometimes you can take them apart and see where the coil itself is touching some metal and find the short. A little fiddling with a toothpick or needle can take care of a short sometimes. Don't be afraid to pull it apart and investigate. If it's your own build then you've got a short somewhere or loose connection coil to post.
  17. No offense intended. The reason you don't know which is the better buy for you is BECAUSE you don't know the basics. And you also don't understand the application of the two different devices. You are comparing apples and oranges and asking which is better. The problem is, you don't know yet if you want an apple or an orange. You also haven't even mentioned what kind of topper you are going to put on that device. So again you are trying to make a decision with only half of the equation. Ask yourself this. Would you jump in to the deep end before your first swim lesson? Do your research. Look at all the basic ways of vaping. Look at the effort and involvement of each way. Compare that with what you want out of vaping. Don't be afraid to start off simple and work your way up. But know before you go. Good luck on your research.
  18. Yeah. You need to do some homework. Read the pinned articles thoroughly. A basic understanding of electronics wouldn't hurt. And I mean basic. Don't freak out.
  19. Not just about contact. Those pins and threads have to be clean as well. In all these devices, the pins and threads are subject to juice and that means dirt build up, corrosions, poor contact. Also, a submerged or wet coil will read differently than a dry coil. These are the main reasons your device is not as reliable for reading ohms.
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