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Bebop last won the day on April 3 2020

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About Bebop

  • Birthday July 12

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    Music, Art, Family, Bitchen cars, the usual stuff

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  1. I don’t even know what day or time it is.... I'm in Florida now. It’s pretty much stay at home. All but “essential” businesses are closed, schools and malls closed. But there are still a lot of people out and about. Lots of masks. It’s weird. I personally am devistated. I am a music teacher full time no more. I’m building up an on-line business on the side. My wife is lucky, she gets to work from home and it’s saving us. There are a few reports of cases in my area but it’s mostly southeast, Miami area hit the hardest. My new hobby is fishing. There is a lot of time for that. Most in my family are doing fine and can work from home. We’ll all get thru this but it looks like another month at least. I really feel for the families suffering thru this. There are many not so lucky and deeply impacted by this. Hang in there, folks. We’ll make it. I don’t know a single person afflicted with the disease but bless them all.
  2. It's a little frustrating. I cant find anything describes details but it appears it's just for vaping retailers in New Jersey and probably includes on line activity with any retailers operating inside New Jersey. learn to make your own juice. It's pretty good and not hard to do and WAY cheaper. WAY.
  3. this product and coil is designed for CBD. Is that what you want?
  4. one whole county in my area has now banned ALL vape products (for sale)
  5. So glad you made it back and off the stickies!
  6. That's right. These commercials are just a regurgitation of the fake news stories.
  7. Boy, the anti-vaping commercials are poring it on thick in my parts. It's outrageous and qualifies as fake news
  8. yikes! well, it may be 0 nic for me soon, anyway. My wife and I are down to 1.5mg now anyway but if they do the same for flavoring......grrrrrrrrrrr
  9. whoa! I can barely reply I'm laughing so hard.
  10. beautiful... criminals, all. this is outrageous thanks for posting!
  11. Haha. I remember that we've had our share of geniuses.
  12. people might be hacking their cartridges too, with whatever they can find in the kitchen cupboard......
  13. The latest CDC report 26 dead and 1200 ill. but then they say only 75% confirmed THC. so, what, the other 25% are liars?...... of course, I'm being facetious, I have no doubt that some of the deaths may have involved vapers with pre-existing health issues and were nowhere near THC. but I wouldn't be surprised if the numbers are fudged here. I just watched a news interview with a couple who's college age daughter got I'll "by vaping" - 5 minutes of the girl's parents professing the innocence of their sweet little girl and when the interviewer pressed further, "oh well, there was that one time when we caught her vaping THC but we believe her that she is not doing it now"......right..... I don't want it to seem like I have no sympathy for these people who are actually suffering from this. I do. It's a terrible tragedy. But the truth will set us free (get ti the bottom if this). Is that too much to ask?
  14. California is much like Michigan in that regard. It's appaling. I'm glad to be leaving. I've been here my whole life and I love the state but it's politics are out of control now and it's entirely too far left for my moderate tastes. I feel a great deal of sympathy for those who may have benefitted from the vaping movement and will now likely struggle. The push to drive it underground will no doubt create tragedies to come. I will help as many others as I can, but geez, the bureaucracy is reactionary and misguided. pisses me off too.
  15. oh yeah, why aren't we banning sugar? why aren't we banning coffee? forgive me chocolate lovers! ...and mocha lovers (guilty as charged, your honor)
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